I'm not seeing any difference before the patch and after. People say that archers got nerfed, but just moments ago this one archer took over 80% of my health with one shot. I'm thick gothic plated knight and very confused by this new "nerf" patch thing.
Archers didn't get nerfed, I'm still too easily getting killed by them, and their amount is still increasing. In the game I started arguing about this, but got just comments like "this is just a game", "stfu" and so on.
Well I must admit that this is game, but games are made to be played, and "fuckheads" like me, who wants something to be changed is something, what you see everyday.
Only difference is that theres like a lot of people like me, who demands the archer nerf. Shielders are crying that "take a shield", or "go to cover". It's much easier said than done. I myself won't even think about starting to hide behind a shield or spend most of time in covers... All 2handers are fucked up untill you are not in biggest pile, where archer most likely will only kill their teammates.
In battles, where there is like 10-20 players, archers just DOMINATE the battlefield. These one man armies can easily take out the whole opposite team just by running and shooting.
I'm okay with bodkins to pierce armor(leather, chain), but not okay with the idea that it pierces plated armor. Arrows just doesn't have the power to do that. I'm okay with lances, cav and crossbowmen, but these fucking archers just keep coming and killing. For example, what happened around 30min ago. One archer left, 4 two-handers left, Archer keeps running, shoots me first(gothic plate), then comes guys from Nord clan with heavy kuyaks, both gets one shotted(yes, the battle was fierce with meleers, but I had like over half of my hp left) and lastly the other plated guy who also gets one shotted.
I don't know, if you got the idea, but it's here. For meleers IT'S IMPOSSIBLE to beat archers untill these fuckers go melee, which rarely happens. Battles like 5 two-handers versus 1-2 archers are always owned by those archers.