
Tydeus admining

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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #45 on: January 25, 2013, 05:06:36 pm »
I don't even think this admin has read the rules.  He banned me on NA today for some made up version of leeching.


Atleast I'm not the only one.

Questionable admin decisions, although I do like that he actively enforces rules. Jimmies get rustled a tad easier than others.

8/10 would QQ again
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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #46 on: January 27, 2013, 01:29:26 am »
Kicked me on NA3 while I was waiting for a strat battle.  I was just standing there and he didn't even fight in the strat battle.  Had to ask another admin why I was kicked because Tydeus would not even tell me why I was kicked.  The other admin said he said I knew what I did. Didn't know waiting for a strat battle on Na3 was against the rules.

Shouldnt be hard to warn or even tell me if i was doing wrong.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 01:54:47 am by Goretooth »
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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #47 on: February 07, 2013, 11:29:16 pm »
If he goes by Semenstorm_Bigoli, he has randomly kicked me several times with no reasons given, almost every time he gets on. He also ignores most of the teamwounding going on in the server and instead kicks/bans people based on his own personal grievances or at his clan members bidding. I apologize if I have the wrong guy or am posting in the wrong topic.
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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #48 on: February 11, 2013, 01:09:16 am »

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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #49 on: February 16, 2013, 06:48:41 am »

 "While he may have started the issues..."
 "He" (his friend?) didnt get kicked or banned. But i got kicked and banned..

 No need more words.

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Re: Locking down your own fief to prevent an attack
« Reply #50 on: March 31, 2013, 07:40:53 am »
I'm fairly sure I replied to you more than once. But here's the rub: What exactly do you want us to do? It's a complaint about a problem that happened months ago that is based only off of what you said and that one other admin was in the server when it happened, and at the time the admin in question didn't seem to think it was important enough to say anything about it, or post about it on our private admin forums. We can't check the logs from that time period because they were broken, but even if we could, you waited over a month to raise your voice over the issue and couldn't direct us to a specific timeframe anyway.

Talking with the admins who were there, the supposed culprit and the witness, didn't result in much. What do you want to have happen, someone to lose admin over such a nebulous claim? We can't do anything about your issue because there's nothing real to base action upon. If we didn't respond, it was because we had nothing further to say.

I'll ask you kindly to drop the issue and I am letting you know that I'll do my best to keep an eye on all the admins and try to curb situations like this as/before the arise.

Edit for clarity: The strat issue that's actually at hand in this thread is still valid and you guys are very welcome not to drop it, as it should still be addressed, there's just nothing the NA admins can do, and until/unless the devs respond, nothing will happen.
Just amazed you let your admins abuse the system without warning or punishment and yet my witness you say is another admin. I mean I would like to know why I was kicked is that too much to ask? He won't tell me nor will you. I can just be simply kicked without warning or reason is what you are telling me? at any moment for just waiting for a strat battle to start. I will not drop it until I get some real answers as to why I was kicked and why he won't tell me I why I was kicked.

Guess other admins that witnessed it and remembered what happened aren't real enough to base anything on lol
I find Goretooth getting upvotes by FCC in this thread should say something as well. They have probably felt the abuse I have from the same admins and ignoring us and later sayhing "Oh well you waited too long." while reporting it months ago like this the thread below.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 08:08:43 am by Goretooth »
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
Tydeus - Nord EU Scum - Hates adminning

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Re: Re: Locking down your own fief to prevent an attack
« Reply #51 on: March 31, 2013, 09:26:21 am »
Just amazed you let your admins abuse the system without warning or punishment and yet my witness you say is another admin.

For the record, this happened when Shik was still technically in charge. Him deferring all responsibility to me didn't mean that I realized was in charge of every part of managing NA administration, or that I'm any more capable of finding out what happened.

No one is "letting my" admins abuse the system, this is a scenario without straight answers. It would be extreme to - do what, exactly? Deadmin Tydeus? Based on one player report with one admin corroborating to some degree (only that the deed happened, not that it was necessarily unjustified) and no other proof? I'll ask him about it again, but don't be surprised if nothing changes.

I mean I would like to know why I was kicked is that too much to ask? He won't tell me nor will you. I can just be simply kicked without warning or reason is what you are telling me? at any moment for just waiting for a strat battle to start. I will not drop it until I get some real answers as to why I was kicked and why he won't tell me I why I was kicked.

I won't tell you because I can't tell you, I know hardly anything about the incident, despite talking with both of the admins that were there. I don't know why he won't tell you, but supposedly you "know what you did", I guess that was an incorrect assumption on his part.

If admins are kicking people without cause, then no, I absolutely won't allow that to go on. It is difficult to uphold the rules if the people being punished under them don't understand why they're being punished. If they refuse to understand, though, they're still subject to being punished.

There's no actual indication that the admin acted unduly, despite the testimony you and the other admin have given. 

Guess other admins that witnessed it and remembered what happened aren't real enough to base anything on lol

What he said was as indeterminate as what you are saying for actually proving this as a case of abuse.

I find Goretooth getting upvotes by FCC in this thread should say something as well. They have probably felt the abuse I have from the same admins and ignoring us and later sayhing "Oh well you waited too long." while reporting it months ago like this the thread below.


You didn't report an incident in November until late January, that makes it more difficult to understand and deal with. There's no way to see for certain what actually happened, and as such I won't take action because to do so otherwise would be irrational. Discussing the matter, as we found out, didn't help us get to the bottom of it.

Now would you please take this unrelated issue elsewhere besides the strategus issues board?

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Re: Re: Locking down your own fief to prevent an attack
« Reply #52 on: March 31, 2013, 09:46:30 am »
For the record, this happened when Shik was still technically in charge. Him deferring all responsibility to me didn't mean that I realized was in charge of every part of managing NA administration, or that I'm any more capable of finding out what happened.

No one is "letting my" admins abuse the system, this is a scenario without straight answers. It would be extreme to - do what, exactly? Deadmin Tydeus? Based on one player report with one admin corroborating to some degree (only that the deed happened, not that it was necessarily unjustified) and no other proof? I'll ask him about it again, but don't be surprised if nothing changes.

I won't tell you because I can't tell you, I know hardly anything about the incident, despite talking with both of the admins that were there. I don't know why he won't tell you, but supposedly you "know what you did", I guess that was an incorrect assumption on his part.

If admins are kicking people without cause, then no, I absolutely won't allow that to go on. It is difficult to uphold the rules if the people being punished under them don't understand why they're being punished. If they refuse to understand, though, they're still subject to being punished.

There's no actual indication that the admin acted unduly, despite the testimony you and the other admin have given. 

What he said was as indeterminate as what you are saying for actually proving this as a case of abuse.

You didn't report an incident in November until late January, that makes it more difficult to understand and deal with. There's no way to see for certain what actually happened, and as such I won't take action because to do so otherwise would be irrational. Discussing the matter, as we found out, didn't help us get to the bottom of it.

Now would you please take this unrelated issue elsewhere besides the strategus issues board?
Find out why and why he won't tell me. Strange that you talked to him about it already and still haven't got those answered. I didn't say deadmin him or remove his admin. "Know what you did" is a great answer btw. If that is the only answer he will you give I hope you would do more then just ignore me on steam. If not then maybe you should step down and let another do a better job.
I took it to five admins. Only two replied that they would contact you and Tydeus and all I got was silence since January and you asking two questions on steam and then nothing more.

You have already answered and proven that he has kicked me on NA3 and another admin saw it happen and the only answer you got was "know what you did." The other admin who saw it pmed Tydues about it months ago and also got no reply. Guess Tydues barely checks the forums and his pms or is to lazy to send a pm?

I dunno. I was playing with him today, and he seems to be pretty uptight.

In the battle server, he ended up going so far as to shoot me (TK) after I admittedly bumped him by mistake while trying to defend him from incoming range (with my horse even). And this is after a string of events where he shoots arrows into my back (friendly fire).

He said it was a mistake, and he thought that I was the other rider (that was trying to kill him), but besides the same horse, we looked nothing alike.

I'm dubious as to how he gained his power as an admin, and I'm not going to the dev decision to make him an NA admin, but the fact I'm bringing this up should speak against this player as an admin.

I do not believe that revenge TK is justified under any circumstances (especially if it's in the next round after the fact), and it's shameful to have an administrator blatantly use his power to prevent others from kicking him.

Smooth, your points are valid, but they do not exemplify what an admin should be: tolerant, well mannered, and mature. This recount of kicking someone from duels just because he didn't like the way they carried out a duel does not - in any way - warrant a kick, or any use of admin power.

I don't care if you have a shitty day, you don't take it out on the people you serve. Administration is a service to the community, not a baton to play with and swing when you're pissed. If you're having a shitty day, don't fucking play video games. Go to the gym or something productive.
Guess i'm not the only one.
Guess who Farfel is
i was on NA_CRPG-3 dueling and no one was complaining that i threw lances in the fight since throwers are slow in close combat, but i managed well. I dueled Farfel and he starts whining that i shouldn't use lances unless agreed upon so I'm like wtf? I'm a thrower and he's a 2h. It's more than fair for me to be able to throw. Next duel with him he kicks me. i come back and poll a kick for him due to admin abuse and he bans me not even letting the chance for my comrades to have their opinion on this. I declare admin abuse and that he be scowled at due to this recklessness. The classes are balanced so it's supposed to be used to it's utmost advantage. Do you guys agree with me or what?



If he goes by Semenstorm_Bigoli, he has randomly kicked me several times with no reasons given, almost every time he gets on. He also ignores most of the teamwounding going on in the server and instead kicks/bans people based on his own personal grievances or at his clan members bidding. I apologize if I have the wrong guy or am posting in the wrong topic.
Semenstorm_Bigoli is Tydeus btw  :mrgreen:
« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 10:45:23 am by Goretooth »
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
Tydeus - Nord EU Scum - Hates adminning

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Re: Re: Locking down your own fief to prevent an attack
« Reply #53 on: March 31, 2013, 04:14:10 pm »
Find out why and why he won't tell me. Strange that you talked to him about it already and still haven't got those answered. I didn't say deadmin him or remove his admin. "Know what you did" is a great answer btw. If that is the only answer he will you give I hope you would do more then just ignore me on steam. If not then maybe you should step down and let another do a better job.
I took it to five admins. Only two replied that they would contact you and Tydeus and all I got was silence since January and you asking two questions on steam and then nothing more.

You have already answered and proven that he has kicked me on NA3 and another admin saw it happen and the only answer you got was "know what you did." The other admin who saw it pmed Tydues about it months ago and also got no reply. Guess Tydues barely checks the forums and his pms or is to lazy to send a pm?

I didn't mean to imply that the answer I got was as mysterious as the apparent circumstances of your kick supposedly seemed to you. The fact that you were kicked does not mean that it was unjustly deserved.

We looked into it, I looked into it. That's not much I can do, in the end, because there's no indication that I should take any further action, even one as simple as addressing another admin's actions by talking to him about it. I have, incidentally, been trying to addess you and your complaints, yet in spite of politely asking you to drop a four month old issue or at least take it where it belongs you won't stop raising a stink over it in the wrong place. I can only guarantee that I'll keep an eye out for future circumstances.

I did talk to Tydeus again, though.

Quote from: Tydeus
What I remember and told shik when he asked about it, is that goretooth was was running around on the duel server blocking the movement of players that were actively participating in duels. I warned him, then he started doing it to me, so I gave him a short ban, just long enough to keep him out of the strat battle that was about to happen. He says "even though another NA admin witnessed it" where the other NA Admin... after Goretooth was banned, entered into a cav duel(with whom I forget), and started riding into me and my opponents with his horse. I don't mean this happened once or twice, this entire thing happened over the course of about 20 minutes. In (his) case, I specifically went out of my way to seek duels in a wide range of locations to eliminate any chance that I was simply the unlucky  individual experiencing the extreme berth required in cav duels. Yet when I was certain and thus called (him) out on what he was doing in admin chat, the harassment stopped.

...as it would appear my memory was incorrect, in that I didn't even ban him, I simply kicked him from the server. Still, interesting that the 'harassment' stopped(otherwise I would have continued and actually banned him.

Since the logs from the time period were broken and and are unavailable, and since the exact time period is unknown, "November" is all you said if I recall, there's nothing more to be said. If you have any further concerns take it to where it belongs, the admin feedback board.

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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #54 on: March 31, 2013, 05:52:25 pm »
I was standing there not moving waiting for a strat battle like I always do. Everyone knows that I just stand still in NA3 before all strat battles. What he told you is completely false, did he actually say I was riding around on a horse? And I wasn't banned I was kicked.
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #55 on: March 31, 2013, 10:59:54 pm »
I was standing there not moving waiting for a strat battle like I always do. Everyone knows that I just stand still in NA3 before all strat battles. What he told you is completely false, did he actually say I was riding around on a horse? And I wasn't banned I was kicked.

You're still pursuing internet justice for a simple kick given to you in January (or even earlier?).

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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #56 on: April 01, 2013, 08:01:44 am »
You're still pursuing internet justice for a simple kick given to you in January (or even earlier?).

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Gore is the c-RPG elephant, he never forgets.

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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #57 on: April 01, 2013, 08:10:47 am »
Gore is the c-RPG elephant, he never forgets.
Ganner is correct and also man enough to admit mistakes and own up to them. Doubt Tydeus will do the same.
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #58 on: April 01, 2013, 08:36:14 am »
Ganner is correct and also man enough to admit mistakes and own up to them. Doubt Tydeus will do the same.
I do this when necessary, yet there was no mistake here and thus nothing to apologize for. Tell you what though, as soon as you apologize for all the grievances you caused when you had admin, I'll apologize to you for whatever made-up action you want. I mean, if you're going to go back 6 months for a measly kick, we might as well go back two years for the mass bans you unjustly issued. Of course, I'll personally be expecting an apology from you.

This is the last you'll hear from me on this subject, as I try to stay clear of drama/QQ threads.

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Re: [NA] Tydeus
« Reply #59 on: April 01, 2013, 08:43:03 am »
I do this when necessary, yet there was no mistake here and thus nothing to apologize for. Tell you what though, as soon as you apologize for all the grievances you caused when you had admin, I'll apologize to you for whatever made-up action you want. I mean, if you're going to go back 6 months for a measly kick, we might as well go back two years for the mass bans you unjustly issued. Of course, I'll personally be expecting an apology from you.

This is the last you'll hear from me on this subject, as I try to stay clear of drama/QQ threads.

:mrgreen: I'l apologize to the mass banned victims of LLJK which I later joined after doing.  Glad you are sticking to the past with admins abusing their powers guess you don't want to be an admin for long nor change. Guess the reason for you kicking me was a mass banning that happened two years ago on different servers?

I mean I find it funny you won't talk about what happened and why you kicked me. Instead you talk about something I did two years ago which you weren't involved in. If you wanna talk about what happened two years ago or why you kicked me i'm game. If you wanna go hide again go ahead it's your choice but I ain't going anywhere nor will I stop seeking justice for this.
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
Tydeus - Nord EU Scum - Hates adminning