Thanks for your answer, effectively i misread, but it's still confusing...
So with this new input that will be :
50 horses - 50 crates : 180% (or 130%)
51 horses - 50 crates : 85%
So we need a full load to have no penalty, but i don't understand why more horses than crates will slow you down? (In terms of gameplay not of realism ofc)
Anyway if i can go 180% speed it's all good!
Btw, thx for the hard work you did to make this version of strat more enjoyable for everybody, some of us are disapointed because it takes time to put everything in place, but once wealth will be create by trade and craft, once clan will have take all fief, i'm sur that the game will be more enjoyable that old strat version.
Old strat was more a battle generator than a strategic wargame, now there is many more factor, it might need some tweak and new feature but i can see that final goal is way better, one more time you made great job.
About clan, i think ppl should low their claims, you can have 40 members but if only 10 are active for micro management, then you should have claims for 10 not 40, or you need a good organization (like Drz)