Exactly. Nerf throwing which is ridiculously OP atm and you'll see less shielders on the battlefield. Personally I would adjust prices of all ranged weapons so that the most expensive (best) ranged weapon costs around 20k (bows and xbows with ammo and throwing lances without). I would make it like this:
Basic ranged weapon (hunting xbow, hunting bow and stones): 2k
Also I would nerf those weapons (25 pierce for HXBOW, 12 cut for HBOW and 9 blunt for stones)
Higher ranked weapons I wouldn't touch stat wise but since they are much better than starter ranged gear prices will start at 8k for short bow, light xbow and darts
Higher class of ranged weapons would cost 12k (Nomad bow, xbow, francisca, war darts)
Next class would cost 15k (Khergit bow, Heavy Xbow, Javelins, Heavy Throwing Axes)
Best ranged weapons would cost 20k (Warbow/Longbow, Sniper Xbow, Jarids, Throwing Lances)
That's much better way to balance ranged than silly idea to remove crosshair. If you want to be bad ass thrower who one hits everything with his Throwing Lance you would have to pay 80k for set of 4 stacks which means you wouldn't be able to use such gear every round. Same is with armored horses, dunno why ridiculous throwing weapons get a discount.