Then learn to play?
if you have to whine vs 1hander user with all your advantage probably its you that need to learn to play
at difference of you i bring mathematics that is not an opinion.
at difference of you i not whiteknight my class, as uberskilled,
at difference of you i am objective, becouse you wanna remove onyl advantage of shielder when you have 4038608340 advantage, and this is patethic.
at difference of you i am not a huscarl user, so i am not defending my style of play
at difference of you, i can recon something OP, like your abused lolstab xant, or like steel pick 1hander user, (i tryed one yesterday 3x loomed and one shoot ppl or double shoot ppl even in plate with a 1hand weapon 102 speed 39 pierce dmg is RETARDED )
like is retarded hear str abuser+triple loomed baremace say that oneshoot ppl true a plate+shield, is skill.