Author Topic: Visit MERCILESS's clan thread!  (Read 257087 times)

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I don't like flamewars, and i don't think you do either. So lets just quit it here shall we? If we wanna keep discussing, keep the lies out and act civilized.
Nemeth didn't lie there so back off.
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
In memory of Jarlek_zeh_Blue, ruler of Ilvia

Offline Nemeth

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You don't like flame wars yet you pour more oil into the flame.

Quote from: RamsesXXIIXX
I said in admin chat about 15 min before that we were ready. Since you did not dispute anything, i believed it was all fair for you that the number had increased. Anyway, it seemed like you had enough players to simply substitute, so it seemed stupid to keep people out.

You said you were ready, but I did not notice anywhere in the chat your announcement that you will bring 50+ players into the actual battle. Based on the reaction of other people in our TS, nor did they. Next time you might want to mention that earlier than when the map goes live next round.

Quote from: RamsesXXIIXX
We did not refuse. We stated our view and then you stated yours. We then came to an agreement. If you do not like the agreement, you should not say "deal"

I specifically remember you saying that there will be no discussion on the topic of your guys evening out the number of players on the field, when we had maybe 5-6 less players than you. In the end, two of the Fallens sat out, all honor to them. I dont really unerstand why you even wanted to argue about that kind of thing. Evening out the number of players on the field, especially in a friendly clan war, seems like something that comes naturally.

I kept the lies out and I acted civilized. If you see I said something that isn't true, feel free to point it out.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 01:17:30 am by Nemeth »

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... As in using a pike/longspear on horse. Saw at least two shogunate doing it...

I find that statement rather sad and weak. I know I lanced you several times that battle, but I never expoit any bugs nor do I do show other misbehaviour. Same goes for Reelton. Other than Jackie and the two of us, there were no other shogunate cavs present.

Asides from the spam/flamewar in the later parts of the battle, I really enjoyed it. I would join again any time!  :D

Offline Thovex

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I find that statement rather sad and weak. I know I lanced you several times that battle, but I never expoit any bugs nor do I do show other misbehaviour. Same goes for Reelton. Other than Jackie and the two of us, there were no other shogunate cavs present.

Asides from the spam/flamewar in the later parts of the battle, I really enjoyed it. I would join again any time!  :D

You take it rather personal, he had not even said a name...
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Offline Torben

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Im sure that a great part of problems and misunderstandings here are due to the fact that organizing such a big event is everything but easy,  especially for the few on both sides that had all the responsibility on their shoulders.

 This was my first event of this size,  I unfortunately only made it for the first two rounds,  but I was amazed.

Thank you to everyone who made this happen.  I am sure if we keep it coming,  the organization will become a lot easier.

Yes, I know from whence I came! Discontented as a flame, Upon myself I live and glow. All I grasp like lightning flashes, All I leave behind is ashes
Flame I am - that much I know!

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Offline Thovex

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Im sure that a great part of problems and misunderstandings here are due to the fact that organizing such a big event is everything but easy,  especially for the few on both sides that had all the responsibility on their shoulders.

 This was my first event of this size,  I unfortunately only made it for the first two rounds,  but I was amazed.

Thank you to everyone who made this happen.  I am sure if we keep it coming,  the organization will become a lot easier.


It indeed was pretty terrible to organize, if we are to try it again I'm sure nobody would mind an archer limit?  :mrgreen:

Or atleast let our 24 cavalry ride together.  :lol:
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Offline Jarlek

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There were at least two people who used a pike on a horse. Jacki was the only one we got the name of and Belmont even heard about this tough he wasn't there. The other one we did not get the name of before he died, but he had similar gear as one of the Shogunate rider. This is why I said at LEAST two people where using pike on horse and since Jacki was a confirmed one I mentioned this to Belmont. Never did I mention any names before now, thanks for making us have to point your clanmate out as a cheater. I'm sure he likes it.

Also how does the fact that you lanced me several times in the battle matter? I'm sure it was really difficult for you to lance a man with a banner over his entire screen who was trying help the infantry and talk in ts at the same time. I'm sure this makes your argument really good and that Belmont gives you a medal for it.

Spoiler is for Belmont:
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This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
In memory of Jarlek_zeh_Blue, ruler of Ilvia

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Climbs to a higher part of the fence

« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 01:40:08 am by VVarlord »

Offline RamsesXXIIX

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I must say, i don't like how some of you argue.
Nemeth didn't lie there so back off.

Did i say Nemeth lied?
So that'd be a 40v27 or a 27v27.  :wink: - but oh, what if we don't want to decrease our numbers?  :o

First off. I guess you're trying to argue that since we can say "we don't want to decrease our numbers" you can say it as well. Here's a couple of things to concider:

Where Exactly did i say i insisted on decreasing our numbers? I stated my viewpoint on the matter (I did not believe there would be a big difference between 49 and 53 guys, so i would rather let everyone play and not have subs), you stated yours, we came to an agreement. Whats there to misunderstand?

There is quite a big difference in having a 53 vs 49 battle and a 27 vs 40 battle.

Another quote:
Next time no changes in last second, we stick to what we were gonna do.

You act like everything was completely settled with official papers and everything. It wasn't. The setting was friendly and pretty open to interpretation.

Either way, why so mad about losing? Everybody loses sometimes.

EDIT: More replies :P

You don't like flame wars yet you pour more oil into the flame.
You said you were ready, but I did not notice anywhere in the chat your announcement that you will bring 50+ players into the actual battle. Based on the reaction of other people in our TS, nor did they. Next time you might want to mention that earlier than when the map goes live next round.
I specifically remember you saying that there will be no discussion on the topic of your guys evening out the number of players on the field, when we had maybe 5-6 less players than you. In the end, two of the Fallens sat out, all honor to them. I dont really unerstand why you even wanted to argue about that kind of thing. Evening out the number of players on the field, especially in a friendly clan war, seems like something that comes naturally.
I kept the lies out and I acted civilized. If you see I said something that isn't true, feel free to point it out.

If that is your opinion, so be it.

Is it my responsibility to announce that? You should again remember that the setting was friendly and open. I thought you would notice it and simply add more players. That would have been the easiest and simplest solution, and also one that allowed everyone to play. Furthermore, we didn't go live next round, we had whole two rounds where we finished things up. 

I honestly didn't (and still don't) believe the 4-5 guys would make a difference, when we're talking about 50 people. If the numbers would have been in your favor, i would just have let it pass. I did nowhere say there was "no discussion" on the matter. I stated my view, you stated yours, we discussed it in TS, and we decided to let a few guys out.

Nemeth, i didn't say YOU lied. I believe you're an honest and sensible man.

Finally, a big fat +1 to Torben. This is indeed hard to organize, and some rage is inevitable.

Offline Thovex

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PM each other please.

Also, we won one of the rounds with flags, believe it or not with about 6 guys left, I guess if we had those -5 guys (Which DO make a difference, if not we can just go do a 40v27 okay?) we could have, perhaps lost much less!
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Offline Beauchamp

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i think im good at iniciating flame wars :o)
OOODDIIINVALHALLAAAAAAA on the 20th of April 2011: What I know is that... heh, eh ja how can I explain? ...deh feeling to believe in Odin is right, dat is what I say, ja?!

Offline RamsesXXIIX

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PM each other please.

Also, we won one of the rounds with flags, believe it or not with about 6 guys left, I guess if we had those -5 guys (Which DO make a difference, if not we can just go do a 40v27 okay?) we could have, perhaps lost much less!

You're right. Sorry for taking this to your thread.

Bah i blame that one on my judgement, and not on your numbers :)

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fallen has small dick
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