People who play other classes are either:
- FotM scum
- roleplaying a theme (like Ujin with that silly str shielder hybrid of his)
- don't know to play so they choose archery/xbow because it's the only class they are familiar with (Quake, UT, CS, CoD, BF, TF...)
When 2H was truly stronger than polearms there was like 80% 2H players. Make greatswords stupid easy and effective as pike is atm and you'll see everyone and their dogs running around with 2Hs on their backs. That's probably the reason why they don't wan't to buff 2H swords.
Bullshiet. Calling every non2h FoTM scum is retarded. I was a polearmer one year ago, even during the era when German GS oneshot killed me in milanese plate. I still used my pole-arms when onehanders raped everything virtually.
(Yes, I had Milanese once, but after a week I sold it back because I like my traditional look better. Much more original and cool.)
Polearms for life here, I didn't choose the path because it's overpowered. I just don't like swords in general, and this was the nice alternative. Axes baby, Axes. etc.
About stun/stagger/whatever you name it: Well, is it possible to remove/change? If yes, then I'd like to try my weapons out without it for a week or so. I never really relied, or abused the feature, (other than longspear/bamboo melee combat) so I could easily say byebye to stagger.
After the test period, it would be easy to see if pole-arms can be useful without the stun, or need some kind of a compensation to balance it out. I think we wouldn't even need that.