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Author Topic: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)  (Read 6246 times)

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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2011, 10:11:35 am »
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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2011, 10:21:10 am »
They just need to remove polestun already.

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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2011, 12:50:14 pm »
O WOE to this discussion of the OP'ness of spears (and pikes) where no-one, NO-ONE(!), speaks about the futility of the spear&shields! 'Twas a sad day indeed.

Serious time: Remove polestun for every polearm except the spears (with shield), pikes/longspear/halberd/bill and the forks/tridents. That would be nice.
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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2011, 01:25:31 pm »
If you remove polestun from spears they will become useless (except for the longspear and pike), i can agree to removing stuns from other polearms such as poleaxes, and GLA. Without polestun on my War spear it would become useless, it is already weak in comparison to LHB, but the good thing with it is that if you are lucky you can score 2 hits with a polestun, while sideswings deal no damage with only like 20 blunt or w/e it is.
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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2011, 04:54:38 pm »
remove all stunlock

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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2011, 06:00:40 pm »
Yes polestun is bs, that has been said 1000 times already and I'm sure that almost everyone agrees that is the case. Once it's possible (clientside wse?), I'm sure it will be fixed.

However... This is the kind of bullshit lobbyism that I really can't stand, I have a 1h alt and I do just as fine vs spears as vs everything else. If you can't combat spears then that's your fault - practice more, l2p or whatever you want to call it.

Handy protip (I believe this has been said already): If someone stabs your shield/heavy 1h then you will most likely have enough time to get a free hit in due to the thrust-stun/1h speed = autowin vs. most spears/pikes.

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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2011, 06:40:42 pm »
Yes polestun is bs, that has been said 1000 times already and I'm sure that almost everyone agrees that is the case. Once it's possible (clientside wse?), I'm sure it will be fixed.

However... This is the kind of bullshit lobbyism that I really can't stand, I have a 1h alt and I do just as fine vs spears as vs everything else. If you can't combat spears then that's your fault - practice more, l2p or whatever you want to call it.

Handy protip (I believe this has been said already): If someone stabs your shield/heavy 1h then you will most likely have enough time to get a free hit in due to the thrust-stun/1h speed = autowin vs. most spears/pikes.

Once again shields move slower, they don't have nearly the range, and it usually entails running into a crowd of enemies to try and kill said pikemaster.

You can easily get swung at 3 or 4 times by the time you get within striking range of a pike.

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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2011, 06:55:16 pm »
Once again shields move slower, they don't have nearly the range, and it usually entails running into a crowd of enemies to try and kill said pikemaster.

You can easily get swung at 3 or 4 times by the time you get within striking range of a pike.

And how in any way is this easier to do as a 2h...?

I would argue shielders have the easiest vs pikemen - omniblock allows them to dash into a crowd of enemies/absorb pikehits in a way 2h never will.

Pikes are support weps. That's what they do and they are naturally really good at it, but with the removal of the overhead, they are not nearly as powerful anymore.

One more protip: If you want to move faster as a shielder, fast shield + clickblock is your friend. Too many shielders suffer from the "turtle syndrome" of holding their rmb way too much.

(Besides, you completely dodged half my point, so I'm going to assume that you agree and will hit the duel server instead of whining from now on...?)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2011, 06:59:42 pm by Dezilagel »
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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2011, 07:21:49 pm »
And how in any way is this easier to do as a 2h...?

I would argue shielders have the easiest vs pikemen - omniblock allows them to dash into a crowd of enemies/absorb pikehits in a way 2h never will.

Pikes are support weps. That's what they do and they are naturally really good at it, but with the removal of the overhead, they are not nearly as powerful anymore.

One more protip: If you want to move faster as a shielder, fast shield + clickblock is your friend. Too many shielders suffer from the "turtle syndrome" of holding their rmb way too much.

(Besides, you completely dodged half my point, so I'm going to assume that you agree and will hit the duel server instead of whining from now on...?)

Well 2h has the luxury of moving faster, having better range, swinging faster, and doing more damage, so if you can block down you do have a better chance of killing a pike.

The shield does help if your on the approach and there are multiple enemies, however depending on the shield if there is more than one pike its quite easy to get a good angle and score a hit.

Lastly to anyone who said it's balanced is clearly an OP power gamer who strokes their epeen with the k/d ratio because being able to score hits at point blank with a pike is just ridiculous.

If that is the ONLY thing changes with pike and long spear weapons I would be happy, the weapon since its so long and fast should have a minimum threshold that it can score a hit so it truly becomes a support weapon and not the super melee weapon in group battles.

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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2011, 11:42:18 pm »
Well 2h has the luxury of moving faster, having better range, swinging faster, and doing more damage, so if you can block down you do have a better chance of killing a pike.

2h do not swing faster than 1h. 1h do not move slower per se than 2h, sure the shield weighs you down but unless you're carrying a steel shield or similar it shouldn't have that much of an impact. Another option is to forgo the shield entierly (which is what I've done on my 1h). Also, regarding that. You do know that having a long, heavy weapon slows you down a lot right? (And shielders don't have so much use of wearing heavy armor).

Besides, if you have trouble dealing with pikes in 1v1... Then that's really your problem.

The shield does help if your on the approach and there are multiple enemies, however depending on the shield if there is more than one pike its quite easy to get a good angle and score a hit.

Well, you know, you might actually have to turn your shield in order to face the incoming attacks. It's hard, I know.

Lastly to anyone who said it's balanced is clearly an OP power gamer who strokes their epeen with the k/d ratio because being able to score hits at point blank with a pike is just ridiculous.

Yes, by using the spin-thrust you can quite easily score hit's pointblank in a 1v1 with a pike. But when you have teammates around (which you should have, soloing with only a pike is generally not a good idea) spinthrusting is a death sentence as your "swoop" is very likely to hit a teammate thanks to the length of the weapon.

...and as said earlier, if you get beaten by pikes in 1v1 then you're really the one who's doing something very wrong.

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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2011, 12:03:07 am »
If you play on the NA servers you will see that in battle its the pikes that dominate the scoreboard.

There are those who use the long awlpike for example who are extremely good and difficult to kill 1v1.

If you put points into shield, that means you have less points to convert to get more athletics, so yes 2h and polearm users tend to be faster than their shield toting counterparts.

I really don't see how you can call these items balanced, removing the overhead I think is just the start, but you can still use the overhead on other weapons that could be classed as the same.

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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2011, 12:30:25 am »
2h do not swing faster than 1h. 1h do not move slower per se than 2h, sure the shield weighs you down but unless you're carrying a steel shield or similar it shouldn't have that much of an impact. Another option is to forgo the shield entierly (which is what I've done on my 1h). Also, regarding that. You do know that having a long, heavy weapon slows you down a lot right? (And shielders don't have so much use of wearing heavy armor).


Acutally 1hs are MUCH slower (movement) than pole/2h. This comes from 2h things.
1. Shield weight. Almost all shields weight more than a weapon, many even double the ammount. Most 2h/poles are 3-4 weight, lighter ones 2-3, with the execption of the mauls which are 7-8. In comparison. Most of the shields are 6-8 and heavy shields (huscarl, steel, heavy heater) are all 8 or above weight. In addition comes the weight of the 1h weapon which leads us too...
2. 1h weapon weight affects speed (movement) MORE than the weight of a 2h/pole. WaltF4 tested this. A weight 2 1h and a weight 2 2h on identical characters will move faster with the 2h than the 1h. This is from the engine and haven't been changed in cRPG (or at least not told by the devs). So even though 1h's are "lighter" than 2h/pole (normal 1-2, heavy 2-3) they still slow you down almost as much as 2h/pole.

Both of these things make 1h much slower than 2h/pole. The extra slowing down from just being 1h makes them almost even and the HUGE weight of shields makes it almost laughable the speed difference.

Just wanted to point this out.

PS: and to what you were saying. A 1h no shield would normally be faster or at least as fast as a 22h/pole, but would still have less damage and reach. Nvm this anyway as I was just gonna point out the different speeds.
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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2011, 12:46:02 am »
I hate pikes and would like to see them removed but sadly this is medieval war simulator so those will stay. Yeah I would really like them removed, along with ranged :D

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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2011, 12:55:58 am »
Acutally 1hs are MUCH slower (movement) than pole/2h. This comes from 2h things.
1. Shield weight. Almost all shields weight more than a weapon, many even double the ammount. Most 2h/poles are 3-4 weight, lighter ones 2-3, with the execption of the mauls which are 7-8. In comparison. Most of the shields are 6-8 and heavy shields (huscarl, steel, heavy heater) are all 8 or above weight. In addition comes the weight of the 1h weapon which leads us too...

Yep, but then having your weight put into your shield is beneficial since it stuns your opponent for longer when you block (thrusting a shielder who knows what he's doing just nets him a free hit). Also, 6 weight (knightly heather, which is what I'd use as an offensive shielder) is not that much, and can (should) be compensated for by using lighter armor - after all, armor is not as useful to a shielder (this is from personal experience).

2. 1h weapon weight affects speed (movement) MORE than the weight of a 2h/pole. WaltF4 tested this. A weight 2 1h and a weight 2 2h on identical characters will move faster with the 2h than the 1h. This is from the engine and haven't been changed in cRPG (or at least not told by the devs). So even though 1h's are "lighter" than 2h/pole (normal 1-2, heavy 2-3) they still slow you down almost as much as 2h/pole.

Yeah, forgot about this. I don't know the exact formula, but considering that 2h/poles are generally heavier and much longer (I think paul was the one who said that weapon length has a big impact on running speed) I doubt that in the end 1h would be equally "heavy".

PS: and to what you were saying. A 1h no shield would normally be faster or at least as fast as a 22h/pole, but would still have less damage and reach.

With the increasing amount of loomed armor, I find that the headhits from my 1h alt's animations makes him kill heavily armed foes just as fast (in as many hits) as my pole main. Hardcore tincans are actually faster to kill for my 1h.

Also, the increased blocking skill makes the speed/similar looking animations of the 1h more powerful than ever. 1h maces are wonderful tools for killing skilled players.

But as you said, that is beside the point.


In the end, I can't really believe your claim that "1hs are MUCH slower" than 2h is true.

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Re: (EZ MODE) Please address polearm stabs (Mainly spear/pikes)
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2011, 01:36:13 am »
Yep, but then having your weight put into your shield is beneficial since it stuns your opponent for longer when you block (thrusting a shielder who knows what he's doing just nets him a free hit). Also, 6 weight (knightly heather, which is what I'd use as an offensive shielder) is not that much, and can (should) be compensated for by using lighter armor - after all, armor is not as useful to a shielder (this is from personal experience).
"Weapon stun" comes from blocking a weapon that weighs more than yours. Blocking with a shield never creates "weapon stun". What you are talking about is the "stab stun" which comes from someone blocking your stab. It is a longer recovery for that, regardless of what weapon you use and what blocked you (possible exception of hitting ground/objects). And 6 weight (WITHOUT a weapon mind) is still almost three (3!) times as heavy as the greatswords. There are NO 2h that weights more than the LIGHT shields apart from the mauls. And the Medium/heavy shields are all more weight except the Great Maul which is heavier than the medium shields and the same/less than the heavy shields. The weight difference is just so big, you clearly can see that? Having lighter armour is a must, which is kinda unfair since you still have it release the block and your shield being completely transparent to attack.

Yeah, forgot about this. I don't know the exact formula, but considering that 2h/poles are generally heavier and much longer (I think paul was the one who said that weapon length has a big impact on running speed) I doubt that in the end 1h would be equally "heavy".
They wouldn't be equally "heavy", I mentioned that. But add in that you have a shield that already makes you weight 3-4 times as much as a 2h, it really is imbalancing to the movement speed. We can all agree that it is not needed anymore, can we?

With the increasing amount of loomed armor, I find that the headhits from my 1h alt's animations makes him kill heavily armed foes just as fast (in as many hits) as my pole main. Hardcore tincans are actually faster to kill for my 1h.
I agree. The mace is a wonderful weapon to fight tincans with and with a daring facehug making it easier to do the "knockdown, hit, kick and get third hit free" 1h's can be better to take tincans. But they still do overall less damage and the loomed armour gives 2h, and to a less degree poles, a better chance since they have higher base damage and thus gain more from PS AND have a less chance to glance. What I posted about earlier (the sweetspot of the animations) is still an issue and should really be the same for all weapon categories. Different topic btw, so if you wanna continue discuss that, let's make a new thread.

Also, the increased blocking skill makes the speed/similar looking animations of the 1h more powerful than ever. 1h maces are wonderful tools for killing skilled players.

But as you said, that is beside the point.
True. Maces are awesome anti-tincan. This is something they are together with morningstar and bec. The designated tincan opener. On a realistic view, they were also made for that exact purpose. To try to negate the protection armour gave and to get a cheap, fast and efficient anti-armour weapon. In-game they are also balanced by being short (70/71) and doing low damage (highest is Iberian mace with 28, almost nothing compared to it's equivalent weapons and compare it to the Studded Warclub, a cheap 2, it's almost the same for the high tier 1h as the bottom tier 2h). These weapons are also some of the reason I want to buff raw cut damage and boost armours defence against cut even more. High damage on cut, low damage on blunt, but blunt and pierce being the only thing that can properly pierce armour while cut is fucked. Would make people carry backup weapons (FUCK YEAH KHYBER KNIFE :D too bad the stats sucks. Have you SEEN the sweet ass drawing animation? Go buy one RIGHT NOW and bask in it's awesomeness!).

In the end, I can't really believe your claim that "1hs are MUCH slower" than 2h is true.
Well they ARE a lot slower. You might have mixed it up with swing/weapon speeds, they are fairly even there (although the early animation BS makes spam possible and a "technique" BAH!) but when it comes to MOVEMENT speed the difference is just bullshit. Your original message that I was arguing was that:
(click to show/hide)
...that "you're only slower if you are using a steel shield or similar it doesn't really affect you" is what made me facepalm. I have in light mail and 6 athl been outrun by a greatsword guy in full plate, just because of my shield. Have you really not noticed this? Just take some tests if you want to, I can help you if you want. The speed difference is there and it is big. Even with the "light" shields.
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