I know the game quite well, made maps for it and modded it, was quite active on The Massassi Temple for a while. I don't see why you brought it up, but while we're at it, I'd like to remark that its weapons had very low projectile speed (5-10 m/s, IIRC). This was the main reason you had to lead with your aim, not bad connections. I am also not sure how you can "lag shoot" someone that does a turn, but the game on your machine shows him running straight, because the packets with the information about his turn have not yet arrived at the server, and your client is interpolating his last position with his last known velocity. Maybe you can mind-read other players you are connected to? Are you some kind of digital telepath?
By the way, people with high ping were regularly kicked by the host in JK: DF2. I sure do wonder why...