Also add the fact that a simple hit from an arbalest/lance/2hCav/1hCav/poleaxes/2handers is enough to kill a dedicated archer.
Sure they don't wear expensive armor and expensive lightsabers, but if you keep in mind the ultimate truth that 95% of the time, when a round ends the bodkin stacks are repair (350+ each), adding a bow for almost 700, and a side weapon if you have a build like that (like mine, and tenne p.e.) adding more 500+, and still having in mind how squishy an archer is even paying hard for it, you might start seeing things differently.
Just wanted to say that I have been lancing archers a lot and I was surprised that they were getting hit with the lance, survived and then blocking everything with hammer downblock. What is more, I couldn't even bump them sometimes because it's not that hard to jump and avoid a horsie if you have 7 ath and nearly no armour on you.
About upkeep. Mind the guy who is wearing good armour ( around 600 to even 1300 for transitional ), good gloves 300 - 500, boots around 200-300, head armour 300-400, weapon 800-1300, sometimes horsie for 1500+ if he wants his horse to survive 2 arrows and die after 3rd. I just wanted to say that an average upkeep for that guy might be FUCKING HUGE!
Archers save their cash on armour, melee weapon, head armour, gloves and boots. I had an archer alt and I was using rly good eq for archers and with x1 for 90% of the time I still managed to have a stable amount of bucks in my pocket.
What is funny is that when 40 % of life is gone by arrow, your battle usefulness is lowered. Your chances of surviving some kind of gangbang are down to eeeee... they are low. And there are ofc some archers that manage to kill 6-7 guys in 1 round as an archer. I think it's a bit too much as for the support class. Even shielders get fucked by some archers trcks like holding shot and spinning with shielder from the distance of 10cm.
Upkeep isn't that high for archers, team usefulness is pretty huge, because you don't need to stay close to the enemy to deal him as much dmg as dedicated melee would do. Also I see a lot of archers dying after 2 hits ( I die after 2-3 ) it means that they survive enough even in shit-armour. Ranged needs to get balanced because there is something wrong. It requires a change for balance not for some kind of truth. Archers would be skilled if they had no aiming tools ^^ even if sb placed something on his screen to see where he is aiming, still the shrinking and stretching aiming tools would require proper timing. It is probably impossible to delete or change archers' aiming tools in any way, because they can always change the textures so they would have aiming tools again...
BTW Karasu I remember you topping the charts as an archer with bodkin and Rusbow. 5 of 6 of my deaths were because of ranged that map... and you were 1-hitting the targets that got hit earlier and 2-hitting the med-armoured fresh guys...
I have another idea of balancing archers. I suggest a new chrushthrough formula that would be based on the weight of the weapon, str and ps and length. it would allow the flamberge to crushthrough the
archer's hammer It is funny because 1 of those archers can just keep beckpedalling and blocking a guy with flamberge untill he get's shot by another archer, ofc if it turned out that the archer can't escape from the flamberger. New crushthrough formula would balance the 0 slot weapon blocking. It would be possible to block some 1h swords but not all of the 2h and polearms.
I need to wash the dishes, btw I like whining about the archers.