I still think armor heirlooms are OP as fuck, specially on heavy armor.
Heavy armor already has a shitload of defense, WHICH IS WHY THEY'RE CALLED HEAVY ARMOR, who the fuck thought it was an idea to give them even MORE armor?
Gothic plate, lol 56 body armor, WAIT, that's not enough, clearly I shall triple loom it for 63 body armor! Hmm, I still feel that isn't enough, maybe with hourglass? 72 body armor, Ah! Looking better! What if I also triple heirloom those? 79 body armor you say? Ohohoho.
It's also stupid how you can turn light armor into heavy with looms and/or gloves, take a nomad robe with 27 body armor, add triple heirloomed hourglass and you get 43 body armor, gee whizz, that's fun, light armor turned into medium-heavy.