What I miss the most is the one vs 3/4 situations where I could take at least two guys. Right now I try feint strike and get blocked easily. It's actually a good thing, it's just that I miss total noobs in this game
about time we have less one-man-army situations... now if you face 3 or 4 melee infantry, you'd better think about what to do.. no more ramboing all the day.
and btw some time ago, the shogunate server was the one where the best players gathered.
- use a crushtrough weapon
- use a ranged weapon
- be a cav
It's much easier for those guys to play these days cause of higher melee skills of general server population.
not correct. as melee skill grows, awareness skill grows too, dodging ranged and looking for cover or less 0 shield skill builds.
cav is near grounded with the recent lance angle nerf and horses that goes from stop to max speed like a truck with a double trailer full of scrap metal.
you can't stab someone with your horse unless he's already engaged or a very noob one.
about crushthru, a decent 1h/shield will still outspam you with his 100ish speed weapon
about ranged, removing 2IF and adding 2shield skill points work wonders.
in the end, people keeps playing, skill grows. if you fight against better players than you, your skill improve. if you fight noobs all day, your skill will decay. skill wise, there is nothing worse than going butchering peasants or newcomers. once you go back fighting good players, you'll get rolled.