
Reduce the Bec's swing damage by 2 and make it blunt and reduce speed by 2?

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Author Topic: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed  (Read 5129 times)

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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2011, 12:37:03 am »
So now with the official announcement made dev teams want feedback, all the whiners about something will just request ridiculous changes for any weapon they get raped by...it is not true you can one or twoshot most of the people, just today i had to hit a guy with bec for 4 times, including one overhead, before he dropped, and that was due to last blow being from my teammate (got 6 PS) so i call bullshit on this.

Anyways, bec is fun, fast, quite well for clusterfucks, but i certainly do not think it should get any more nerfing that it has. Also, on NA siege i have not seen many bec people, played there like 3 days or so, but was mostly getting raped by ranged anw :D

edit: to all of you "i topped EU servers" i would really want to see at what time...morning time when there are like 30 people online total, its not that hard to top the boards :P Come at our primetime and we shall see

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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2011, 12:44:56 am »
i topped eu seige scoreboard despite having shitty ping as well

Anyone in loomed armor and with a good weapon can do that. I play siege in rags (25 ba), no helmet and using low tier weapon. I play siege mainly to gain money, I really don't care about siege scores.

But yeah you guys do have very good players like Goretooth, but at that time no one really good was online and it was prime time. Your average player seems worse than EU and believe me EU average player is pretty much crap (I'm average but not in that sense, I'm better than 90% people who play c-rpg but compared to the best I'm still average :wink:).

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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2011, 12:48:11 am »
So now with the official announcement made dev teams want feedback, all the whiners about something will just request ridiculous changes for any weapon they get raped by...it is not true you can one or twoshot most of the people, just today i had to hit a guy with bec for 4 times, including one overhead, before he dropped, and that was due to last blow being from my teammate (got 6 PS) so i call bullshit on this.

Anyways, bec is fun, fast, quite well for clusterfucks, but i certainly do not think it should get any more nerfing that it has. Also, on NA siege i have not seen many bec people, played there like 3 days or so, but was mostly getting raped by ranged anw :D

edit: to all of you "i topped EU servers" i would really want to see at what time...morning time when there are like 30 people online total, its not that hard to top the boards :P Come at our primetime and we shall see

you have 6 ps... the other guy probably had a lot of IF. In any case, you probably aren't using the bec properly, i can one hit with a bec with 9 PS but it requires a hit in my sweetspot, while i can 2 hit reliably if i get one hit that stuns and a followup hit. The problem is that with hiltslash, the sweetspot for the bec is the hiltslash itself, so someone can hiltslash your ass, polestun you, then hit you again and laugh at you.  Overheads are hit or miss, if you overhead and miss the head you'll do far less damage than you think, i've had glancing overheads with my GLA because i hit the shoulder at a fucked up angle.

Personally i do not have problems with the bec, but it is one of those weapons that will one/two hit you if you make a mistake, and with the speed and flexibility of pierce damage it is far more useful than the Long Axes or even the longer cut polearms. vs the bec, the long axes deal less damage, and are slightly slower, with the only advantage of being shieldbreakers. There is no reason NOT to use a bec, especially considering that you can carry a pike while your bec is sheathed

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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2011, 12:52:42 am »
Anyone in loomed armor and with a good weapon can do that. I play siege in rags (25 ba), no helmet and using low tier weapon. I play siege mainly to gain money, I really don't care about siege scores.

But yeah you guys do have very good players like Goretooth, but at that time no one really good was online and it was prime time. Your average player seems worse than EU and believe me EU average player is pretty much crap (I'm average but not in that sense, I'm better than 90% people who play c-rpg but compared to the best I'm still average :wink:).

eh same but loom armor just makes the KDR look nicer imo, i topped the scoreboard with my grinding gear (40 ba and 7 head armor), this was when EU2 (i think) had 90+people. But really, i actually perfer playing EU seige because you can use siege shields and people sort of pay attention to flag, NA seige is deathmatch.

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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2011, 01:28:46 am »
i topped eu seige scoreboard despite having shitty ping as well

also, the Bec isn't really that short. It has the range of a miaodao and with stunlock its easy as fuck to 2hit someone. But it is a niche weapon really, bec is average vs agi my old friends and the S-key backpeddle is probably the best (read lame as fuck) counter to the bec, that is, if the bec user can't block for shit.

Polearm grip takes what, 20 from the range?
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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2011, 01:35:36 am »
Polearm grip takes what, 20 from the range?

depends, left swing and overhead is - 10, right swing i think is 0, and stab is +20 range or something. I can't remember percisely off the top of my head.

removal of polestun would balance the bec imo

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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2011, 03:36:11 am »
I love how EU players use "footwork" as a synonym for backpedaling.  On NA we use footwork to get our weapons to hilt slash or double hit or chamber or whatever, to really be up in someone's face.  EU footwork is just avoiding combat entirely.  Also great job everyone talking about their KDRs on siege, siege is literally the worst of the worst pubbies spawning rushing in and dying with no blocking or timing or anything, and I'm pretty sure its mostly brand new players.  Play Battle servers at prime time when banner balance is stacking clans and see how you do.  For added challenge, add LLJK banner then play on NA.  You have all the odds in the world against you.

I agree that the Bec is too fast and/or damaging, Masterwork Becs unless you are bad at maxing your damage on attacks pretty much tear anyone apart, and allow for more agi based builds + full plate due to the silly high pierce compensating for low power strike.  The imbalance is really apparent after the armor soak values that made the stopping power of greatswords only comparable to a weapon like the bec if you have 9-10 powerstrike, and even then its BS against lordly armor crutchers (everyone)
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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2011, 03:45:29 am »
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #38 on: September 26, 2011, 04:23:58 am »
Both EU and NA siege is filled with morons who never block. Topping the scoreboards regardless of ping is not impressive on siege, regardless of who you are or where the server is.

Playing regularly on EU and NA on my main or plethora of alts, I can safely say that both communities block and footwork teamwork and suck equally, it is just small differences when it comes to what weapons are favoured.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 04:25:35 am by Tears_of_Destiny »
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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2011, 08:24:18 am »
s-key hero

Lovely term. I'm gonna use this :D

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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2011, 10:22:43 am »
Back to the point that its actually a Lucerne hammer and makes no sense to change it to blunt damage...
And yet again kesh starting the na vs eu argument now its about usage of different weapons.. really kesh you should just give it a rest the usage will be the same on eu and na servers

TURN IT AROUND AND CALL THAT A LUCERNE HAMMER(give it knockdown and blunt damage)

PLZ, it was a for real weapon
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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2011, 12:32:17 pm »
also, the Bec isn't really that short. It has the range of a miaodao


Someone doesn't know how to use the range of their weapon to their advantage in a fight. If you seriously think Bec and Miaodao has somewhat same reach, you're so far off that it's laughable.
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2011, 01:20:04 pm »
what about learning footwork instead of nerfing ridiculously short weapons?
and the bonus on the swings is way lower than 2h so lol

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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2011, 02:39:36 pm »
wtf u cant spam with a bec while being a "s-key hero" its far to short once you meet a skilled 1h+shield or 2h u r going to have problems due to the fact your backpedaling is costing u speed bonus and movement speed i would know im one of these so called "heroes" u refer to,u need a long spamy weapon to be effective

bec is one of four weapons at the poles arsenal that has swing pierce damage and its the best of the four imo(long spike club,battle fork, English bill and bec) which is y it is used so much due to the unrealistically huge amount or tincans roaming around.(i honestly think 60% are twinks who just reset there build at 24 imo but perhaps im just use to that excuse from WoW)

pierce is the strongest damage in the game can you blame them to go with the best pierce weapon ?pole blunt weapons r incredibly weak compared to 2h or 1h blunt(mace...u loose)

and honestly i do not see y everyone try's to compare EU with NA...theres no point unless they make it to where ping is not a factor then both sides will be on even terms then its going to be an all out rage war of stupidly unrealistic proportions that has no purpose,i would rather compare players/clans by their skill then by there locations to generalize in such a fashion to me seems.....sad and obsolete thinking.for lack of a better words

« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 02:41:32 pm by Snoozer »
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Re: [STATS] Bec de Corbin Swing damage from 34 pierce to 32 blunt, 93 to 91 speed
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2011, 02:46:03 pm »
No one was proposing backpedaling and spamming with a Bec, though.
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