How to fix this.
If one
only nerfs STR, it only makes the balanced builds more preferable, making build variation less.
If one only did that, the STR-AGI builds spectrum would look like this:
Heavy STR -
Heavy AGI Sucks -
Bad -
good -
Bad -
SucksNow, everything to the left of balanced is green, and everything above is blue-red. I would love to see all flavours in the STR to AGI spectrum to be somewhat good. It would create more variation on the battlefield. That means the table above should be all green.
Ergo: AGI needs a buff..
This can be done 2 ways:
Either nerf STR and Balanced until all is equal.
Buff Agi alone. (But how? more wpf will create netcode-bending issues, giving AGI IF would remove str flavour, modifying the wpf-curve will harm Hybrids..)
Buffing agi by modifying how athletics works could be interesting.
What if Athletics became progressively more powerful?
Reintroducing AGI-based swing speed, perhaps in a lower degree than before
Make the wpf curve be modified by how many wpf professions you are using. (One curve for 2wep hybrids, one curve for 1wep pure builds) This would make it possible to adjust the pure AGI wpf builds separately from Hybrids.
Again, the goal should be to make the whole spectrum from STR to AGI equally viable.