Author Topic: fair cav behavior on battle servers  (Read 26618 times)

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Yeah, but this doesnt help your team very much, you cant see in the future, how the melee fight will happen. And the allies is most likely to have their back towards u= bigger area to hit. And a good infantry will use the teammate as cover from the archer= even smaller area for the archer to hit the enemy. So if the fight is 50/50 and you want to try and help your teammate, yours chances of hitting is prob only 40% on enemy and 60% on the friendly.

And yeah very very good archers might be able to do it some of the times, but many archers either dont give a fuck, or think that they are better than they actually are. So many of them end up shooting into melee.

Many archers also just shoots into melee combat, no matter who the are + many players dont know their teammates by just looking at gear, but they still shot into the melee fight instead of finding another target.

Not true - if the two players are equally good, my teammate will also try to get the enemies back towards me - and even thoguh i cant predict their way of moving, i can come with a qualified guess. If you are a decent arcehr, yur odds of hitting the enemy is bigger than thse of hitting the friend in a 50%50 fight, simply because thats what you're aiming for... and even if it was, like you said, 60/40 for hitting the guy i DONT aim for, i would just aim for my teammate and have 60/40 for hitting the enemy, eh?

Offline Smoothrich

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Use champion Large War Horse (you buffed it again i think?  its imbalanced, christ)  or Champion Cataphract and MW Heavy Lance

Out lance scrub cav on way to enemy spawn, ignore good cav

Couch anyone running out of spawn with tunnel vision

Circle around spawn with cav bros one guy bumping other couching for 30 seconds or so until enemy cav actually comes back, immediately flee

Loop around some more couching people by themselves and especially murdering exposed arcehrs

Charge into some 1vs1 melee fights knocking over your teammate and kill stealing the guy he's dueling

Notice top player on enemy team in full plate murdering your teammates, lol welp you just couched him halfway into the round GG

Outlance bad cav and 1 handed cav at whim in between killing everyone else

Lolcharge into masses of infantry when you pass by them fighting your teammates as long as no aware pikes are on flank

Ignore anyone else whining or complaining about cav

Always go for peasants first

5x forever

« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 11:13:29 pm by Smoothrich »
My posting is like a katana folded 1000 times to perfection.. and the community is what keeps the edge sharp.. and bloody.  -  Me.

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Not true - if the two players are equally good, my teammate will also try to get the enemies back towards me - and even thoguh i cant predict their way of moving, i can come with a qualified guess. If you are a decent arcehr, yur odds of hitting the enemy is bigger than thse of hitting the friend in a 50%50 fight, simply because thats what you're aiming for... and even if it was, like you said, 60/40 for hitting the guy i DONT aim for, i would just aim for my teammate and have 60/40 for hitting the enemy, eh?

You dont get it do you ? You can come with a qualified guess, yeah. But you still have no clue how the fight will turn out. Its hard to see how the fight will turn out as a melee fighting him. So plz dont act like u know nearly whats gonna happen.

And your argument towards my 40/60 % chance is that you will for sure hit the right one, because thats what your aiming for ? They are walking around each other, trying to outsmart eachother. So they will move and change places constantly ( if they are any good)

Btw.... so you dont give a shit to melee do u ? 2 guys equally skilled, and their lives rely on your little guess. If we get shot we die.
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I am not sure about that, but sometimes when I see my teammate getting raped by 3 enemies I decide to bump all the guys ( also my teammate, bacause I can't bump enemies and not bump that poor man ). In this way I also try to hit 1 of the enemies. If they all stand up it will be easier for him to fight with 2 not 3 of them and also there are some chances that the archers or other cav will come in time. In this way I want to delay that guy's obvious death. maybe if he is somebody I know that can kill the bitches I let him kill them and leave him alone.
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Use champion Large War Horse (you buffed it again i think?  its imbalanced, christ)  or Champion Cataphract and MW Heavy Lance

Out lance scrub cav on way to enemy spawn, ignore good cav

Couch anyone running out of spawn with tunnel vision

Circle around spawn with cav bros one guy bumping other couching for 30 seconds or so until enemy cav actually comes back, immediately flee

Loop around some more couching people by themselves and especially murdering exposed arcehrs

Charge into some 1vs1 melee fights knocking over your teammate and kill stealing the guy he's dueling

Notice top player on enemy team in full plate murdering your teammates, lol welp you just couched him halfway into the round GG

Outlance bad cav and 1 handed cav at whim in between killing everyone else

Lolcharge into masses of infantry when you pass by them fighting your teammates as long as no aware pikes are on flank

Ignore anyone else whining or complaining about cav

Always go for peasants first

5x forever

Pretty much this.

Offline Torp

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You dont get it do you ? You can come with a qualified guess, yeah. But you still have no clue how the fight will turn out. Its hard to see how the fight will turn out as a melee fighting him. So plz dont act like u know nearly whats gonna happen.

And your argument towards my 40/60 % chance is that you will for sure hit the right one, because thats what your aiming for ? They are walking around each other, trying to outsmart eachother. So they will move and change places constantly ( if they are any good)

Btw.... so you dont give a shit to melee do u ? 2 guys equally skilled, and their lives rely on your little guess. If we get shot we die.

I think it is you who dont get it... let's assume i close my eyes and shoot - i will ahve 50/50 chance of hitting the right guy if we assume i hit something. If i open my eyes and come with a qualified guess on how it will turn out, aim the best i can, and shoot - i will have a larger chance of hitting the enemy than if i close my eyes, yes? That means i have more than 50% chance of hitting the enemy, which makes it worth it to take the shot. I encourage arcehrs to do this even thoguh i am melee myself.

Offline _GTX_

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I think it is you who dont get it... let's assume i close my eyes and shoot - i will ahve 50/50 chance of hitting the right guy if we assume i hit something. If i open my eyes and come with a qualified guess on how it will turn out, aim the best i can, and shoot - i will have a larger chance of hitting the enemy than if i close my eyes, yes? That means i have more than 50% chance of hitting the enemy, which makes it worth it to take the shot. I encourage arcehrs to do this even thoguh i am melee myself.

U dont get it, cba to try and talk to someone like this. Its gonna be never ending. But keep shitting on melee them.
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Offline Torben

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gtx,  torp...  take youre little romance to another thread please
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Offline _GTX_

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im not argue anymore, its not gonna help anyway :P
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im not argue anymore, its not gonna help anyway :P

 I agree with everything you said in the earlier posts , as a infantry im very unpredictable on my footwork , i constanly switch side or sidestep to confuse my enemies and thats how i get my kills ,

nothing is more frustrating to receive an arrow or a cav knocking me down trying to steal the kill and die shortly after because of stagger or knockdown

  Very often im fighting a guy solo and i can feel arrows raining on me and my opponent or i get crushed by a friendly cav ( even if the cav has good intentions )

   i dont need help killing infantries  and i more often than not , i spare the guy who has been knockdown and wait til hes back up to fight



Offline Bonze

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I would like my fellow horse-lovers to consider a few things I have decided for myself in the last months.  many of these suggestions are easy to follow,  and it would help a lot to up the fun for everyone on the server:

-stop killing people that havent moved on their spawn.  dont matter if afk or what ever,  if they havent moved yet,  just let them be.
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-stop rushing into melee fights where u are not needed.
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-be foreseeing also to the actions of youre fellow cavmen.   
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in the end,  it comes down to one thing:  respect.  respect your fellow crpg players,  go around killing and slaying,  dieing and beeing shot,  dehorsed and raped.  but dont be a dick.

one last thing to our wonderful non mounted friends:  there are situations when u will get bumped.  there are situations when u will get tked.  i can assure you that the cavs are just as sorry for this as you guys are when u teamslash,  teamhit and shoot and whatnot.
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please,  anybody who wants something in this post,  i am glad to edit it.  i am just spittballing here.

as this seems to mutate into somekind of guide,  i will quote one of the replies for anyone who wants to know about teamwork:

Easy rules if you play vanilla, communist crpg cav with a 190 weapon length lance and courser.Play 1 month with a short sword like langes messer then come back and write somethings about spawn kills and so on.
Got no Balls? Play archer. Got no sex? Play horse archer.

Offline Torben

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Easy rules if you play vanilla, communist crpg cav with a 190 weapon length lance and courser.Play 1 month with a short sword like langes messer then come back and write somethings about spawn kills and so on.

u suck.

topic closed because of idiots posting shit
Yes, I know from whence I came! Discontented as a flame, Upon myself I live and glow. All I grasp like lightning flashes, All I leave behind is ashes
Flame I am - that much I know!

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Offline Torben

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thread unlocked.  cause the cav on the battlefield are greater douchbags than the guys postin here ; )
Yes, I know from whence I came! Discontented as a flame, Upon myself I live and glow. All I grasp like lightning flashes, All I leave behind is ashes
Flame I am - that much I know!

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Offline Bulzur

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thread unlocked.  cause the cav on the battlefield are greater douchbags than the guys postin here ; )

Let's take that as a compliment people, should we ?
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
[19:32] <@chadz> if(dave_ukr_is_in_server) then rain_chance = 98%;

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Archers should also stop shooting at people without shields, and people using long polearms should not attack cav because it's just NOT FAIR.