Cav's reputation is already ruined thanks to Gk, i doubt you can do anything about it Torben, but good luck on it. ;)
GK : i'm a cav, i get most of the kills (no matter most of them are easy ones) so don't stand in my way in the spanw, one little bump each round doesn't hurt you, but you slow me down ! Hell, all infantry should walk to the side every spawn, so that i can place myself in position to spawnrape thoses guys. lol.
GK: OMG ! There's a fucking infantry at spawn wich actually pretented to be afk and killed me ! Come on, that's just stupid. Spawn raping is SOOOOOOOO dangerous.Love.

masasa's view of the game :
- cav must spawn rape, because this is not a game, it's a battle, and we need to win it. Who cares about balanced fight.
-infantry must act as a decoy for cav, and when they see friendly cav coming, they must backpedal and leave the kill, even if they did 90% of the damage and could have finished the kill. Infantry are not worthy of kills, kills are for cav.
-cav should spawn first every round, so that infantry don't bother us
-cav is the most exciting when you do a dangerous maneuver : if you succeed, you killsteal efficiently, if you fail, you tk. Just say "fuck sorry", i always do it, and it works just fine.