- Forcefield back
I don't think this would be needed as long as they add more intuitive/skillful shield controls.
- Bigger width of shields back
There are shields with good widths and shields with bad widths for a reason. Yeah, it does suck, but they're meant to be more offensive.
- More HP for shields (they should get broken by unbalanced axes not by simple 2h swords)
Well, I somewhat agree. even the 2nd highest tier shields break in only a few hits. But those number of hits are enough to last for such short matches such as crpg.
- Make shields have less weight
I would like this a lot. If shields receive block stun (no clue since most of them are pretty heavy), balance with that and crushthrough should be considered.
- Make shield skill every 2 levels instead of 3
This won't do much other than convince me to go 33/6.
- Increase the angels of attack for 1h
I think they should just make it harder to glance when facehugging. 2h shouldn't be better at facehugging than 1h, makes no sense. I think right slash should be made better, maybe a possible range increase on overhead(?.. nah)
- Increase 1h cut damage across the board and lower pierce and blunt damage for that. That is very important because of silly armor and gauntlets looms with armor value around 80!
Agree with this even though I primarily use a 1h pierce weapon.
When I fight shielders with 1h, they barely do 10-20% damage on my ~55 armor 8IF.
- Make all shields take only one slot, that way 1h + huscarl shield + war spear would allow infantry to defend themselves.
This would be nice. Most 2slot shields aren't even better than a lot of the 1slot ones.
Alternative nerf 2h/polearms/ranged:
- Less accuracy for ranged, simple in that time people where not snipers they shot at groups or at very close range (hunting)
That will mess up balance more than really affecting 1h+shield all that much. The problem with 1h vs ranged is that they almost always outrun us due to our shorter reach and run speed. You can still get hit by arrows if they come from weird angles or if you expose your side even a little bit.
- 2h have retarded animation, simple make all swords over 105 length use a polearm thrust animation
Same as above. Probably belongs in another topic. 2h stab has weird properties, but its place of discussion is not here.
- Polearms with tag shield bonus should be unbalanced and slower because of their length, a polearm is a battle support weapon and not super fast long duel weapon. Ofc the damage value of a bec need a nerf, come on.
Agree with this.
>Bonus against shield
choose one.
Hope we will see soon some changes in same way you work on changes for horsemen and archers.
Everything is still subject to change. Many problems don't even arise unless some rarer conditions occur, such as an overabundance of a class, weapon, etc.