The level demeanor is much appreciated. I don't know if any admins were present.
(For what it's worth from the mouth of the accused.) I will convey requested clarification from my POV.
At the end of the round in question, I and one other teammate were left against Kekekek (spelling?) from Chaos. It was a pitched fight with my cohert on horseback - and me, a sword and board, slightly seasoned infantry man. The attacks came to our enemy in waves, testing his/her manual block prowess again and again... to little effect. He/she had the skillz. I would move in - attack, block, attack and move out. Then my teammate would gallop in and try his hand.
And so it continued for some time.
Eventually, my shield in tatters, I attempted to back off from the enemy. In that attempt, I spun-swung backwards and slayed (to my shagrin) my closer than expected banner mate. I felt compelled to pause, and type the interjection "Crap" followed later by a "sry!". I proceeded to fight miserabaly and die in a puddle of my own fail.
Plainly and to the point...
I TKed. It was an accident to which I felt bad and apologized. Smellmyfinger saw it differently, and feels vengence is needed. I empathize with that feeling for balanced justice, but I did not appreciate the grief he gave in its wake.
Smelly, no hard feelings -- I would ask that next time you witness a TK, you make some consideration for it being a mistake. If you feel it warrants a Ban post in the forums, that is one thing. But badgering someone online for an hour is another. Don't besmirch someone so aggressively based on your POV.