As a rather experienced shielder I'd suggest to test 21/15 build first, believe me that you'll feel the difference between 6 and 7 PS, especially when you're using weapons with cut damage, but with warhammer/steel pick you'll definatly need more agi, so 18/18 sounds fine if you're somehow experienced in playing as a shielder, if not you benefit more from extra damage since you'll won't have as much occasions to hit your opponent as a decent shielder.
About the EQ, you'll definatly need fast shield with shitloads of hit points, something like kite/heavy kite, heavy norman shiled. Others like kinghtly heater/kite shield wich are damn fast won't protect you good enough from ranged. Huscarl's round shiled is a bit too slow/heavy for playing with anything less then 21 agi (7 shiled skill). Elite cavalry and heavy round shield are also not bad choice.
Also remember that against good 2h player or in 1 vs 2 pole you'll loose in 90% of cases. Despite from what others are saying it's fun to play as shielder, well you don't have as much oportunites as 2h/pole but still you can try to outrange/spam and dueling with 1h without shield is much more funnier and harder then abusing 2h lolswords animations (no hard feelings guys, just sayin').