Yes, I was scared when you went awol.
but now that you have returned I am happy and can swing my sword once again.

I got Dragon Age II too! It's pretty fun. The only differences I really noticed was the interface from the first (pc version) to the second.
I like the streamlined interface in DA:2 better tbh. Less clutter, more playing.
And I kinda disliked being in one city and the surrounding countryside for the entire game. The first one you went all over Ferelden.
Indeed, however it served the purpose as from what I got out of it the story was about how your character affected this particular area, instead of the world. Though you DO change the entire world through your actions in the city of Kirkwall at the climax. Won't say more in case you haven't gotten that far. Let's just say your decisions and actions set the stage for the entire political and social change throughout the rest of the realm. Like the start of a wildfire.
And I hated how they kept recycling dungeons, (did you notice that?) Example: You run through a dungeon finish it, go to a different dungeon but its the same one! The only difference was the start and exit but the layout was the same. Idk that really bothered me. I hate repeating things.
Yeah I did notice that, and it bugged me too. However it didn't detract so much from my enjoyment of the story as much as it might have if the story had been weaker than it was. So I began to ignore it about 1/3rd of the way through the game.
But overall I liked it the story and how they had Varric narrate it.
And I like the small talk between Isabela, Aveline, Fenris, and Varric.
Indeed. These parts truly shone in the game. I came to really care about or be invested in the characters, especially the main character since he took on the personality that I wanted him to have, they did this beautifully by having your dialog and action choices change the mood and nature of the character throughout the game. Some I loathed, some I loved the hell out of (Varric is awesome). In the end my party consisted of Varric, Isabela (my chosen romantic interest), and Anders (because I sympathized with his cause and because he replaced my sister who I really enjoyed in the party with Varric and 'Bela, won't spoil the rest though).
I also loved how the story was so much about people, relationships, politics, racial tension, etc rather than "_Generic Evil Force_ threatens the world". It was a far more personal story imo than most RPG "epics" where it's more about you going to stop some random outside evil (demon, dragon, army, lich, w/e). Also how there was no morality meter other than what you put on it yourself. Everything is in that shades of grey and it's up to YOU to decide whether you feel something is right or wrong.
Anyways, maybe I'm just a fanboy now. Either way I'm playing it through a 2nd time and will definately have to do the game as a mage and rogue as well. First run I made myself a 2h'd warrior tank, this time I'm playing with a sword and board warrior, though I think I'll just skip to mage on a new game and do that instead.