In my ever so humble opinion, the whole point was to build a character that would be "complete" at level 30. With this in mind the distance from 30 to 31 is a chance to play the toon you worked so hard to create. I can understand why a new player would want to weaken the advantage that some of the 10+ Gen's have, but had they not been playing this game for months it wouldn't be here now for the rest of us to enjoy! Perhaps there is an answer that doesn't punish established players.
I like this guy a lot.
Being cinda low gen myself (atm 4th, retired once on 31, getting to 29 after shifts currently).
Anyways, to your points:
1. it has been like that untill the major patch, so why to revert back? The amount of xp needed to get to 30 is not that harsh anyways, even with 1st gen char and casual play schedule
2. No, no and no...the cap multiplier bigger would not do any good, imagine that you would get on losing team and you would know: damn, now after 10 rounds they have so much more xp and gold than me, that sucks. And yeah, you can try to win, but sometimes its hard with the banner balance
Also this would encourage the xp farming done on smaller servers in the low-population times.
3.firstly the XP has been 1500/min, it has been nerfed to 1000, i guess the devs had reason for that.
I like the stuff i quoted from one reason: that is exactly what i was thinking when i found the changes they made! Build up my char for lvl 30, enjoy some killing and when ready, retire, get some love for one item and rinse repeat. I see that totally new players are frustrated when they read that veterans are getting more xp on x2 than you on x5, but hey, they play the game for like ages, they should have some advantage.