Author Topic: The Risen vs Shogunate  (Read 8632 times)

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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2011, 12:34:08 am »
And their IP?
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2011, 12:35:29 am »
Not with all those bugs, hacking and horrible balance. Better if you just take the time you need to fix those problems and then unfreeze it

And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.

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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2011, 12:50:19 am »
And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.

chadz, obviously people are eager to test, but when most of the bugs result in one side getting screwed over repeatedly, it sort of dampens desire to test - I know personally that getting taken off a roster a minute before a battle twice, or looking forward to a large field battle only to have it be over in 30 seconds because of an odd spawn mechanic is somewhat unpleasant. I think if you guys would make some effort to recompense victims of things like this, such as giving some troops or money, there would be much less rage on the forums.

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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2011, 12:55:17 am »
And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.

It doesn't matter, it'd just be fun if we could all get our stuff back and do something else, and after a fixed spawn for example we could actually fight and find more bugs which may not have been uncovered yet in some maps for example thanks to very fast battles.
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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2011, 01:06:34 am »
Luckily i have not yet participated in any of these fucked up battles, but i was in 8 or so totally fine. Dunno if the teams were just OK and playing as it should have been, or if i was terribly lucky i was at work thru all the new exploiting stuff (well, dunno if exploit is the correct word, as it is just a "smart usage of ingame mechanics, no matter how much flawed" :D )

anyways, keep up the work with making strategus as cool as i find it for all them people raging here

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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2011, 01:23:39 am »
And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.
Well with this attitude you are not helping your community.
Everyone knows that this current strategus is BETA . The thing you don't understand is people are spending their time on pc instead of enjoying summer because everyone missed Strategus so damn much.Cuz of your troll reputation and lack of announcements people kept waiting for almost a year about strategus and you didn't tell anyone anything about it's progress then suddenly you release the old one so cRPG community went to serious Strategus community just in a few days.Everyone invested their hours to strat and diplomacy , tactics etc , then you add these shitty features and ruin everyone's work. Now I understand from your post you say : "It is in beta state , either live with it or gtfo."Yes you are running strat to test some new features but for god sake think and imagine before adding something directly.I do not understand how can a guy is intellegent enough to create whole complex strategus-crpg mod can't think giving defenders 1 minute and letting attackers spawn 1 troop per second is easily abusable ?

Now don't say people "It is a beta , shit happens." everyone waited enough and you still don't give any information to anyone about when will you fix this game or release the new strategus . I think you dont announce it to keep game alive but with this amount of bullshit it's not likely to happen.

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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2011, 01:43:49 am »
And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.

Nothing in strategus is quick and easy, everything takes many man-hours to accomplish. Just fielding and equipping a 1000 man army takes at least 1000 manhours of strategus to recruit, plus god knows how many to come up with the 100,000 gold needed to equip them.

Its easy to say "chill, its just a beta" but anyone is gonna get upset when hundreds of hours of work and collaboration are destroyed instantly because someone is getting into the server and messing with stuff (something we were told was fixed, by the way).

Its one thing to lose an army fair and square, but if you just lose everything instantly with no chance to even stop it from happening, makes strategus not even worth the effort of playing.


Also, its a BETA which means it should be in an unfinished but playable state. Strategus is not in a playable state right now.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 01:46:46 am by SPQR »
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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2011, 06:37:15 am »
Everything is probably getting wiped, so ultimately everyone's time and effort if 'wasted' if you're putting your tryhard pants on for this strat.

chadz opened this up explicitly stating things will be bugged, new things will be tried.  Yes it sucks if you unfairly lose a fight now, but it's GOOD things like this are happening now instead of when new strat goes 'live' and things aren't wiped.

Frankly I'm happy to get the feel for strat now and try things out.  Deal with the inconveniences and more on with this as a learning experience.
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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2011, 07:06:05 am »
To be honest, we should be lucky that Strategus beta came when it did and not several months later. Stop complaining, it's been repeated time after time that we are just stress testing and a part of this testing is having to deal with bugs and other misfortunes. I say it's better that we have to deal with this shit now than later when everything is more important.

Yes it sucks if you unfairly lose a fight now, but it's GOOD things like this are happening now instead of when new strat goes 'live' and things aren't wiped.

Frankly I'm happy to get the feel for strat now and try things out.  Deal with the inconveniences and more on with this as a learning experience.

^ +1

Yes, people do invest a lot of their time into recruiting, raising gold etc. Again, this is due to probe what works and what doesn't. Granted, maybe because we are testing, things should have been sped up a notch. Like 2 troops an hour and 100% more gold gain from fiefs. This would have lead to a more enjoyable strat, for sure. But ultimately this is chadz & gang's decision, and I advise you all to respect it if you wish to even have a fully functional Strategus in the future. It's a lot of work for one person (assuming chadz is working on his own, with help from cmp), so just be patient. None of the developers are compensated for their work other than our appreciation, whatever our appreciation is meant to be. The other day, chadz left the crpg irc because of the amount of whining about Strategus. I can see how if this trend continues, we can kiss Strategus and any future patches good bye.

Also take into heavy consideration, this mod is only a bit over a year in age. Already, it is the first and foremost mod in Warband. No other mod has the same amount of active players as in c-rpg. People even buy Warband solely so they can play c-rpg. I think this speaks for itself, consider yourselves lucky to be able to take part in such a mod.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 07:08:00 am by Bjord »
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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2011, 07:14:25 am »

Also take into heavy consideration, this mod is only a bit over a year in age. Already, it is the first and foremost mod in Warband. No other mod has the same amount of active players as in c-rpg. People even buy Warband solely so they can play c-rpg. I think this speaks for itself, consider yourselves lucky to be able to take part in such a mod.

exactly the reason i bought the game :mrgreen:

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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2011, 07:18:10 am »
If its just a beta then what is the problem with doing rollbacks or compensation for victims of the hackings?

Letting hackers mess with the game only encourages them to continue doing it, beta or no.

It would be a lot easier to do our job as beta testers if hackers weren't fucking everything up.
"It is well that war is so terrible - otherwise we would grow to fondle it." - Robert E Leet

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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2011, 07:19:17 am »
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+1  8-)

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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2011, 07:21:11 am »
To be honest, we should be lucky that Strategus beta came when it did and not several months later. Stop complaining, it's been repeated time after time that we are just stress testing and a part of this testing is having to deal with bugs and other misfortunes. I say it's better that we have to deal with this shit now than later when everything is more important.

^ +1

Yes, people do invest a lot of their time into recruiting, raising gold etc. Again, this is due to probe what works and what doesn't. Granted, maybe because we are testing, things should have been sped up a notch. Like 2 troops an hour and 100% more gold gain from fiefs. This would have lead to a more enjoyable strat, for sure. But ultimately this is chadz & gang's decision, and I advise you all to respect it if you wish to even have a fully functional Strategus in the future. It's a lot of work for one person (assuming chadz is working on his own, with help from cmp), so just be patient. None of the developers are compensated for their work other than our appreciation, whatever our appreciation is meant to be. The other day, chadz left the crpg irc because of the amount of whining about Strategus. I can see how if this trend continues, we can kiss Strategus and any future patches good bye.

Also take into heavy consideration, this mod is only a bit over a year in age. Already, it is the first and foremost mod in Warband. No other mod has the same amount of active players as in c-rpg. People even buy Warband solely so they can play c-rpg. I think this speaks for itself, consider yourselves lucky to be able to take part in such a mod.

A post I can happily agree with.
[22:17] <@chadz> congratz cmpxchg8b, you managed to put 995 errors into the item sheet!
[22:17] <@cmpxchg8b> epic winning
[22:17] <@cmpxchg8b> beat that Fasader

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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2011, 07:46:21 am »
If its just a beta then what is the problem with doing rollbacks or compensation for victims of the hackings?

Letting hackers mess with the game only encourages them to continue doing it, beta or no.

It would be a lot easier to do our job as beta testers if hackers weren't fucking everything up.
In memory of Jaer_Selorn, member of Str, ruler of Pagundur

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Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« Reply #29 on: August 01, 2011, 07:50:24 am »
It would be a lot easier to do our job as beta testers if hackers weren't fucking everything up.

this is exactly where you are wrong, nobody is forcing you to do anything, yknow

as i said above, let the dev actually develop the mod instead of dealing with rollbacks and whatnot