I don't think anyone blames ATS for taking advantage of the retarded spawning and flag cap system. Better to win the battle and sort out the other crap later. The fact of the matter is that the fast majority of our players were missing gear, and that threw us for a loop, which ATS took advantage of. Of our 10-ish cav units, maybe 3 had horses. People were missing bits of gear all over the place. I myself spawned naked not once, but twice, despite having a helmet, mail, greaves, mitts, a horse, and a weapon equipped (of which we had 100-400 of each). I did state that we were having issues at the beginning of the battle. You can actually see my comment at the bottom of the second scoreboard shot posted above:
([Xol_dfc] I like that we randomly spawned naked)
Aside from the equipment issue, the spawning system is fucked for open field battles. I'm sure it helps defenders get ready in siege, but on open-field maps (especially small ones), it's both unrealistic and unbalanced. There's no reason attackers should be fighting on their own flag less than a minute into the round. It's not the flag capping that's the issue, it's the spawn system. It needs to be changed somehow.
On a side note, both sides acted horrendously in the aftermath of the battle, and frankly it's an embarrassment to the community. I think everyone was justifiably upset; ATS thought we were trying to rob them of a victory, and we felt cheated because of the way the battle unfolded. I'd like to apologize for my own comments, and while I can't speak for the rest of my clan or my clan's affiliates, I think posting personal information is taking it too far, and have told several of my clanmates to refrain from sharing that information.
Rather than spending another two to three days shit talking, I think it would be far more productive to discuss ideas and solutions. This is a beta. We're supposed to be making the game better for everyone playing it, but that doesn't count for anything if we drive away half the community with petty behavior.