Author Topic: Open Field Battle  (Read 26979 times)

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #165 on: August 01, 2011, 02:20:10 am »
Also the roster was wiped buu 45ish mercs were luckily there to step in.

No, this is false, the roster was wiped except for about 30 LLJK members, all but 1 merc was unhired.
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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #166 on: August 01, 2011, 02:34:24 am »
Hack 1: VRN/Pecores attacked LLJK - As Phantom said, every merc was unhired with the exception of one and most of our top members were unhired as well. We lost the village. Gaga also had his tropps and gold transfered to a neutral castle as well.

Hack 2: LLJK attacked VRN/Pecores - This time every single LLJK member was unhired, and only one clan of mercs was left on the list. VRN/Pecores had only 9 people or so and were spawning in naked. We won back the village.

*Tydeus, by his post, was warned by devs to expect to be hacked for the Dfc attack on ATS.

Hack 3: The Risen attack today. People were unhired, and those he did not hire were instead hired to the list. There were also server issues going in another battle.

That should sum up the 3 hack attacks so far.
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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #167 on: August 01, 2011, 02:38:11 am »
Hack 1: VRN/Pecores attacked LLJK - As Phantom said, every merc was unhired with the exception of one and most of our top members were unhired as well. We lost the village. Gaga also had his tropps and gold transfered to a neutral castle as well.

Hack 2: LLJK attacked VRN/Pecores - This time every single LLJK member was unhired, and only one clan of mercs was left on the list. VRN/Pecores had only 9 people or so and were spawning in naked. We won back the village.

*Tydeus, by his post, was warned by devs to expect to be hacked for the Dfc attack on ATS.

Hack 3: The Risen attack today. People were unhired, and those he did not hire were instead hired to the list. There were also server issues going in another battle.

That should sum up the 3 hack attacks so far.
seriously, do people have any honor? What's the point of hacking your way to victory. Strategus is about fighting, conquering and defending against other players.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 02:39:34 am by Aseldo »

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #168 on: August 01, 2011, 05:50:12 am »
Have you ever thought that its not someone doing that to win, but to create drama and to troll the entire community?

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #169 on: August 01, 2011, 06:08:01 am »
Have you ever thought that its not someone doing that to win, but to create drama and to troll the entire community?
It would probably be more wide-spread in that case, rather than focused entirely on LLJK or people fighting our enemies.

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #170 on: August 01, 2011, 06:14:52 am »
Yeah I could think of a lot more hilarious things to do if I had access to the databases and just wanted to troll people. Like replacing all items with straw hats, sumpter horses, and wooden swords, for example.

Or re-name factions to lewd puns of their original names.

Un-hiring dudes and whisking away armies is just lame.
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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #171 on: August 01, 2011, 03:35:54 pm »
My question about this is why in open field battles are the defenders allowed to spawn first? It makes sense for defenders to spawn and prepare for an incoming attack on a permanent fixed position like fiefs and castles yet I fail to see how someone taking the initiative in being an aggressor in an open field fight has to attack an automatic counter attack.

If such is the case that every battle in open field allows the defenders a decisive initiative in both forming up and option for opening advance then what is the honest purpose of battling in open field as an advancing force?

It seems possibly that some type of commander initiative rating should be in place and that should decide which side spawns first and at what rate (troops/second) based off of the skill. If the commander skills are within x amount of each other then both sides should have equivalent staging time before the fight is on.

Consider using a mid point invisible wall for the setup timer so organization and field deployment actually play more into the battles. (Were an initiative system used I'm sure you could push the wall further towards a field direction based on "commander initiative" skill so that more of the field is usable by the more dominate commander.

Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #172 on: August 01, 2011, 05:37:43 pm »
My question about this is why in open field battles are the defenders allowed to spawn first? It makes sense for defenders to spawn and prepare for an incoming attack on a permanent fixed position like fiefs and castles yet I fail to see how someone taking the initiative in being an aggressor in an open field fight has to attack an automatic counter attack.

If such is the case that every battle in open field allows the defenders a decisive initiative in both forming up and option for opening advance then what is the honest purpose of battling in open field as an advancing force?

It seems possibly that some type of commander initiative rating should be in place and that should decide which side spawns first and at what rate (troops/second) based off of the skill. If the commander skills are within x amount of each other then both sides should have equivalent staging time before the fight is on.

Consider using a mid point invisible wall for the setup timer so organization and field deployment actually play more into the battles. (Were an initiative system used I'm sure you could push the wall further towards a field direction based on "commander initiative" skill so that more of the field is usable by the more dominate commander.

Just my 2 cents.

Good post.   Instead of at 60 seconds respawning the defenders on their spawn point, there should just be an invisible wall they can't cross until a certain point.  Thus allowing the defenders time to setup a defense.  It shouldn't be free time that allows them to be on the enemy before they are even spawned in. 

That being said, I still think making the battles the size of random plains/steppe battles in single player (or native multiplayer) would resolve the issue.  The defenders aren't on top of the attackers before the attackers should be forming a defense to protect their spawn even in the small current maps.  It's just not 100% equal because the defenders can be organized and within firing range of the attackers before all the attackers have spawned (they still can, and should be forming a defense however). 

SIDENOTE ABOUT HACKING -  I'm not a huge forum whore so I'm not sure if and where it's been addressed, but has the hacking been discussed by the developers?  Have they verified it's a database hack and not someone using a shitty password that is being brute forced? 
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 05:39:30 pm by CrazyCracka420 »
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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #173 on: August 01, 2011, 06:35:23 pm »
SIDENOTE ABOUT HACKING -  I'm not a huge forum whore so I'm not sure if and where it's been addressed, but has the hacking been discussed by the developers?  Have they verified it's a database hack and not someone using a shitty password that is being brute forced?
Yes and yes.

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #174 on: August 01, 2011, 09:23:57 pm »
I don't get why the initial spawn is 1 at a time...wouldn't you get your army setup properly for the start of the attack?

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #175 on: August 01, 2011, 09:56:00 pm »
I don't get why the initial spawn is 1 at a time...wouldn't you get your army setup properly for the start of the attack?

You'd think, wouldn't you? The answer is chadz.

Offline CrazyCracka420

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #176 on: August 01, 2011, 10:01:53 pm »
Yeah it does seem pretty dumb that you can't be setup for an initial attack (or defense).  You'd think the attackers would be pretty organized if they were mounting an attack...

the current spawn system (at least for open field battles) needs to be fixed.  Since everyone seems to universally agree on that point, hopefully it will be done.
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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #177 on: August 01, 2011, 11:01:12 pm »
defenders should spawn first (as they do) BUT...they should be constrained by an invisible wall to their spawn area until the attackers spawn a siege. this would be the walls of the, etc...

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Offline Ufthak

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Re: Open Field Battle
« Reply #178 on: August 01, 2011, 11:25:51 pm »
I'd imagine in a lot of situations, the attackers would take the defenders by surprise in everything but a bridge or castle battle, and that in an open field battle, both sides would probably be about equally prepared. A lot of these villages don't really seem like the townsfolk would have much of a warning for a night raid unless the attackers decided to go in beating on drums and thudding their spears like they were orcs. A forest or a mountain would almost assuredly give a decisive advantage to the attackers, as those are typical ambush locations.

This could be explained away by the fact the attackers have all the time they want to consolidate their forces before launching the attack on the strategus map, but defenders only have a limited window unless they've anticipated the attack. However I doubt that there was any real thought put into explaining the inexplicable omniscience that all defenders seem to have about exactly when and where their enemies are going to attack, thus explaining their ability to always be in formation, even when the visibility is 10 feet due to heavy fog at night. Clearly someone played with Borcha at 10 spotting ability!

edit: I'm in favor of 1 spawn per second, but initial spawns should probably all happen at the same time, except on sieges (if they really were an issue for sieges as I've heard)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 11:49:06 pm by Ufthak »