
Who should run NA Strat server

The Original NA Team (Me and the 30 others i have who help)
205 (57.7%)
LLJK_Zealot and shik
150 (42.3%)

Total Members Voted: 355

Author Topic: NA Strategus Server Poll  (Read 38517 times)

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2011, 06:31:17 pm »
Yes please.

What do we need 3 more NA servers for anyway? (Strat, Battle and Siege?) chadz, Ecko, can't we just make the ATS servers official instead? Most people already play there. Maybe make the Siege server into an unofficial ATS whatever (battle, siege or DTV, it can rotate) and the Battle and Strat become official?

chadz, my main worry if Zealot pays for the server is that he will then have access to the box. Not the admin password, but the actual server. I feel like he could have a field day messing with stuff in there. Some examples off the top of my head:

- Big LLJK Strat battle coming up. Its key that they win or they lose a city. An hour before the battle, Zealot calls the server host and has them disconnect it. Voila, LLJK doesn't lose its castle.
- Someone Zealot or a goon friend doesn't like is having a big battle... same thing
- Someone Zealot doesn't like gets mysteriously added to the ban list (editing server files.)
- The official servers are all renamed "C-RPG_Ecko_Is_Gay"

Thing is,  ATS restarted the Strategus server while losing a siege, ATS mass  bans innocent clan members because they don't like one or two people, countless unwarranted permbans have been handed out to random pubbies and clan players alike because an admin doesn't like them.  You just described all the problems people have with any clan owning a server, and since ATS owns the most servers they've most visibly harmed the community with actions like this.  That's why these servers wont be ATS, LLJK, Hospitaller, anything like that where internet drama, pride, and personal goals would interfere with creating the best community possible for all players.  What matters is that these are neutral and official.  Zealot has stepped up to pay for them, that's all, don't be paranoid.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 06:32:50 pm by Smoothrich »
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2011, 06:32:43 pm »
indeed, it was an accident when strategus was fairly new.
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2011, 06:33:10 pm »
Zealot wont be in charge of the server. chadz wanted to run the official NA servers himself, and Zealot is generously providing and paying for the box himself and giving it entirely to chadz to control, to run as he sees fit. Neutrally with admins he selects. I see no problem with that other then that you are throwing a tantrum. This is chadz show and his decision.

This is a childish thread so I'll joke quote myself here so we can all move on. Zealot is giving chadz the servers so that we can all have non clan owned official servers run entirely by chadz. Ecko I know you're upset right now, but starting a riot and riling people up with things that aren't true isn't going to do anything constructive. This is a great thing for the community, and chadz's decision.
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2011, 06:34:32 pm »
since most of the problems people have with this (including me) is the owner.
Why not have the thing hosted on eckos machine, but with admins and stuff set up by devs.
Because NA needs another Box. Another server box will cut down on the lag greatly. Expect to start seeing a huge influx of players now that strategus is live. The ATS servers already have lag issues.
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2011, 06:36:49 pm »
I think this vote doesn't mean anything. EU can vote and they likely don't even know who zealot or ecko is. Just to prove my point I voted randomly :P

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2011, 06:37:52 pm »
I see two issues with creating new servers even if they are run by the devs.

1. You just made MORE servers for NA. We already have like 8 or 9 servers and most of them are usually empty anyways. Adding more will further split up the population that we have.

2. I know this has been said many times but by having Zealot pay for the server he has complete access to it. Even if you say "Oh no its run by the devs its safe." He easily will have access to it and there are numerous damaging actions that he could do to you while you are playing on the server.

Those are the big issues I have with the creation of more servers specifically owned by Zealot.

I can see the argument of wanting to have the Strat server on its own box, seeing how large battles will inevitably make the entire machine lag. But I don't see why we would need more Battle and Siege servers when we already have so many.

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2011, 06:38:47 pm »
Thing is,  ATS restarted the Strategus server while losing a siege, ATS mass  bans innocent clan members because they don't like one or two people, countless unwarranted permbans have been handed out to random pubbies and clan players alike because an admin doesn't like them.  You just described all the problems people have with any clan owning a server, and since ATS owns the most servers they've most visibly harmed the community with actions like this.  That's why these servers wont be ATS, LLJK, Hospitaller, anything like that where internet drama, pride, and personal goals would interfere with creating the best community possible for all players.  What matters is that these are neutral and official.  Zealot has stepped up to pay for them, that's all, don't be paranoid.

If you say so. When shit goes down, though, I won't stop myself from saying I told you so :P

Interesting to know about an ATS Strat server restart. I don't think I was there for that, but I find it hard to believe. Then again, maybe I'm biased, maybe it was an accident, or maybe some jackass that's not in the clan anymore did it. I know for a fact no one that runs ATS now would ever do that on purpose. [EDIT: Just saw Ecko's post. So it was an accident.]

As for mass bans, sometimes you have to be a little forceful to get people to follow the rules. All of LLJK wasn't permabanned, they were all temp banned until whoever messed with the servers stepped up. I forget who that was... oh yeah! It was Mr. Charitable-I-Want-To-Buy a-Server-Now!

Like I said, I'm cool if he wants to give chadz money for other official servers. But if Zealot's got any access at all... come on now. That shit happened less than a month ago, no one's gonna reform that fast. Let him prove himself first.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 06:41:29 pm by Delro »
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2011, 06:40:59 pm »
- Big ATS battle going on. Its key that they win or they lose a city. During the battle its clear that ATS is losing and mysteriously the server restarts.
Ecko already did that once

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2011, 06:41:45 pm »
So official EU folks want to set up shop in NA finally?

So to play Devil's Advocate, we want them to now run important servers on our side of the pond...

  • Does not use NA for Beta Testers.
  • Has stated openly on numerous occasions that it does not and will not use NA for consideration on item balancing, only what EU does (So thank EU for fucking up your shit folks for the latest patch, as well as fixing what was broken and needed fixing, as it is all them and not us at all.).
  • When the glitch was found that Skills above tne did not work, EU servers received the fix but NA servers had to "wait" for the next patch.
  • Has ignored NA on everything but hooking up and disconnecting new servers.
  • When the slot patch was implemented, mass banned 250 NA players right off the bat for "exploitation" on an impulse "fix" due to a few glitches found on a new game mode.
  • Only in the last few days started helping NA such as hooking up Ecko's servers with the new Admin gadgets or offering to set up a new "officially run" server...

Why is EU having such a massive change of heart? What brought this on?

If we hand over our important Strategus server to the "Official" people, will we get the same amount of attention that was given to us for the past year or so, or will we get support?

We all know how EU operates their official servers, and they do a fine job of it, but when it comes to their attention to NA it has always been ... exceedingly lackluster. So, which side of the coin will it be if we get these new servers? EU attention like they treat EU, or EU attention like they always treat NA?

For all it's imperfections, we already know how Ecko runs his servers. We also know how EU has helped NA in the past for the entire history of c-RPG.

Abstaining from the vote until I can figure out how serious the Official EU is about taking over, or if this is a half-assed project that only involves Shik running things all by himself without help (not counting his "deputies" that he will be electing). On the other hand we could really use some new top-notch servers, and impartial is always a good thing. However, I am afraid that this new "impartial" server will be the usual "I don't care" kind of impartial that EU is famous for towards NA, and not the proper "impartial" attentiveness that EU gives itself.

EDIT: If I donate, will that money start going towards this "Official" NA server or will we have to specifically foot the bill via "unofficial" donations? Further more if I donate towards this "Official" server will it give NA folks the chance to still earn "heirloom loterry" tickets?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 06:47:05 pm by Tears_of_Destiny »
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2011, 06:42:13 pm »
One thing you didn't think of, if there is Official NA servers, NA players can participate in betas, item balancing, and instant bug fixing.

If there's one external person that I'd first and foremost let the NA server run, it's Ecko. This is in no way an attempt to "overthrow" you or something.

But the NA community got weird lately. Lots of quarrels, lots of fighting, be it verbally or with actions. This is no good, not at all. So the offer to receive a totally neutral NA server was like the best thing that could happen. And I gladly accepted.

People claimed that we, the devs, didn't care for NA enough, and I think it was true. That's why we are looking forward to expanding our staff with NA admins and NA betatesters and whatnot.

Bottom line: it's better if strategus is run officially, than by a clan. Any clan.

This is the best idea since the creation of strategus.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 06:47:56 pm by Snatch »
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2011, 06:44:20 pm »
I think what most people are worried about is the reputation of the folks who would own the server. They are a clan known for griefing/exploiting, and just generally being racist assholes who seem to partake their main joy in any game they play from ruining the experience of others. I understand that this is a broad statement, and doesn't necessarily describe ALL LLJK members, but the rotten apple spoils the bunch, the company you keep, etc...

Let me put it this way, if LLJK acts like this now,out of spite and malice, what makes you think they won't do it on a grander scale? That's the entire purpose of their clan, to troll the community, and I have to give it to them, they've been somewhat successful. They have done stupid shit multiple times, & you would be a fool to think they won't do it again.
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Offline Cheap_Shot

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2011, 06:44:47 pm »
Now common people, way to get carried away. Why would Zealot pay a crap ton of money out of his own pocket, and give up all influence to chadz, only to do something like that and have it all taken down? It's not like chadz would allow that sort of thing to happen, and if it did, he certainly wouldn't allow it to continue.

Then what is he going to do, steal his own money?

Instead of stringing up Zealot, we should be thanking him for his generosity so that we can split the strain of the new players that will be coming back for strat, and also for giving us official servers for NA players, which we have gone without for ages.

I'd like to request that the poll be taken down and it does not reflect the truth and is only serving to spread discourse and misinformation on a subject that is actually simple and clear.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 06:47:18 pm by Cheap_Shot »
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2011, 06:46:26 pm »
I know this has been said many times but by having Zealot pay for the server he has complete access to it. Even if you say "Oh no its run by the devs its safe." He easily will have access to it and there are numerous damaging actions that he could do to you while you are playing on the server.

this is the problem with the ats servers. I wasnt around for this so called reset but have heard many accounts about it from various clans/people, and you must agree it sounds fishy as hell.

People also say lljk are bad will cheat etc etc.  Ats servers have more than a few BADMINS.  why can't lljk get a chance to do it too. Its fun to troll and cause chaos on others servers but give them a chance.  you also cannot condemn a whole clan  for the actions of a few. were that the case i would hate all ats members
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2011, 06:53:35 pm »
So official EU folks want to set up shop in NA finally?

So to play Devil's Advocate, we want them to now run important servers on our side of the pond...

  • Does not use NA for Beta Testers.
  • Has stated openly on numerous occasions that it does not and will not use NA for consideration on item balancing, only what EU does (So thank EU for fucking up your shit folks for the latest patch, as well as fixing what was broken and needed fixing, as it is all them and not us at all.).
  • When the glitch was found that Skills above tne did not work, EU servers received the fix but NA servers had to "wait" for the next patch.
  • Has ignored NA on everything but hooking up and disconnecting new servers.
  • When the slot patch was implemented, mass banned 250 NA players right off the bat for "exploitation" on an impulse "fix" due to a few glitches found on a new game mode.
  • Only in the last few days started helping NA such as hooking up Ecko's servers with the new Admin gadgets or offering to set up a new "officially run" server...

Why is EU having such a massive change of heart? What brought this on?

If we hand over our important Strategus server to the "Official" people, will we get the same amount of attention that was given to us for the past year or so, or will we get support?

We all know how EU operates their official servers, and they do a fine job of it, but when it comes to their attention to NA it has always been ... exceedingly lackluster. So, which side of the coin will it be if we get these new servers? EU attention like they treat EU, or EU attention like they always treat NA?

For all it's imperfections, we already know how Ecko runs his servers. We also know how EU has helped NA in the past for the entire history of c-RPG.

Abstaining from the vote until I can figure out how serious the Official EU is about taking over, or if this is a half-assed project that only involves Shik running things all by himself without help (not counting his "deputies" that he will be electing). On the other hand we could really use some new top-notch servers, and impartial is always a good thing. However, I am afraid that this new "impartial" server will be the usual "I don't care" kind of impartial that EU is famous for towards NA, and not the proper "impartial" attentiveness that EU gives itself.

EDIT: If I donate, will that money start going towards this "Official" NA server or will we have to specifically foot the bill via "unofficial" donations? Further more if I donate towards this "Official" server will it give NA folks the chance to still earn "heirloom loterry" tickets?
Some good points, but I'm not sure they all apply here. Sure it seems like NA has been treated poorly in the past. But what does that have to do with how they run a server in NA? What are they going to just ban everyone for even the slightest infractions? Doubtful. I don't really see how having a neutral official server would be affected by how chadz treats NA.
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2011, 06:54:54 pm »
lol that log was funny. LLJK_Zealot: LISTEN TO ME, I AM GOD!
this looks so bad that it must be fake, but realistically its not.
That's horrible admin abuse. 
Ecko doesn't abuse his power like that and is the best option for the job so far. Although Ecko and ATS have put in many shitty maps they created into the servers. Which most people do not like.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 06:56:58 pm by Strider »