Xbow/xbow builds are retardly overpowered. pew pew 1shot
But hey! Fasader needs it to be this way... otherwise he would suck even more
Thos statistics are shit anyways. Go play EU 1 on primetime. And count the xbows....
Thing is. Dedicated archers with 0 PS and 0 WPF its very hard too melee, so we try to avoid it
While xbowers either 1 shot... or they finish it off in melee. So the melee kill statistic... does include alot of xbowers as well.
Look at DaveUKR ie.... how many people he finishes of melee. If the bolt didnt 1 shot them
As an archer. ever tried beating down a medium/heavy armored character with the 0 slot hammer?
Developers looking at a bunch of numbers... to dictate a nerf/buff, plain retarded