+ Cavalry more reasonable (however, make it so full speed is 40 degrees or so, and the slower you go, the more you can rotate.)
+ More armor soak, less bouncing
+ 1h seems to be in a nice position
+ Throwing is nice where it is right now. Throwers can do well but there hasn't been any domination at all.
+ More variety on the battlefield.
+Nothing felt like it was overly nerfed too much.
-Upkeep is still too high. Marketplace ruins disfavoring tincans anyways.
-Archery nerfed too hard. Need a good middle ground with the shot speed and arrow damage
-Xbow still too strong
-Polearms need to be nerfed (lower stun, fix bec)
-Need more for agi builds (coming from a strength build player). Such as more infantry mobility, messing around with speed bonus damage, etc.