Author Topic: Political correctness and all that jazz  (Read 2427 times)

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Re: Political correctness and all that jazz
« Reply #45 on: November 20, 2012, 07:03:30 pm »
Chinese exchanged communism with capitalism decades ago but most people still think they are communist state.
They ditched economic communism for capitalism, with capitalism being a purely economic system. Politically and socially they are still very much a communist state. Communism is an all encompassing ideology, it's not just about economy.

That is just one of a whole load of wrong statements in your post, sadly I am lazy and this is a thread about political correctness.

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Re: Political correctness and all that jazz
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2012, 07:10:02 pm »
You don't know shit about communism, don't pretend you do.

Edit: Maybe it's time for you to change that avatar of yours. Dali was a bit crazy, but was also a genius. You using that avatar is insulting to those people who respect Dali's work.

Edit2: I won't deny that I might be wrong about some things I said but what makes you think you're right about anything you said in this or that other political thread. Do you have any credentials to back up your views? Does being so full of yourself work as well in real life for you like it obviously does on these forums (you being a King and all, what a joke).
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 07:25:12 pm by Leshma »

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Re: Political correctness and all that jazz
« Reply #47 on: November 20, 2012, 07:17:07 pm »
I don't think you can change the human nature and our natural tendency to be somewhat altruistic (or at least have some kind of value/ethics system) without a massive genetic intervention or a lot of time.

Is that a scientific fact or something you believe? Maybe people are altruistic where you live, they sure aren't where I live. And when there is war, people do nasty stuff.

Immoral people also have their own value system, but it's completely the opposite from what moral people believe in.

Saying how "good" people are full of something divine, while bad people are empty shells is bullshit various religions are feeding us for centuries. Don't get me wrong, I'm not playing for the bad guys but I don't think they are monsters like good people believe. After all everything we believe in is just that, things we believe in. Universe doesn't give a fuck for sure.

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Re: Political correctness and all that jazz
« Reply #48 on: November 20, 2012, 07:43:16 pm »
Long before the human species started to emerge, group and in some kind "altruistic" behavior has been selected by evolution because it was goddamn working. Especially when you see things like kin selection. Helping people with genes the same as yours also helps your own genes.

This is basically why almost all humans structure themselves in groups. But a group can only be defined through exclusion. It only exists if you have some way of categorizing people "in" and "out" of it. Trouble begins when you start thinking that people outside whatever group you are in are worth less than people that are in the group. Religions, nations, races, all that shit, it's "my gang yeah, your gang boo" all over again. Even worse, a group's cohesion is highly dependant on how threatening the outside world seems to its members. It's the "common enemy" syndrome. I often hear people saying that our western societies have lost social cohesion. Putting it bluntly, we need a war or anything else that would force us to cooperate more. A conflict or threat of any sort tends to encourage narrowmindedness and cooperation which very mechanically reinforce the bonds between people.

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Re: Political correctness and all that jazz
« Reply #49 on: November 20, 2012, 08:41:39 pm »
Didn't read past page 1....Arathian I agree that culture does play a large part in the disparity between ethnic groups in the USA.  HOWEVER, education and what vagina you fell out of, play a huge part in it as well (how much money the vagina can summon being the main issue).

People born in poor conditions and receiving poor education growing up, are far more likely to continue the pattern of being poor than someone born to parents with some money and access to education, health care, and social functions that make a well balanced human being.

Yes, culture plays a pretty big role, but so do a lot of these socio-economic factors, to ignore that is very ignorant (not saying you are, but you should have mentioned it to give both sides of the coin a fair shake).  The elementary school I went to, is now 75-80% non-white students, and I grew up directly with the anti-intellectual culture of black people.  It certainly wasn't across the board, but it was a pervasive attitude, and anyone who was black and didn't go by that attitude was criticized and labeled "whitey" or otherwise ostracized. 

Sure some poor people are able to get "bootstrappy" and change from a 3rd class citizen to someone in the middle class, but those cases are few and far between compared to the majority, and it's not just black people or Latinos either, it's white poor people as well.  And it's more than just cultural aspects that propagate this continuation of the class your parents brought you into this world as.

An associate's degree is pretty much standard requirement nowadays for most jobs, where as 30 years ago it was a high school diploma.  Just to get a job that I could train someone to do in 2 days, requires a 2 year college degree.  That costs money, and it requires the person to have some level of education they consumed growing up that they can fall back on.  So it is both cultural and economic factors at play here, but you can't just discount one side of the spectrum.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2012, 08:49:32 pm by CrazyCracka420 »
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