General Discussion / Re: Adjust the new scoresystem slightly - Feedback
« on: August 07, 2012, 12:13:14 am »Current system:
- take the damage dealt
- cap it by what HP the enemy has left
- divide by 10, round down
- if it is a horse and has a rider divide by 5,
- if it is a horse without rider set to 0
- if it's a teammate multiply by -2
- if you hurt yourself * -1
- give this score to the one who did the damage
- divide score by 2
- give to everyone within 3m that is an enemy of the one who was hit
what about players that manual block while others swing by behind and get the points, manual block an enemy would give at least a tiny fraction of the current player that kill it if is done in the last seconds..
A small bonus to who stays alive at end of each round and did damage to the enemy..