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Messages - Mithus

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: Adjust the new scoresystem slightly - Feedback
« on: August 07, 2012, 12:13:14 am »
Current system:

- take the damage dealt
- cap it by what HP the enemy has left
- divide by 10, round down
- if it is a horse and has a rider divide by 5,
- if it is a horse without rider set to 0
- if it's a teammate multiply by -2
- if you hurt yourself * -1
- give this score to the one who did the damage
- divide score by 2
- give to everyone within 3m that is an enemy of the one who was hit

what about players that manual block while others swing by behind and get the points, manual block an enemy would give at least a tiny fraction of the current player that kill it if is done in the last seconds..
A small bonus to who stays alive at end of each round and did damage to the enemy..

General Discussion / Re: Horses - how to improve difficulty
« on: July 03, 2012, 11:44:02 pm »
The issue with cav at the moment, is that a cav player can contribute effectively to his team with less practice than with most other classes.

There is a world of difference between good, experienced cav and mediocre cav. That being said, a mediocre cav player can contribute far more to his team than he would be able to as mediocre infantry or as a mediocre archer (assuming he plays cautiously and doesn't just get himself dehorsed at the beginning of every round).

Why do you think that stab someone in the back, coming from rear in high speed would have any type high player skill, and that is how both good and bad cav players get most of their kills in a hundred player battle. That only happens because the conditions of the map and the chaos of battle are in, and of course the weapons that counter cav most easily are 3 slots(long spear).

General Discussion / Re: Horses - how to improve difficulty
« on: July 03, 2012, 10:14:51 pm »
If the developers and players want to invent excuses to see less cavalry on maps, instead of trying to do things that will not work do simple things like:

- 90% of the maps are for cavalry designed, change the way that maps are designed.
- Increased the cost of horses

To me the arguments about cavalry be OP, is just nonsense. Of Course on a open field with chaos of hundreds of players combating they will score easily.
Just because we see more players on horses that does not mean that it has to be nerfed.

Announcements / Re: cRPG: status and plans
« on: June 24, 2012, 07:41:17 pm »
3. speed up the gameplay
Apart from the above mentioned speed overhaul, we will also implement a new WPF curve, resulting in higher maximum WPF numbers and buffing those with weapon master skills. You can expect your wpf points to be wiped when this happens.

Would be good all information turned public: wpf,stats damage effect, weapon proficiency effect on weapons, on the website.
Not to be based on obscurity, or for veterans that have all time to test the effects.
They already have the advantage of gear and player skill, and will have another advantage based on information obscurity.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Game Crashing!!!
« on: May 30, 2012, 05:45:12 pm »
My game is crashing too, same problem as above, after updating to last patch 10 minutes ago.

General Discussion / Re: i got scammed on market
« on: November 04, 2011, 05:23:48 pm »
I know devs dont have too much time...

I think anyone would have a chance to have their hard work back, and advise him to not trade again like that - at least 1 time for every people.
I would check the if it was true, give things back and ban the scammer for a least 1 month showing that scammers have no place in cRPG.
Also if possible replace loom points for experience points if you want to imbue an item just spent 8kk experience.. and the possilibity to trade experience points for money in the market.. that would solve the problem of loom points.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Suggested New Feature: Hiding
« on: October 18, 2011, 06:09:16 pm »
Why not make it so the larger the army, the farther away you can see them. It would make sense. Small scout party's would be much harder to see and add in more tactics like small groups laying a trap for a larger one.

I think this would be a better choice, right now there is no difference betwen people with 100 and 10.. atm you know others people numbers too far away.

Global / Re: Banned for using several accounts from one IP - post here!
« on: October 16, 2011, 08:23:55 pm »

First me,
second my brother, also it is used to people  from my guild that do play others games to tryout cRPG before buy Warband.

Non-sense this banning, you can check if it is related to Mxyptlk_KGB or God_Johny_KGB - tusday they were at my house with their notebooks, but all other time they play with different ips from me, they do not live with me.

General Discussion / Re: My armor mod was added! :D
« on: October 16, 2011, 04:18:53 pm »
I haven't been on in forever, and I was scrolling through the armor page and BOOM, my kazakh armor I made for crpg over the summer!


Thank you guys!

Congratulations, but could you fix the ugly sunlight effect that when the sun is out the armor seems to be used by a ghost?  :oops:
The armors and boots seems reflecting to the light as it was a metal armor but just becoming too much brigher.

General Discussion / Re: EU vs NA
« on: October 15, 2011, 09:10:57 pm »
I play on both servers EU and NA, and watch people playing a lot as spec, if would be possibly to have a neutral ground with people with the same ping, I would bet my cRPG money on NA side.  EU has more numbers of good players, but if we had the top 10 of each side, I would bet money on NA side.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Highlander Game Mode
« on: October 15, 2011, 12:02:24 pm »
10 minutes is like eternity in FFA.  Even 5 minutes would be long, 3 minutes is prob closer to reality

maybe 5 minutes would be the middle term.

Suggestions Corner / Highlander Game Mode
« on: October 14, 2011, 11:01:35 pm »
Highlander Game Mode

There can be only one!

The principle of this mode is simple, is a free for all game mode, the last man to stand alive wins the round, it´s not a simple deathmatch mode it has some elements that differ from it.

Time limit for each round is 10 minutes. If after the ten minutes there are more than 2 players alive, the round is considered a draw and all players are back to X1.

Your xp and gold gain is defined by a base 1000xp and 50gold per minute, plus the number of people that you killed in the previous minute before the tick.. so if you killed 3 people in the last minute, in the next tick you will gain 1300xp and 65 gold. If you die, you will get back to 1000xp and 50 gold base per minute and you wait for the next round dead, The prize to the winner is only that he will begin the next round with last total base xp and gold earned in the previous round.

Like a battle or siege mode you can only begin to gain more than x1 if there are at least 10 people playing.. but if there are 20 people playing you are limited to 1900xp 95gold, if you won the game last round. But the all time cap is the number of players, so no matter if you still winning you are limited to 2000xp and 100 gold if there are 20 players.

This game mode must have a map specific designed to have like for example up to 120 spawn points to players that are filled with a random chance algorithm, the spawn points must have a minimum distance from each other.

General Discussion / Re: 4th loom level
« on: October 02, 2011, 01:51:59 am »
If casual players want less separation maybe they should play more. Also new players CAN make a character at gen 1 that CAN compete with the 'no lifers'. I myself have NO loomed weapons at all and yet I manage. They have a mode people can play for those who want no separation and the same starting point every time. It's called native multiplayer.

I do not agree, I play on cRPG because I can customize my build.

General Discussion / Re: 4th loom level
« on: October 01, 2011, 11:36:51 pm »
This would be interesting but would only further separate the grinders/no-lifers/long time players from newbies or casual players.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: So about that new throwing craze ?
« on: September 29, 2011, 04:56:32 pm »
ps: how many posts before some moderator put the topic to game balance forum?

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