Highlander Game Mode
There can be only one!
The principle of this mode is simple, is a free for all game mode, the last man to stand alive wins the round, it´s not a simple deathmatch mode it has some elements that differ from it.
Time limit for each round is 10 minutes. If after the ten minutes there are more than 2 players alive, the round is considered a draw and all players are back to X1.
Your xp and gold gain is defined by a base 1000xp and 50gold per minute, plus the number of people that you killed in the previous minute before the tick.. so if you killed 3 people in the last minute, in the next tick you will gain 1300xp and 65 gold. If you die, you will get back to 1000xp and 50 gold base per minute and you wait for the next round dead, The prize to the winner is only that he will begin the next round with last total base xp and gold earned in the previous round.
Like a battle or siege mode you can only begin to gain more than x1 if there are at least 10 people playing.. but if there are 20 people playing you are limited to 1900xp 95gold, if you won the game last round. But the all time cap is the number of players, so no matter if you still winning you are limited to 2000xp and 100 gold if there are 20 players.
This game mode must have a map specific designed to have like for example up to 120 spawn points to players that are filled with a random chance algorithm, the spawn points must have a minimum distance from each other.