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Messages - Lady_Cicilia_Rosewood

Pages: [1] 2
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Cavalry Are Still Overpowered
« on: July 31, 2011, 08:03:23 pm »
People still have trouble beating horses? What are the new influx of players somehow getting worse at this game?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Speed - 2H weapons vs 1H weapons
« on: July 29, 2011, 10:56:23 pm »
When full plated armour came, it worked so well you did not need a shield anymore. This ment an extra hand was freed up for bigger and heavier weaponry.

Depending on what kind of 2 handed weapon it is, the speed can be not that much different....just due to the fact it's swung with 2 hands instead of 1

You're looking for excuses jacob. Any damage you claim it does to armour is complete circumstancial, as a matter of fact....only the Milanese plate could have that kind result. That is, if it's poorly constructed.

But the point is, I dont think it's possible to have the dodging mechanics with current hardcoding.

It's the movement mechanics of the characters, not much to do unless hardrecoded

Suggestions Corner / Re: Back Sheaths for 2 slots + poll
« on: May 20, 2011, 11:02:54 pm »
I'm serious, if you're going to touch the blade each time...and I imagine you would touch the blade when sheathing it back will rust the blade. I wouldn't want you to handle your claymore like that, good sword's don't come cheap.

fucking newbs show some respect.

M'lady i must say the LoC is a very silly weapon. You really are better off taking a heavy lance.
Silly? I beg you pardon. Not for the charge, the Lance of Greatness is the prefered choice for a hit into the enemy formation en masse!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Some changes concerning cavalry
« on: May 20, 2011, 01:16:53 pm »
The problem with the horse is that it's played like a smooth car made out of flesh, instead of an animal like in Assassins creed..which is beyond our ability to change.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 20, 2011, 01:05:06 pm »
a quote from a cav person, telling you to use a spear&shield combo that is outranged by every lance carried by cavalry.
convincing argument, I must say.
Awlpike is just barely long enough to beat cav, and bamboo is indeed anti cav with a shield.
I am completely serious. When it's a cavalry map, my typical loadout as when I choose to be infantry is Heavy Heater shield, Warspear and Knightly Arming Sword. Warspear + shield is a terrific combat support combo, because you can essentially dictate how far a person will penetrate a front line by thrusting the point into their chests. Targetting the 2 handed folk is so much fun, as you can swirv the point past your teammate and poke the guy who just tried to do a overhead strike. Forcing them to do lowblocks constantly really makes them shifty to any of your teammates using the opportunity.

The point is, you do not attack the rider, but the horse which is a hell of allot closer.
Just a little poke at the front of the horse and it rears. If he came at you full speed, chances are the horses is severely drained of its health or dies instantly. You can get a few nice extra stabs in, killing the horse, then when he downs...a nice piercing strike into the dehorsed cavalrymen. If that didn't kill him, you switch over to sword and finish him off. In the case you lose your shield, the warspear is a good duelling weapon to hold your own
The warspear compared to the pike doesn't have the same psycological effect of doom to a cavalrymen, so they're more willing to take a chance, which is exactly what you take advantage off. Especially when you are primed for a strike, the spear is pulled so way back...the instant you release along with a get a WTF REACH moment. Jumping horses have soft under bellies. And you can somewhat predict when they do jump if you have the situational awareness for it.

(Ive got 100 1 handed, 120 2 handed and 92 polearm wpf and 5 powerstrike)

I only have trouble taking out cavalry with this combo when it's 3 cavalry ganging up on lil ol me as infantry or an extra enemy infantry unit I have to take care of.
Cavalry persons know best what it takes to take out cavalry persons, because they spent the entire time avoiding those deaths, or applying them when they are playing as infantry or ranged. I have multiple characters, each with a different play style, and I happily use my knowledge that would normally keep me alive, into methods of doom.

For crying out loud, I've killed riders with a jump and long dagger stab attack.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Back Sheaths for 2 slots + poll
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:31:49 pm »
It's not impractical at all, I have a scottish claymore and can easily "sheath" it into my back loop and also "unsheath" it in a matter of 1-2 seconds. It's no lightsabre, you know, it's perfectly possible to touch it on the blade.
Touching the blade without propper care will rust it

I would say the LoC is a better anti cavalry weapon then infantry

Suggestions Corner / Re: Some changes concerning cavalry
« on: May 20, 2011, 02:48:45 am »
If a rider could be dehorsed without killing the horse, then the compensation in game mechanics for hp and whatnot didn't have to exist. As it is however...

Did the long pike of 300 even exist back then? It wasen't a rediculous weapon, but a proper one for it's role

Did unsheathable or slots exist in the time that LoC was removed?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Back Sheaths for 2 slots + poll
« on: May 20, 2011, 02:11:47 am »
good read
MouthnHoof lays it out nicelly

Wasen't silly in the slightest, it had it's own niche. The great lance doesn't fill it. You have to remember how far a non couchable lance can be poked
The pike got ONLY a thrust, wich makes 2slot weapon, really... specific.
A real great lance even more so, and it's done for a good amount of seconds while the pike can keep poking away. You have to drop the lance if you're close in with melee or CQC with cavalry.
If you can't kill anyone because of their "short" range, then maybe consider going 1h cav maybe.

There is no reason whatsoever to chose the current great lance over any other lances. It's outranged, outfought...and leaves one completely paralysed for any action except for defensive measures(hold shieldblock) for a long period of time. It's a 1 shot impotent woody that is a waste of money and time to invest in.

Because its retarded
Impeccable argument  :rolleyes:

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