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Messages - Jarl_Hangus

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Wake up EU
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:51:50 pm »
Non non, je ne pas avoir troops sur la strategus, mon ami. Moi lone wolf!

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General Discussion / Re: WPP Sum and Cost Formula Rework(Includes WM)
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:07:35 pm »
I feel like people have forgotten this. WPF increases have a greater affect on slow weapons, than fast ones.

So if you want to hit hard and on tincan we must go on agibuild like 18 24 instead of 24 18 with polearm ? The strength courbe must be the same as agi  for ps when you have more than 18 str if you really want to balance. If you specialise you must have an advantage i m agree, but if you want to hit on heavy armor, you  must be fuck without piercing weapon ? Actually even with 7 ps on heavy armor with cut dmg i glance a lot.  If you want to use 1h weapon doing dammage and don't be overspam or backpedal by 2h full agi or pole full agi with heavy armor, what's the plan ?

Btw polearm user can allready instastab in close range, i m talking about pike, something will be do about this ?

I play 1h cav since 3 years maybe, i m not the best but i can tell horse are really outmaneuver against people with more than 24 agi in light armor if you don't use an arabian. And with the new 1h stab who is the new anticav what 1h cav can expect ?

I think give back to horse their old maneuver stats will be a good things against the new agi mod who will be install to c-rpg. I can allready ear the" QQ, 1h cav is op blabla".

For the respect system, i have 21 18 build, and 5 shield 5 wm, i put 5 shield cause 5 or 6 wm was not a huge difference, but now with the new system i want to go to 4 shield 6 wm, i will be fuck ? I have to respect my lvl 34 ?

It will be cool if we can change 1 or 2  skill in agility part for this kind of thing, shielder put more in shield than wm cause it was more efficient but now i think a lot hybird with shield will want to change 1 or 2 point in shield to go in wm. I m sure a lot of hybrid will need the same sort of little adaptation to their build.

I got allready fucked when requirment for horse change, plz dont add some sand.


cRPG Technical problems / Re: Connection to server is lost
« on: August 23, 2013, 10:56:31 am »
I have the same problem since 1 week,  sometimes i can t even finish 1 round :/

General Discussion / Re: Remove flamming katana
« on: July 31, 2013, 07:08:47 pm »
See, the man even barely used the damn thing. This was my point. Uses it a bit and 100 threads pop up and people start crying their eyes out. 50 kills really isnt a lot for a instakill weapon. So your way of running between these 100 threads and yelling INJUSTICE! in all of em is really uncalled for. Loosen up, you are being pathetic.  Especially when its being fixed as we speak and it was said to be a bug. Id personally like it if Thomek rarely hunted the server with it on special occasions.

Moral of the story: you simply dont screw with a C-rpgnerds game. :rolleyes:

If u don t like the c-rpgnerds community go play pong. lolilol.

Ps : sry i can t resist ! kiss titi !

General Discussion / Re: Remove flamming katana
« on: July 30, 2013, 07:54:23 pm »
Well....yea. To the comment I replied, your entire point was "QQ, admins can do everything, players are treated like shit, QQ". Whats there to reply about really? And personally I dont get your hate. Do you feel that there is injustice, in which case that is just sillytalk? Cause from your last reply I read out that you want people to follow the rules 100% and not dick around even a bit. Or you are just jelly and hating cause you werent privileged with a flamekatana?

Not all admin some try to be fair.

But yes there is something wrong when an admin by mistake maybe but still,  give a cheated weapon to a random players and don't have any problems, this thing just annoy so much people. It was fun the first map, but after..., it was not fun at all, so when people cause trouble they get punish no ?

When you are a bitch ingame, admin kick or ban you for some hours, but when it s the fault to some admin, nothing must happen, i just don t think it s normal, even if you are an admin when you make mistake you pay the price. I don t ask to ban apsod, it s not his fault for me. It s the fault to the man who give him the power to annoy all the server with this, even if was just a mistake,

you fail, you pay or even he can come for make apologies to the players.  I just demand some respect in fact. If the guy with the power can t make the proper transaction to the good person it s not my fault i don t have to suffer for his mistake. And being burn or watch half of the players in the map getting burn, just cause 1 guys can t be carefull, this is not normal something must be done.

You can be a dick if you don t annoy all the server, you can flam, rage after me i don't care but i don t wan t to be kill cause of a mistake of an admin.

Some people get ban for some hour for teampunching, i can understand it s not cool to punch someone to death everyround but when i see what happen with this katana, i just want to cry what the fuck man, just have some logic, you have the power don't use it like this. They must be more responsable than others.

You don t know me, it s why you think i was mad, but it was just for the pepole look what i said and reply, i rarely post for complain, but when i do, i want to be listen and if you are not a little bit rude, no
one will pay attention.

It s why i try to explain my wiev. In fact i m happy to talk with you and all other who are not agree with me, it s like this i can be listen.

Ps : Nice trailer

General Discussion / Re: Remove flamming katana
« on: July 30, 2013, 06:36:26 pm »
Im sorta getting the feeling you are the "bad troll" here.

What can i tell to this, i try to explain my point and you, just tell to play  pong, yes i m a troll and you are the clever guy.

Kiss don t be angry.

General Discussion / Re: Remove flamming katana
« on: July 30, 2013, 06:06:44 pm »
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Maybe because this time  i need to, the first time. And because for once  i have the time too.

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My dear panos, I m not mad i just try to explain him, it s not because i don t post on the forum i m  a rabbit of 2 weeks.

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I understand what you say, but you noticed my renown it maybe because i don t post every time i get mad about this game. Just this time it's not about the game but about some people who can do all they want and don t care about the playerbase.

I just think it s not normal at all and i tell it, maybe i m a fool but it s not a big deal, I just have to say what i think this time.

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I m agree with you, and i repeat i  m not the best player in this mod  not even on the top 20 or 30 or 100, but  i know  some things about this mod afterall.

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quote author=TiberiusX link=topic=52139.msg832765#msg832765 date=1375199111]
Apparently captain oblivious still needs to float  around here cause its still not oblivious to some people. :rolleyes:

Depends on the type of trolling. Some people go way overboard. I think you really need a calm down. This isnt the first popular mod that has adminonly OP weapons. Even NW admintools had a couple. Like the bazooka for example. If already this tiny situation broke your heart in many locations than you are better off not playing M&B Multiplayer mods at all.  Play something Pong for example. Althou I am sure they probably invented bazookas for that aswell.

 And I thought it was already made pretty clear that Absod getting this weapon was an accident. That it was ment for an acctual admin who would use it responsibly(hopefully). So the "QQ admins are evil and we are tormented poor peasants" is really uncalled for.

Ok he make a mistake, he pay for it, no problem so,  it's not a big deal if you make mistake you have to pay the price like all other players in this game. And i m calm if not i will not be here, but outside to do something else.

It s not the first time, what a bad reason. So we can all go tk, don't take care about the other people with who we play, this happen erveryday , no problem. It s not because  this  happen before it s normal to do it again.

Troll is troll, it s always overboard if you respect people. You can troll your friends but otherway it s overboard to me(maybe i m the only one). You can think what you want, it's your right like mine to tell what i want.

The other things you say, i will do like i never read this, it s just a bad troll.

General Discussion / Re: Remove flamming katana
« on: July 30, 2013, 05:15:12 pm »
I play since maybe for more 4 years i can t remember, it s to old and i read this forum everyday. Yes i have a faction and clan but it s not the point. I don t post because most of time i just don t want to be part of useless drama, but if you  want i can tell who  you are ; an agiwhore who are not so good Your previous clan used an unicorn as emblem. If you want to see my name look who is on the top score.

I m not the best c-rpg player not even the best cav or inf but i know this game surely as much as you.

I am Gen 13 lvl 34. I have many alt gen 4, 2. I was here years before you young padawan and i will be after you . I have play before upkeep when cav was really overpowered, don t try to take me in this way man.

General Discussion / Re: Remove flamming katana
« on: July 30, 2013, 04:39:09 pm »
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It s just give this to a trollguy. Not a good idea

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Even when he make apologies he is a troll.

Thx cmp we got troll ingame and now on the forum ! Love you,
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You know you have to do something else and just quote teeth is not a real answer to this problem. Who sell this to apsod, he deserve to be ban.

Fun or not,if you are an admin you don t have to  sell weapon who are not to be.

I too am shocked of how seriuslly people are taking this. Calm your tits ladies, its pretty oblivious this isnt permanent, so just go with it for now.

Thx captain oblivious !  you made my day.

I m bored some admin can do all the shit they want when other players are ban  or even peramban just for  trolling.

General Discussion / Re: Remove flamming katana
« on: July 30, 2013, 11:05:56 am »
Just get OS by a guy for 2 or 3 hours and you will laugh so hard, the people was so happy with this, at 23h 10 vs 10 on eu1. Are you serious ?

Yes it was funny the first map, the second less, the third ...., after  ok just stop this madness, and finally i just go on duel server, cause no point to play with this.

Flying carpet was just awesome.

And i don t care about money or xp, it s not the point, i was with friend who are new in this game, and what i tell him, no problem it s for fun admin think you are new you get kill in all case. just take 1hit the guys will run and watch you die, don t u love this ?

General Discussion / Re: Remove flamming katana
« on: July 30, 2013, 10:16:16 am »
Just ban people who put this in  the hand of apsod. You make a mistake you deserve to be punish.

It s just insane.

Or give back all account to panos, what he  done for his  ban was nothing if you look what s going on here. If it s anarchy, it should be for everyone. Not just for some admin ninja who are just here for put arena map (thomek you are a good guy but a terrible admin, sorry but it s what i think).

Why ban some people for  reasons who are not ruin the fun to all other players (if people troll, u can choose to not read and no more problems) and other can use some cheated weapon without any issues.

Seriously admin, dev or who introduce this weapon, what s the point to  just ruin the fun to all players for 1 or 2.

I rarely rage but this,  just....... baaaaaaaaah, bullshit, just go in hell.

When i see some people ban for team punching and after this. I just want to say what the fuck.

Cmp master of ban what are you doing when people use cheat weapon man.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Paramerion is OP
« on: March 08, 2013, 08:50:05 pm »
Just add slash point is not an option i think.

Up +1 piercing for -1 slash if it's so cool to stab ! I don t have any problems with.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Paramerion is OP
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:32:12 pm »
Are you serious, +1 cut for -1 pierce, bullshit.
Cav use 98% slash, on foot same.

-1 cut -1 speed and the weapon is balanced.

I don t talk about price.

I use the stab alot, especially in mass fights. If you don't believe me you can ask my clanmates . I actually find it quite important atm. I also use it from horseback.

 I use "alot", seriously. BE honnest man ! You know it s not fair +1 cut for pierce nerf even with other stuff, for 1h cav it will be just the top 1 weapon. Cause of better cut, length. OTher thing are useless in 1h cav.
With pierce 1 dmg will not change anything, the only thing you need for 1 shoot other cav it s  speed, and it s 99% when you use it on cav.

Forum Français / Re: Présence du 20 au 26 aout : venez confirmer n°2
« on: August 19, 2012, 11:42:16 pm »
Dispo 20/21/23/24 et surement 26

Forum Français / Re: Présence du 13 au 20 aout : Venez confirmer
« on: August 10, 2012, 12:50:21 am »

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