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Messages - Sir_Mateusz

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestion: Machine Crossbow (Please Consider)
« on: August 15, 2011, 05:30:17 pm »
No Strider I think its bad idea.  We need THIS crossbow!

(click to show/hide)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Boundries around the maps
« on: August 15, 2011, 05:05:44 pm »
When I hit invisible wall it piss me off, but if I chase some other cavalry guy and I know this guy will soon hit this fucking forcefield - priceless :D
You need to learn the map.

Maybe it cant be a thick forest or a big fence surronding the area?
Fence or forest in middle of desert ? :)

Btw big fences, are you German sir ? :D

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Need help for a cavalry build
« on: August 15, 2011, 06:31:39 am »
@@Lancer + Shield + Iron Flash (it saved me many times)
Converted 2 (once)

Ironflesh 6
Power Strike 6
Shield 2
Athletics 3
Riding 6
Weaapon Mastery 6

HP 65

Polearm 156

@@Lancer + Shield (no Iron Flash but +1 PS)
Converted 8 (4 times)

Power Strike 7
Shield 2
Athletics 2
Riding 6
Weaapon Mastery 6

HP 56

Polearm 156

I used both and first one is much better.
As you see I dont like athletic because most time i spend on saddle. I dont even use secondary weapon to fight on foot - Heavy Lance - Queen of Weapons FTW !!
Shield is mainly for ranged protection. If it breaks hmmm... sometimes happens - manual blocks are not so bad - they work even from behind LOL (I swear!)

If you want more power you can also go build number two 24/15 8PS but -1 Riding and -1 WM. Slower but stronger.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Non-random upkeep
« on: August 14, 2011, 03:33:31 pm »
From what I notice when your team wins you must pay rarely. This is a good solution, but some items should be cheaper to maintain.
So i vote NO.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« on: August 12, 2011, 10:33:59 pm »
Sir mateusz : Guess what i was joking with the sumpter horse, on second thougt - for u i wasn t...
my bad flamberge upkeep is around 1.4 k  right now and everything else i would be wearing in your assumption is peasant gear... by that assumption made my upkeep would be higher than your s with just a weapon and i can t even outrun nor bump u so i guess we would be even on the battlefield if (no offence) you would not be such a noob  :P and constantly attack me with your heavy lance (instant kill even in good armour) or bump me from behind while i am busy fighting that lvl 3 peasant...
Ohhh i killed you few times in a row:(( ? Don't cry its only a game.
I am noob because I killed you from behind when you were busy ? WTF ?! Should I wait and wistle to get your attention ? OK but wear something pink that i saw you.
I do bumps for allied infantry fighting with you to help him kill you - its called teamwork or tactic. As lancer its better for me to stab you than bump.
Its WAR i dont care you are bussy fighting or fapfapfaping with lvl3 pesant if there is possibility I strike - this is how cavalry works in M&B.

After last rebalance MW Heavy lance + my  PS7 rarely kills with one blow, even light armored bowman sometimes can survive one good blow. Other lancers can confirm this for sure.

You Sir seem to be a smart ass, so what you are saying is basicly that you pay more upkeep if you use 2 more inventory slot s than me as a 2hander?!?  :?
I think it is really not fair to compare the plated charger - wich is a weapon that can do probably more damage on it's own without you (obvious trololo) or any other rider by bumping me, with my poor flamberge lying there on the ground beside s my dead body doing nothing.
Who cares about slots if you as 2h-Fighter need only your sword  (oh and skill you obviously don't have) to be effective on battlefield. If you can't evade bumps its your problem I think - many good players don't let me bump them so easily, or not at all.
Oh and you know you can also use your big sword to kill me with one strike? Seriously its not a joke ! Practice more, cry less.

the main thing about this is not to make high tier horses more usable you idiots, but to make up to the Palfrey at least, usuable all the time with low end gear
Yes, heavy armored horses upkkep should be high as it is, because these horses are almost bulletproof, and you have to pay for this great benefit.
Lowered should be only light horses like Courser, Arabian etc.. But not so much of course. I think before update prices were OK (990 for Courser). Rouncey upkeep is OK now in my opinion.

We should pay more for ability to ride, but without exaggeration.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« on: August 12, 2011, 01:05:58 am »
I think i vote NO... :twisted:

No offense but I think you are idiot or you never played as cavalryman.
And first of all Sumpter Hore isn't a horse. It's only good as taxi to castle wall on siege server.

As Inf you can wear cheap armor and you can still kill some players - actually you are even faster! This isn't bad. Right?
But cavalryman ridding on SumpterFuckingMule + Cheap polearm (Boar spear lol) is dead from very beginning of the round.

Only 1.200 for flameberge ? I have to pay 670 H.lance, about 200 (i dont remember) for cheap shield diff 2, and about 670 for cheapest horse Rouncey. As i know Flamberge is very good sword lol
So i pay more than you for using worst cavalryman items and you have to pay only for your sword.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:50:34 pm »
Lower upkeep PLEASE! At least for unarmored horses.
As cav it's not possible to earn money now. Only if I am ridding Rouncey + heavy lance +very light armor (gambeson or something) i can earn some money but survivability = 0
~5 rounds with Courser and medium armor (Heraldic Mail) and i am bankrupt again.
I know I can play without horse but i don't want to!
Because of high upkkep i don't play as often as before and I belive i am not alone.

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.232
« on: July 12, 2011, 02:36:17 pm »
+40° Rotation limit for lancer (i am lancer and i love this!!), but needs adjustment,  maybe 50-60 degrees ?
+archery nerf
+2h nerf
+armor buff
+break chance increased when using a weapon with low proficiency
+day time adjustment
+Heavy Lance speed buff
+rebalance of horses stats

-Heavy Lance stun after hitting the shield or block should be removed
-I liked Heavy Lance model from 0.230
-1h cav becomes op (maybe you should remove bumpslashing ability? :D)
-pikemans/spearmans are everywhere!
-buffed throwing
-no new items/models
-better performance, no fps drop on good pc's
-UPKEEP!! WTF?! Raise upkkep for archers, but why for cavalry !? We don't earn money! We are poor! We have nothing to eat ! If some cavalryman have money it means he played archer or light armored infantry for few generations. Maybe i dont want to play other classes ?

Announcements / Re: Version 0.231
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:41:16 pm »
Heavy Lance from 0.230 looks awesome! Why its changed to orginal model now?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Question about controls
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:39:23 pm »
Mouse movement.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Best polearm to use for cav?
« on: May 26, 2011, 08:24:37 pm »
But how about the glaive? Anyone tried it on a horse?
As Digglez said Glaive can only stab from horseback.Its very expensive weapon now. 22 pierce dmg and 160 lenght for this price is not worth it for cavalry use.
Glaive is weapon made for infantry.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Best polearm to use for cav?
« on: May 25, 2011, 06:17:15 pm »
If everyone just couches their spear yes you are right longer weapon = win
If everyone just stabs - longer weapon win.

Couching is almost useless. I did not take couching into account.  (good against an enemy who does not see you, or lone infantryman still holding block - who care about weapon range then)
When fighting vs light lance user i dont care he can stab faster because he cant reach me. You know my horse can make evasing manuvers, right ? I can keep the enemy lancer at a distance.
I say theoretically ,you know that on the battlefield it can be different.
Oh i dont want to say Light lance is sux, but in my opinion heavy lance is better. Maybe a question of style of play.
Some people like range and others attack speed.

Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: May 23, 2011, 08:17:22 pm »
aah yes but English Longbowmen could easily fire 6 arrows a minute so if there were 300 longbowmen in a unit they could fire 1800 a minute so the cav would either be dead already or they would flee, unlikely as it is IF they did carry on charging they would be so few that they would be picked off.
Don't forget heavy cavalary is armored and have shields. Its not easy to penetrate fulplate armor with longbow (depends of angle etc). Even if the horse is hit it does not stop charging - herd instinct.
Read about polish Husaria, they very often charge at muskeeters and canons and after battle losees maybe 10% riders.
When musketers shoot they lossen ranks, and tighten when they reload, charging at full speed. And this beautiful 6,2m long lances... pike is about 5-5,5m and goes at an angle :)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Best polearm to use for cav?
« on: May 23, 2011, 02:29:21 pm »
Actually if weapon is slower you can more easily hit your targets as cav. Slow weapon (or if you have low wpf in pole) deals damage longer.
Heavy lance isnt so slow, its the best for horseman and not bad when using on foot.
Lancer need to overrange your enemies.
Using Light Lance you have no chance against H Lance user mounted or not and most ppl is using Heavy Lances.

Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: May 23, 2011, 02:09:39 pm »
Archer are the best vs cavalry, especialy against horsearchers.They can kill horse very easy.

Cav>infantry>archers>cav this is how it looks.

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