
Lower upkeep on horses?

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #105 on: August 08, 2011, 04:15:35 pm »

They used to be rare now they are plenty and in every match suitable for horses.

Also what I dont like is when even if you hit the horses dead on the riders weapon will connect with you the next split second anyway. on foot at least the guy stagger on hit but sitting on a horse nothing happens unless you get the rider. In short the horse should react too, if that happen then I could support armored horses getting buffed.   
Blame the market noy upkeep then, dont blame heavy cav for raping you when thye have clear weaknesses.
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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #106 on: August 11, 2011, 03:50:02 pm »
completely true
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Glyph you have obsessive Horse Archer and Horse hatred.
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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #107 on: August 11, 2011, 04:02:22 pm »
just bought some cheap infantry gear, gonna have to grind as infantry for a while if i want to keep on playing as cavalry... :rolleyes:
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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #108 on: August 11, 2011, 04:25:09 pm »
just bought some cheap infantry gear, gonna have to grind as infantry for a while if i want to keep on playing as cavalry... :rolleyes:
how much do you have on equipment without heirloom worth?
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Glyph you have obsessive Horse Archer and Horse hatred.
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Offline Lizard_man

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #109 on: August 11, 2011, 04:52:33 pm »
my gear including my horse is rather expensive i must admit, but i've been switching to really cheap gear and i'm still losing money, still using my champ destrier of course, i made an earlier post explaining though, other than having to pay for my horse every other round, i pretty much get switched to the losing team every map, so the second i get a decent mulitiplier, it gets taking away from me because i get switched to the losing team... :cry:
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Offline Riddaren

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #110 on: August 11, 2011, 11:22:42 pm »
You already pay a price for using a horse (skill points in riding) so I don't see why they should be as expensive as they are now.
It's not like everyone would get riding skill all of a sudden if the prices were decreased by as much as 50% (which would be a much more fair price).

Being 1H heavy cav (or cav in general) is extremely expensive and it is far from fair simply because no other class is better than another.
Being longbowmen is cheap in comparison and probably the best allround class in the game.
Just take a look at these builds, both level 35 archers:

No other class benefits as much from being level 35 as the archer while melee cavalry probably is the class that is least buffed by higher level.

(click to show/hide)

Seriously. The longbowman can beat any opponent in almost any situation while cavalry players, even on armoured horses needs to stay away from longbowmen in fear of getting themselves or their horses owned.

As a foot archer I could use the same equipment every round. With a charger (3700 repair cost) I can play 1/5 rounds with it...
If anything should cost 4000k to repair it is the longbow. Not a charger.

I think a 50% decrease in price of all horses would be fair.
Then, cavalry players can actually be cavalry players every round. Just like 2H players and archers can.

/ Considering becoming 100% longbowman instead of 20% 1H heavy cav.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 11:43:05 pm by Riddaren »

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #111 on: August 11, 2011, 11:50:34 pm »
Lower upkeep PLEASE! At least for unarmored horses.
As cav it's not possible to earn money now. Only if I am ridding Rouncey + heavy lance +very light armor (gambeson or something) i can earn some money but survivability = 0
~5 rounds with Courser and medium armor (Heraldic Mail) and i am bankrupt again.
I know I can play without horse but i don't want to!
Because of high upkkep i don't play as often as before and I belive i am not alone.

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #112 on: August 12, 2011, 12:32:50 am »
ah i see-  than plz lower upkeep for flamberge 2 plz and while your at it i really like to wear my lordly heirloomed full plate with ceased greaves, armet and heavy gauntlets every round (it s just around 140k of gear) + it just look s so nice with the flamberge... and the upkeep of around 4k for a lost round is just to high... can you maybe make it like 40 gold?

I think i vote NO... :twisted:

Can't see the need to take my best liked gear, be it the flamberge (1.2k upkeep) or anything else every round, and i can't even bump with my heavy gear (what a shame)...

i like what it is all about now: keep the good stuff for special occasions and dress up (or ride up) to impress once in a while and if it get's to expensive take a lame sumpter horse (or just don t repair your plated charger untill it can't even wear it s own armour anymore 8-))...
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 12:55:43 am by Warpeasant »

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #113 on: August 12, 2011, 12:38:46 am »
Ah I See. Then lower upkeep for flamberge too please and while you're at it I really like to wear my lordly heirloomed full plate with cased greaves armet and heavy gauntlets every round, as it just looks so nice with the flamberge. Also, the upkeep of around 4k for a lost round is just too high... can you maybe make it like 40 gold?

I think I shall vote no. :twisted:

Can't see the need to take my best liked gear be it flamberge (1.2k upkeep) or anything else every round, and I can't even bump into my heavy gear...

What it's all about now is: Keep the good stuff for special occasions and dress up (or ride up) to impress once in a while and if it get's too expensive take a lame sumpter horse (or just don't repair your plated charger until it can't even wear it's own armour anymore :)

You proved that you do have a working ' key so WHY DO YOU USE SPACES INSTEAD?!
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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #114 on: August 12, 2011, 12:50:27 am »
Off topic, might be because i am heavily under the influence but thx for the comment... :oops:
I tried to change my post to better english (I am no native enlish speaker by the way, as you can probably tell by the post and my ghetto english dictionary sometime's turn's out funny stuff).
While we are at it why do you speak in CAPS? I AM NOT DEAF!
« Last Edit: August 12, 2011, 12:59:28 am by Warpeasant »

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #115 on: August 12, 2011, 12:54:07 am »
A Big Prob is want the People dont spoke children is. And know listen!!!!! Maybe you learn someting. IS: That when there is somebody who know have something to say in this Fuckin CRPG mod he listen.

 Frist Point. I see a big Problem for Players who play for the frist time. or for People who want start playin Crpg. Becouse you allways have to pay ass a beginner more money then less a Pro who has Gen10 or higher. it is like this fuckin way. When get so a snop then try and begin from start with Gen 1 you will see.

Second Point
Now the Crouser is to expensive for sure. But this is not my biggest Problem. The Prob is . Why the hell it is now 2 point slower then bevor. When you buy a horse in real life. it has allways the same condisons or not. Or you changer think that i can make it slower from mage hands. When it get slower it have to get better armor. It is Physik. idiots. So i dont give a crap what People say becouse theay dont have sweet ideas anyway. You can Change everything but not how the world is working.

Third Point
From what idiots you get allways this stupid ideas. Is there somebody who said bullshit in your ears or what. I am really pissed of all this changes allways.

When all this begin this changes for Crpg. You have to get a other idea. How woud it be to make Barikades. like small spears where the cav cant ride into. "And theay Die when theay do for sure" (like a siege shield that people can buy and can build on the map. 8 or 10 meters long) this woud be a sweet change.
Like in Medival 2 what you can build in front of the archers. Did somebody get the idea bevor. or you still idiots who dont can think about there shit.
I dont know. maybe it became boring for you guys that you have to change.

Fourth Point
How woud it be to make it in Sieges. Like in Red Orchestra. That you have to capture more flags to win. And that the Respawn point get changed to so that people dont have to walk allways that match. This are good changes.

So this is what i think and when somebody next time think about changes . Change this!!!!!

Kiss my ass iam out

Offline Sir_Mateusz

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #116 on: August 12, 2011, 01:05:58 am »
I think i vote NO... :twisted:

No offense but I think you are idiot or you never played as cavalryman.
And first of all Sumpter Hore isn't a horse. It's only good as taxi to castle wall on siege server.

As Inf you can wear cheap armor and you can still kill some players - actually you are even faster! This isn't bad. Right?
But cavalryman ridding on SumpterFuckingMule + Cheap polearm (Boar spear lol) is dead from very beginning of the round.

Only 1.200 for flameberge ? I have to pay 670 H.lance, about 200 (i dont remember) for cheap shield diff 2, and about 670 for cheapest horse Rouncey. As i know Flamberge is very good sword lol
So i pay more than you for using worst cavalryman items and you have to pay only for your sword.

Offline Warpeasant

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #117 on: August 12, 2011, 09:02:31 am »
Sir mateusz : Guess what i was joking with the sumpter horse, on second thougt - for u i wasn t...
my bad flamberge upkeep is around 1.4 k  right now and everything else i would be wearing in your assumption is peasant gear... by that assumption made my upkeep would be higher than your s with just a weapon and i can t even outrun nor bump u so i guess we would be even on the battlefield if (no offence) you would not be such a noob  :P and constantly attack me with your heavy lance (instant kill even in good armour) or bump me from behind while i am busy fighting that lvl 3 peasant...

Simon Templar : Yes you are so right... when i started playing and riding my warhorse into battle on Gen 2 i had to actually pay for that sucker... took me ages to get that money just to buy it, since there was no klick-one minute over here you get your Gold - ah just stand there do nothing scream your only lvl 2 and are useless anyhow leaching...

YOUR (Frist Point) not like thing s havn't changed  -  now you don t even have to pay upkeep anymore on your first Gen a whole bunch of lvl's and can get some spare money from the Start...

Your (Second Point) I already voted NO :evil:

YOUR (Third Point
From what idiots you get allways this stupid ideas. Is there somebody who said bullshit in your ears or what. I am really pissed of all this changes allways.) I am not sure if i really want to read on but the idea is not bad - my idea for that, take lesson's on programming and implement it yourself

YOUR (Fourth Point) Hmmm old idea maybe?!? Guess so...

Let's just say we both don't understand eachothers english and speak of the same thing...

Oh and BTW kiss your own ass i am not into that stuff you seem to like  :rolleyes:

Offline Glyph

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #118 on: August 12, 2011, 09:37:29 am »
Sir mateusz : Guess what i was joking with the sumpter horse, on second thougt - for u i wasn t...
my bad flamberge upkeep is around 1.4 k  right now and everything else i would be wearing in your assumption is peasant gear... by that assumption made my upkeep would be higher than your s with just a weapon and i can t even outrun nor bump u so i guess we would be even on the battlefield if (no offence) you would not be such a noob  :P and constantly attack me with your heavy lance (instant kill even in good armour) or bump me from behind while i am busy fighting that lvl 3 peasant...

Simon Templar : Yes you are so right... when i started playing and riding my warhorse into battle on Gen 2 i had to actually pay for that sucker... took me ages to get that money just to buy it, since there was no klick-one minute over here you get your Gold - ah just stand there do nothing scream your only lvl 2 and are useless anyhow leaching...

YOUR (Frist Point) not like thing s havn't changed  -  now you don t even have to pay upkeep anymore on your first Gen a whole bunch of lvl's and can get some spare money from the Start...

Your (Second Point) I already voted NO :evil:

YOUR (Third Point
From what idiots you get allways this stupid ideas. Is there somebody who said bullshit in your ears or what. I am really pissed of all this changes allways.) I am not sure if i really want to read on but the idea is not bad - my idea for that, take lesson's on programming and implement it yourself

YOUR (Fourth Point) Hmmm old idea maybe?!? Guess so...

Let's just say we both don't understand eachothers english and speak of the same thing...

Oh and BTW kiss your own ass i am not into that stuff you seem to like  :rolleyes:
as infantry you can wear plate easily 24/7 if you go for the same prices we do on equipment.(up to 50k)
gothic plate 25k
sugerloaf helmet 8k
iron greaves 3k
mail gauntlets 4k
bec de cordin 10k
=50k, which is what you get when riding a destrier 24k
heavy lance 10k
knightly heater shield 4k
mail gauntlets 4k
mail boots 3k
kettle helmet 2k
tunic over mail 4k
and than you don't even have a sidearm which you need except when you are really good with a heavy lance on the ground and can chamber. which most people can't do in a fight.
the armor which i picked is the opposite of a good armor really.
the destreir is equivalent to gothic plate, no even more, because if you have gothic plate you don't need body armor. that's absurt in my oppinion. it's not realistic and not fair either.
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Glyph you have obsessive Horse Archer and Horse hatred.
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Offline Wookimonsta

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Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« Reply #119 on: August 12, 2011, 10:04:00 am »
A Big Prob is want the People dont spoke children is. And know listen!!!!! Maybe you learn someting. IS: That when there is somebody who know have something to say in this Fuckin CRPG mod he listen.

I'm not sure i understand what you are trying to say, could you explain it less angrily?
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
<dexxtaa> I just saw nakey ladies and I left
<@Fasader> dexxtaa is clearly gay