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Messages - Havoc134

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: War Bow (Less HAs?)
« on: June 04, 2011, 10:47:21 pm »
Make the strong bow unusable on horseback. Foot archers get their 5 pd 1 slot bow and agi-accuracy build. Horse archers are slightly less attractive when left to use the khergit bow. Problem solved? I haven't been an archer in a long time so I'm not certain how fair this would be.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Adding "wind" for projectiles.
« on: June 04, 2011, 10:40:02 pm »
Xbow sniping will become even harder for us arbalest users  :D and I say that because most xbow users don't bother using the xbow for anything but short-med range. A welcome challenge indeed, but as already mentioned all ranged users would need an accuracy and damage boost as compensation to avoid making long range shots completely luck dependent and not worth the effort (shots lose a lot of damage over range)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Chinese repeating crossbow
« on: June 04, 2011, 08:20:56 pm »
The low accuracy of the weapon wil make the crossbow
like an automatic shotgun.

And if more than one automatic crossbow  :shock: SPAM FIRE

If you've ever used an arbalest/sniper xbow/siege xbow (in earlier patches) you would've noticed that there is always a couple of seconds between when you begin to aim an arbalest and when the arbalest can actually fire, forcing you to stand there aiming your xbow for a few seconds each time you want to fire. Add this to a repeater and it becomes a little harder to machine gun everything, especially with infantry bearing down on your vulnerable xbow aiming ass

Damage levels would have to be tested since 25c damage wouldn't even make a kuyak flinch, and even archers are wearing kuyaks these days sometimes

General Discussion / Re: Chamber blocks only
« on: June 04, 2011, 08:08:33 pm »
All my characters have long dagger to troll with. It usually involves wearing nothing but lamellar gloves and a long dagger and relying on 6/7/8 athletics to get me in and out of Danish sword striking range  :twisted: although its a lot harder now that athletics doesn't work so well as it used to

Suggestions Corner / Re: A new approach to lancing
« on: June 04, 2011, 07:55:42 pm »
Yeah, better audio for horses would be terrific since on foot you have to be so aware of audio cues and quick about turning around that fighting backstabbing cavalry makes manual blocking infantry a piece of cake. And I continue to disagree about the ease of poke lancing,but maybe that's cause I use a courser which has 42 maneuver. Perhaps with high maneuver, lower speed horses poke lancing is terribly easy and couching is unrewarding but I feel that for rouncy, palfrey, and courser, things are balanced enough. And those are probably what you're talking about since I noticed you used a steppe horse, seawied

General Discussion / Re: Suggestions for next generation.
« on: June 03, 2011, 07:59:23 pm »
I'm going for 15/27 50hp 8 ath 9 wm.
I will just use a 2 slot Arbalest. No melee.

With 8 athletics I will have no problem avoiding melee fights.

But that expensive extra WM is probably not worth it.
I will maybe get something like 15/24 with 4 points in IF and 3 points in riding instead.
Not talking about shooting from horse. Just to stay alive and to travel quickly. 2 riding (sumpter horse) is just too bad so riding 3 is a minimum.

When I think of it, 4 or more riding is probably the best. There is often a free horse around and a high riding skill will probably be better to get me out of tough melee sitations than a few extra IF points.

If the character would be used in clan battles I would however made a build like MrShine suggestested.

Actually I tested the difference in xbow wpp with a well made arbalest and the difference from 150 to 155 to 159 is phenomenal, much better than it ever was before. So if you're going up to 180 wpp in xbows with an arbalest, you'll be performing surgeries with the damn thing. And its rarely difficult to find a high damage weapon when you're running around on the battlefield so don't worry about melee

Suggestions Corner / Re: Chinese repeating crossbow
« on: June 03, 2011, 07:51:17 pm »
If you give it the super annoying delay that the arbalest has so that you can't literally machine gun 2h to death, then I support this. Also, it has to take 2 slots if not 3 in order to keep it out of the hands of those no/low wpp shotgunners. Mmm air would kick ass with this thing  :mrgreen:

Suggestions Corner / Re: A new approach to lancing
« on: June 03, 2011, 03:42:31 am »
Yes its probably something similar for me, what I'm arguing is that such "rare" situational usefulness for the couched lance is actually a good thing since its just a tool in the lancer's arsenal to counter infantry invincibility mode (downblock)

Suggestions Corner / Re: A new approach to lancing
« on: June 02, 2011, 07:42:45 pm »
Oh my...  :shock:

Ur joking right? The sound system in warband is fail, and volume is flunked so many times you won't hear them (i.e. it sounds like they're really far away) before it's too late. And when you turn around you rarely have more than half a second to react as horses are super-fast and have godawful maneuver atm. Which means that if it's not a poke, but a bump/couch coming that downblock of yours is gonna be useless.

Sorry for caps but WHY THE
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should cav force me to play "friendly archer" (HA is even worse). The last thing this mod needs is more ranged spam.
Also, pikes are not usable for bringing down horses, they're merely for defence (i.e. scaring them off). (As unless cav flunks up or plays stupid, a pike is never going to hit him)

I believe this is starting to show infantry's attitude towards the poke vs. couch debate. Infantry prefer to be able to downblock defeat cavalry and cavalry have couching as a risky mechanism to defeat this if infantry is careless enough to let it happen. I myself am using the couch with my heavy lance more and more now that infantry spams downblock and leaves me with maybe 1 or 2 archer kills before my horse gets downed. Imo balancing the two mechanisms is unnecessary

Suggestions Corner / Re: A new approach to lancing
« on: June 02, 2011, 10:49:45 am »
1 slot unsheatable warspear would become no-no choice for ranged troops.

So you are basically stating that war spear user have to be passive and wait for mistake to win the fight ? Not really fair for someone that by design should be capable of dealing with cav 1vs1 (and yes, i use those tactic since early beta).

Damage is bit too high (couched lance have way too big, poking have a bit too high), range would be ok with reduced angles, speed is acceptable.

I missed the part where war spear becomes unsheathable. Unfortunately the drawback of having an unsheathable war spear is that you cannot have it in your pocket to keep for cav rolls around like you can now. Additionally, dropping a shield when you have a war spear out with it instantly becomes more of a hassle as you would have to drop the spear and the shield on the ground then pick up the spear.

And yes, I'm stating that a guy with a heavy lance has the right to outrange you and if he somehow never messes up (and I have seen every lancer make at least one mistake each round, without fail) then he deserves to keep you at bay. Not to say that you can't feint or fake the lancer out with your movement and blocking, I have done so and ended up killing horses with a 2h military scythe.

And I could stand to see an around 3 point decrease in base lance damage, although it already takes me 2-3 hits to kill most infantry with a heavy lance, courser, and 5 ps. And I glance all the time when I release my thrust too early

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:16:14 am »
Downblock, 7 athletics, and spacebar are all I need to laugh at cav so long as there are only 3 or less trying to kill me at any given time. Hell, I dodged 3 cav chasing me down while I was naked with a long dagger for 1 minute before they got bored. Maybe its because I'm a cav player and I understand how they move, but whenever I play my xbow with a backup langes messer I can kill most horses and then their riders on the NA servers, or at least bore them until they leave me alone long enough for me to reload my xbow.

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