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Messages - Ichi_Uiabuu

Pages: [1]
I don't think this will ever happen; crossbow is 1 slot specifically so that people can equip 1h weapon + shield + crossbow + bolts, if xbow was two slots, you couldn't do that. 

Announcements / Re: 0.221 - hotfix
« on: May 01, 2011, 01:56:10 am »
Huge ladder bug:

1. Equip multi-slot ladder.
2. Throw ladder. There is now a "ladder" item in your inventory that takes up three slots and has 0 ladders in it.
3. Pick up a weapon lying on the ground. This will bump into one of the ladder slots and force you to drop the empty ladder object.
4. When the dropped ladder object hits the ground, it magically recharges back up to having 1 ladder in it.
5. Pick up the ladder, throw it.
6. Repeat.

What had been intended to limit ladder use has somehow become a way to produce infinite ladders. I hope this will be fixed on the next patch...

P.S. I'm also getting a lot of crashes again, previous patch had been almost perfectly stable.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff Katana?
« on: May 01, 2011, 01:08:21 am »
Programm it.

Dravic, every mode-switchable weapon in the game switches to a separate but identical weapon model when the mode switches, sometimes with specific changes such as grip points/orientation (such as with half-sword, or various throwing spears). I'm no coder, but I do know how computers work, and if there's a significant obstacle to making the weapon model change slightly along with the stats when the mode is switched, I can't imagine what it would be.

Announcements / Re: 0.221 - hotfix
« on: April 30, 2011, 11:43:43 pm »
Major bug:  "not usable from horseback" flag is NOT working.

People usually forget that this game is, in the main, a team game. Which means you need to think about your role and others before taking people on. Don't charge in with no cover (physical or archer-fire) if you have no shield. Don't spread out in a field if you hate cavalry. And run away if you are a ranged troop against a pure melee troop!

And if you're a hybrid character, delete your guy and re-roll!  Simple!

These are very, very nice textures, and they make me sad that there can be no more Samurai in the game.

I made an agi-build character whose sole purpose was to wield Sidesword, steel buckler, and English bill.

Now he can't wield the bill until I get to level 30, and the char will have to be a balanced one, and won't be until level 31...

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff Katana?
« on: April 30, 2011, 06:12:22 pm »
Remove Katana, Wakizashi entirely.

Add single 2-slot weapon called "Daito" that costs as much as both combined.

Press X to switch between the long and short swords.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ultimate Weaboo Bitch Post
« on: April 30, 2011, 05:40:40 pm »
If katana was 1 slot, it would be used as sidearm for every single archer and xbowman.

So make Wakizashi 0-slot, no-parry weapon?  Make a 2-slot weapon that includes both swords? 

Or just remove all the Japanese stuff entirely. Even that would be better than ALMOST but NOT QUITE being able to play as a Samurai.

Announcements / Re: What needs to be changed with version 0.220
« on: April 30, 2011, 08:28:12 am »
Dropping your lance when you change weapons. Horsemen should be able to switch to a side weapon without needing to drop their main weapon...

how, by carrying it with their prehensile tail?


An easy way to avoid being "fucked over" like this is:

1) Use a balanced build
2) Don't use weapons that are obviously too good to be true
3) Don't use gear that everyone else uses, choose something rare

4. Don't play any sort of hybrid character.  At all.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ultimate Weaboo Bitch Post
« on: April 30, 2011, 07:56:39 am »

Game Balance Discussion / Ultimate Weaboo Bitch Post
« on: April 30, 2011, 07:41:26 am »

So, Katana uses two slots.

Which means, my uselessly hybridized character, meant to be a daito-carrying, horse-arching, spear-thrusting samurai in the classic tradition -- that is to say, being able to wield spear or bow, on foot or on horse, while carrying both the long and short swords that signify samurai status.

After all, if you have not mastered spear, bow, horsemanship, and the long and short swords, you aren't really samurai.

chadz, why must you tease me so?  So many pretty armor upgrades, and yet I can never again fight as a samurai. I am now just another in a long line of wannabe kensei.  I can't even be good at that, with my WPF spread all over archery and polearm...

Ah, well. At least some of my other characters still work...

(I wouldn't mind paying a stupidly huge number of dinars for a 2-slot Daito set... X to switch between katana/wakizashi...  a weeabo can dream, can't he?)

edit: Re: other characters; my other stupid hybrid doesn't work anymore either (bastard sword + longbow + throwing axes)...

General Discussion / Re: Hybrids need nerf?
« on: March 15, 2011, 09:33:47 am »
I think my main is possibly more hybridized than anyone else in the game, and I still think that PS should be the difficulty for melee weapons.

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