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Messages - Angoman

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Retirement back, without name change
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:45:06 pm »
As it seems retiring under lvl 31 means character reset, no xp, wpf or gold boni, no heirloomed item, no new generation, am I right?

General Discussion / Re: Twohanded is so unrealistic
« on: January 09, 2011, 03:11:25 am »
We are talking about outspamming bihanders or even katanas, right?
Outspamming isn't the right way when used as main tactic.

You as a shielder -assuming you aren't some uber skilled veteran who's able to block manually- are in advantage when fighting a bihand user.
Your opponent has to block every of your blows manually, you don't.
Your shield enables you to choose the fightingground -in most encounter- block some swings and head into open space.
Don't try to block your opponents blows there, though you can do this more easily than him when necessary, evade them, dance around your opponent and hit him when your not in front of him, when his blow passed you.
That's easy when hes a tincan and bloody hard when hes a (skilled) ninja.
Keep athletics high, then you are fast enough to get into range to make a hit and get out of range before he recovers.
Also remember you got a shield, you don't need other heavy armour.

But be aware, this applies for the average "I'm a dangerous samuraiknight"-Spamnoob.
If you encounter someone who begins to block your blows, then you'll die.
Not due to his super fast spamming, but due to your lack of skill.
With a decent weapon, a dedicated 1h build and without shield you would be faster than him.
But this implies the necessity of manual blocking.

cRPG Technical problems / Minor bugs (collection)
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:33:49 pm »
Hi everybody,

I played siege the whole night (yeah its bloody addictive now  :mrgreen: ) and found some bugs, problems whatsoever.

There are differences in item weight shown on the Website and in game.
For example: In game the leather boots weigh 1.5, on the website 1.7. (Important for players with minimum amour to avoid the weight penalty)

The in game stats, shown when you press c, aren't correct.
I played an crossbowman and had less than 15 agi most of the time, in game it was shown that I got riding 6.

Some *cough* minor ranged weapons security issue, mentioned somewhere else before.
At the end of a round your xbow, bow or throwing weapon goes off, when you hold left mouse button and the gear window pops up.
I know, never point a gun on something you are not willing to destroy, but sometimes you have to point it in the vague direction of a brawl far behind from whichs direction some enemy approaches you.
It's no fun to shoot teammates accidentally.
Is it possible to turn the pop up off, as an option for every player, or move it to the begin of the next round instead?

kind regards

General Discussion / Re: The new patch is a breath of fresh air
« on: January 07, 2011, 05:55:48 am »
The previous rage is gone, siege is perfect now, thank chadz a wonderful game!

General Discussion / Re: Arrow Damage Type
« on: January 06, 2011, 01:13:11 pm »
1. Thanks for the little archer nerf, I really appreciate this.
The new animation is nice, the damage dealt without much skill isn't that high anymore.

2. Nerf xbows.
Compared to bows they are pretty overpowered now.
There are enough medium armoured guys with 1h/ shield + xbow or 2h + xbow, they still deal pierce damage over distance without ANY skill needed and are able to survive in melee (skillbased).

The ranged spam became less deadly with the archer nerf, but its reduced to absurdity when you still get oneshotted by melee fighters with xbows, penetrating your light armour easily.

So please get either the old spam back, those archers were often enough easy prey, chanceless in melee, but dealing more realistic amounts of damage.
Or for the sake of balance, let xbows deal cutting dmg too, reduce their shot speed by ~10 points and give them instead ~10 extra dmg.

This would set every type of ranged weapon to its "ecological" niche, throwing to short, xbow to short to medium and bows to medium to large range.

Atm its to easy to pick a light crossbow, dealing 45 + 4 pierce dmg nearly as fast as a skilled dedicated bowman.

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:19:57 pm »
Fix siege mode
- fog
- use of old way of getting gold / xp (maybe tripled to compete with battle)

- Riding every 6 agi points
- upkeep 20-25% of base price

- upkeep 10-15% of base price
- cheaper tier 1, 2 and 3 shields

- 5% of base price
- cut dmg for xbows
- definitely no return of the lolstab

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Upkeep/use Balance
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:33:07 pm »
Ok, I have to apologize!
The upkeep system isn't that screwed, playing some rounds with my crossbow gave a shitload of gold.
We won several rounds in a row, that gave every round gold and xp x 5.
With this amount of gold it wouldn't be hard to maintain my melee gear.

The real income over time will propably be sufficient, assuming you'll win at least 50% of the rounds.

I'm sorry, my previous post is wrong.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Upkeep/use Balance
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:55:36 pm »
Example for screwed balance:
Nordic Fighter Helmet
Lamellar Vest
Mail Gauntlets
Mail Chausses

Long Iron Mace
Round Shield

played 7 rounds, got about 1.5K Gold
repairing the gear costs 1.750K Gold

I dont think that my gear is overpowered, it wasnt too exspencive too.
Less gear is quite hard to use for a pure melee guy.
Imho the upkeep system which is atm online makes the game unplayable, unless your an xbow man or archer.

ps: The new archery animation is cool!

Hi Leiknir,

are there any special requirements concerning equipment, which are necessary to become a member of yours?

mace swinging regards

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