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3) Difference in opinion. If you lock someone down for 24 hours by attacking him i don't think you deserve any compensation other then the win or lose loot you will get.
The "defending is OP" problem of strategus comes only from the looting system + battle time limit. The flag capping is great as it is, and reinforcement window too and prevent fiefs being taken too easily.
1 Disagree. The attacker knows whats gonna happen and can plan accordingly. Defenders should have the advantage.
2 Disagree. Defenders are forced to actually defend their fiefs with army's instead of just pumping into population, thats why i like the possibility to raid. Maybe limit the amount of loot to 100% equip of the army stationed, and 50% of all thats left after that (population gear). If you want to use the chest system like you suggested i would always attack towns with 500 man, since its impossible to hold the complete map and thus you always take a good share of their loot.
3 Disagree. If you retreat it means you didn't perform good enough to win the battle. Defenders was locked down for 24h, if attacker can't win it he should lose the battle.
4 Agree. Plains should be actual plains. On top of that i would love to see a weather system added to the strat map (clouds moving around the map, representing certain weather conditions, that way you can plan on what conditions you want to fight. See rain coming? Charge out to your enemy with only meleegear. Enemy castle is very good for archer? wait for rain or snow or whatnot and then start an attack)
What I would consider fun in this is that it's a separate trading game for the players. The persistant items would probably never be many enough to skip equipment buying completely. However, the fact that you will get random items mean that you have to trade with others to achieve what you want. And this could be interesting, might lead to players being more active as individuals, and help with the long term fun for individuals.
It might even increase the strat experience as a whole, blackmailing for items, etc etc.