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Messages - Yaro

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just one more odd question, sorry for being so interrogating:

Whats your opinion about the death sentence? Are you for it or against it?

This is a secular question, I'm neither for it nor I against it... I do not oppose it, and I respect the laws of the land as they are. If my State decides to put a moratorium on capital punishment I will not oppose it either.

My mistake then - I assumed the fact that Dinosaurs lived Millions of years in the past, while humans are only 40k-ish years old, contradicts with genesis that claims the earth was created 6k years ago and dinosaurs and humans were created in the same week - and somehow the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs spared the humans.

The reason I asked is I had a gf many years ago that was a seven-day-adventist or something and she told me that with the dinosaur bones and how it's testing her faith. She told me that dinosaurs never existed, they were merely hidden by god as a test.

Is there a question hidden here? What would you like to know about my faith friend?
Funny story about your gf... did your relationship end when you took her to get a mental health exam?

Actually this thread is much more interesting than that.

I think chadz meant that the age of fossils means the earth cannot have been created around 6000 years ago but is much older. We go back to what I was saying about contradictions between science and Christian beliefs.

Quotations required on so called "Christian beliefs", otherwise i have to guess what you and chadz mean.

Do you believe dinosaur bones were put on earth by god to test your faith?

How do dinosaur bones test my faith?

an other quote of you:"Not a single thing that I have posted here is my opinion, but the official position of the Church."

Is this your thing or a thing your church requires to not think yourselve and come to your own conclusion.
I find it very dangerousonly to repeat what an authority says instead of questioning it first. and if you find they are right you can bring it to the word as your opinion as well.

You can THINK of course... doubt... question... but once you believe and professed the following:
I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of
heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of
God, begotten of the Father before all ages;

Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten,
not created, of one essence with the Father
through Whom all things were made.

Who for us men and for our salvation
came down from heaven and was incarnate
of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man.

He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate,
and suffered and was buried;

And He rose on the third day,
according to the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father;

And He will come again with glory to judge the living
and dead. His kingdom shall have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of life,
Who proceeds from the Father, Who together with the
Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, Who
spoke through the prophets.

In one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the age to come.


... what other opinion can you have?

I don't repeat what authority says, I repeat what i believe in. Is that really too hard to understand?


So you do believe the Genesis is an exact historical account ?


I think most people, including christians, agree that the bible is not the word of god, but a book with stories written by a few guys. But is that a problem? That doesn't mean that god does not exist.

Edit: now that I think of it - when you mean your churches teachings did not change - does that mean you take the bible literally? Creation of the world in 7 days, noahs ark, etc...?

If a Christian says that the Bible is not the word of God, I'm sorry but he is not a Christian, if Orthodox Christian says that the Bible is not the word of God, he is a subject to excommunication. I don't see a problem with opinions, however, if you ask me a direct question I'll tell you a direct answer.

Yes, I take the Bible literally, however, i would be careful about drawing any conclusions... ask specific questions and afterwards form your opinions.


I don’t divide anything, I’m afraid you misunderstood something, please quote part of my post that gave that impression. Christians don’t have ceremonies, since a ceremony is a secular word and should not be applied to what we call sacraments. Private life of a Christian is based upon preparing oneself for the reception of these sacraments and participating in the life of the Church (meaning life of the Holy Trinity). Therefore, there is no division between one’s life when he partakes in the sacraments and when one is not. Both co-exist and are inseparable.   Now, I don’t want you to have wrong impression of me, therefore I tell you that I don’t consider myself to be a model Christian, I do constantly err in my physical life, and I often neglect my spiritual growth. One thing that non believers often don’t realize (or maybe they do, therefore they chose to not believe), it is not easy to be a Christian. Life of a Christian is a service to God and attempt to emulate his holiness not on any given Sunday but everyday of one’s natural life. It is not a set of ceremonies designed for personal enjoyment but a rigid lifestyle designed to better yourself as a human being.

Regarding the verses you provided, I generally try to stay away from excessively quoting the Bible (especially when quotes do not include the historic and scholastic context) or getting into discussion about meaning of a particular verse because I’m not a member of clergy, neither have I received formal education in a seminary. Therefore, I’m afraid that if I try to explain the verse, I might start giving my personal opinions which is of course forbidden. That being said, I did not find any contradictions to the Orthodox practices in the verses that you quoted. Christianity does not have a Judaic way of worshiping. We have a historic continuity with the Church of Israel and trace our spiritual lineage to the Covenant of Israel. If we would not, why would The Old Testament be a part of the Bible? Observing Judaic feasts, festivals, and holy days is not for the purpose of receiving forgiveness for sins, since only the blood of Jesus shed on the cross has done that.  Nor are these observances to be performed to gain eternal salvation, since only His resurrection from the dead has provided for that.  Moreover, adherence of this traditions does not make Christians “become Jewish” nor cause them to “convert to Judaism”; that is not the objective. The purpose is rather to show appreciation of God and understanding that by his grace Gentile believers are allowed to be a part of His Covenant and partake in eternal promise to Israel.

You further asking: "I know this is addressed to the people. But don't you think jesus's general attitude toward the accumulation of wealth should also apply to the organisation which claims to represent his will ?"
What does accumulation of wealth has to do with the Church? Do you think the altar, icons or  iconostasis belong to one person or there to satisfy someone's vanity?   Orthodox church is the "temple", it is very obvious that you are not in an auditorium or meeting hall. You are in the Temple of God on earth where you have a foretaste of being in God’s Presence in His Kingdom. Everything that surrounds you is supposed to evoke the Presence of God, and make the invisible tangible. In the temple or church building design and in every aspect of its decoration, everything should be as beautiful as possible. Why? Because Beauty is a characteristic of God’s Nature and God is the Creator and Source of all Beauty. God is beautiful! Heaven is beautiful! Being in God’s Presence is beautiful! The Orthodox church makes the invisible divine realm and its beauty visible. Also, to create Beauty is in itself a holy act, because it is a way of imitating and participating in God’s activity. In a prayer at the end of the Divine Liturgy, the priest says, “Sanctify those who love the beauty of Thy House.” This is why Orthodox churches are rather ornate and highly decorated, in order to be as beautiful as possible.

Your point is moot because you provide no empirical evidence or historical facts like I inquired of you to do (if you indeed claim to be a man of reason and science) to support your opinions. If you want to convince somebody that what he believes is wrong, you must provide a pretty significant and undeniable proof. Now, don't try to turn it around and tell me that you need to be convinced by me, because although, you may think otherwise, I clearly don't want to convince anyone of anything but only to share my knowledge on the subject. Allow me to quote your further statements: "... how comes current science literally disproves some parts of it ??" Once again quotations and facts need to be included to support such statements. I would like to hear about a scientific study specifically conducted to disprove the Bible... interesting exercise in futility this would be.

And there's the rub.  How is a 2000-4000 year old instructions relevant in today's world?  I can see if you take the teachings with a grain of salt, but you're talking a literal interpretation, are you not?  I think a lot has changed in 2000-4000 years, and we've learned a lot as people.
I'll answer your question with questions

1. How God's teachings are not relevant? I would like you to rationalize this.
2. How can you take word of GOD with a grain of salt? Would that make you a non believer?
3. What has fundamentally changed in human nature in 2000-4000 years? What human sin has been eliminated? What eternal question has been answered? Do you know the meaning of life? What is soul? Is there life after death? Please, expand your thought and provide logical rational and undeniable empirical proof to your statements. 

Here comes an example:
I see your video with all the gold and plingpling. And then I remember Mt 19:21
(Jesus said to him, If you have a desire to be complete, go, get money for your property, and give it to the poor, and you will have wealth in heaven: and come after me.)

can you help me to understand how this is still the same faith without adding or substracting from it?

I will try my best... First of all, the quote you provided does not refer to the service, or it does not say how we should worship. Needless to say, Jesus did not teach us HOW to worship God, humanity has worshiped God prior to the coming of messiah, but WHY we worship Him. Our traditions by which we Christians worship God come from Judaism with appropriate changes, for example: the Jewish liturgical day, the yearly calendar of fasts and feasts and the belief that worship is a sacrifice directed toward God. If you look at the historic garment of high priests in Israel Temple, you will see that they wore a very elaborate dress. Therefore, there is no contradiction to the continuity of the historic tradition when we look at our priests' liturgical garments today. That being said, although Jesus himself was wearing humble garments and lived in humility does not mean that we should come to worship in his temple wearing casual clothes. Also, remember that what priests wear during the Divine Liturgy is not what they wear outside of it. Orthodox priests do dress very humbly(Black robe and a head piece in accordance to their rank) and once the Liturgy is over they remove the liturgical garments. That might not be the most elaborate answer to your question feel free to ask further questions if you have any doubts.
   Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness.Psalms 29:2

To Yaro:
Interesting. An Orthodox Christian defending the faith.

Thanks for your kind word. I am not defending the faith because it does not need me to defend it. My knowledge is that of a humble member of a laity. I mainly aim to provide an official and objective position of the Orthodox Church on matters that I'm aware of and that are being discussed here. Not a single thing that I have posted here is my opinion, but the official position of the Church.

You can't prove it's not corrupted.

Yes I can, however, the question is whether my proof is good enough for you... on the other hand feel free to provide a historic proof that the the Eastern Orthodox Church has corrupted practices... I seriously would like to hear your thoughts on the subject.

1. The Orthodox Church has maintained an unbroken historical continuity with the original Church founded by Jesus in Jerusalem.

2. The Orthodox Church has faithfully maintained the apostolic faith once delivered to the Saints (Jude 3), neither adding to nor subtracting from it.

3.The Orthodox Church faithfully worships God the Father in Spirit and in Truth, providing mankind with personal access to the life and grace of the All-holy Trinity.

4. The Orthodox Church has produced untold numbers of Saints throughout the centuries – persons who bear within themselves the uncreated grace of God.

In summary: The Orthodox Church of today does not imitate that original Christian community; She is that community. The historical continuity of the Orthodox Church, therefore, is the first pillar of Her claim to be the one, authentic Church of Christ. Others may try to imitate the Church of the New Testament, some more closely than others, but no Christian denomination can claim an organic unity with Her. The Orthodox Church teaches today exactly the same thing it was teaching 2000 years ago and exactly the same thing that it was teaching 100 years ago. The basic structure of the Christian Orthodox service(we call it Liturgy) today is the same as it was 2000 years ago, when first Christians met in secret to worship, as it was in the grand Churches of the Roman Empire, as it was in the 15th century Russia. Following is a description of a typical Christian service in the year 150:
And on the day which is called the Sun’s Day there is an assembly of all who live in the towns or country; and the memoirs of the Apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as much as time permits. When the reader has finished, the president gives a discourse, admonishing us and exhorting us to imitate these excellent examples. Then we all rise together and offer prayers; and, as I said above, on the conclusion of our prayer, bread is brought and wine and water; and the president similarly offers up prayers and thanksgivings to the best of his power, and the people assent with Amen. Then follows the distribution of the Eucharistic Gifts and the partaking of them by all; and they are sent to the absent by the hands of the deacons (Apology I).

shortened version of today's Divine Liturgy.

To me, your faith is much more about humans than about God.

It appears therefore, that to worship God in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24) and to offer Him pure homage is an effect of the Holy Table. From this mystery, therefore, we obtain the gift of being Christ’s members and thus of being like Him. While we were dead it was impossible to offer homage to the living God. But unless we constantly feast at the Banquet is impossible to be alive and to be released from dead works. Just as God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24), so it is fitting that those who choose to worship the Living One should themselves be living, for, as He says, He is not God of the dead, but of the living (Matthew 22:32) (The Life in Christ).


It's always those assholes that did some sort of martial art and they're so eager to use it. The funny thing is they think it's a fair fight, fighting someone who has no training versus their years.

Listen, none of you know me personally or ever seen me in real life, if you were you would know that I am a man of honor and would never fight anyone who is inferior in skill or strength to me. If he was to show up and I were to conclude that he is a clear mismatch for me, I would of shook guy's hand for his courage, bought him a beer(if he's of age), showed him around my home town, and pay for his trip back home. that's just the kind of guy I am. However, when people talk smack and then you call them out and they start saying to you stuff like: "oh, I would like to hide behind my monitor and First Amendment because the circumstances just not right and there is a sand in my clitoris which prevents me from being a man" then you accomplished what you were attempting to accomplish in the first place, show punk his place in this world and that his shit talking does not extend beyond boundaries of the internet... that wasn't an attempt to be an internet tough guy, rather a social experiment to determine this person's character... I discovered what I already have known... no surprises there...

No further questions for you my little friend... live in peace...

God Bless

So I see... you are hiding behind your computer and freedom of speech... that's cool, I understand... however u might need to get your terminology straight... u not a dick, u are a pussy...

I wasn't suggesting anything criminal... just a friendly sparring in my boxing gym... to defend my honor.

That is fine... since you are a dick(a man's baby making organ) why don't we arrange a meeting in real life so you can cash what your mouth just wrote?

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