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Messages - Krynist

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cRPG Technical problems / Re: Ping Spikes
« on: October 31, 2013, 05:43:45 am »
Are you actually complaining about having a lower ping?

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Buckland
« on: August 16, 2013, 04:36:40 am »
So, its ok if you leech on DTV, psycho, but no one else ?

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: April 13, 2013, 03:23:24 am »
This stuff is still going on?

Nah, been over for like, seven days

NA (Official) / Re: Betty_the_Looter
« on: April 12, 2013, 07:25:52 am »
that isnt me

unless somebody used my key before?

i swear it is not me

Unless you bought your key from somebody, I don't think that is very possible.

NA (Official) / Re: Betty_the_Looter
« on: April 12, 2013, 07:16:49 am »
are u mentally ill

That's right, attack me some more.

NA (Official) / Re: WHY AM I BANNED
« on: April 12, 2013, 07:12:04 am »
I'm not an admin, and I don't know why, but it could have something to do with

If you truly are new, which is doubtful, this is not the way to go about learning

NA (Official) / Re: Betty_the_Looter
« on: April 12, 2013, 06:57:31 am »
His account was created July 26, 2011, 09:22:05 pm.

He has a post from October 21, 2011, 12:18:48 pm  discussing a ban.

He's not a newbie.  Even if he is, no means no ;)

NA (Official) / Re: Betty_the_Looter
« on: April 12, 2013, 06:55:09 am »
im not causing problems why do u care what im doing

So, we work up to that round in Defend the Virgin, and you killing the V isn't causing any problems?  And saying "Sorry" after you start doing it, and then doing it again, is a pretty lame attempt at an excuse.

NA (Official) / Re: Betty_the_Looter
« on: April 12, 2013, 06:28:22 am »
Should have listened to me and stopped attacking V.

NA (Official) / Betty_the_Looter
« on: April 12, 2013, 05:53:50 am »
Came in, hitting V, pretending to be new. Advised him not to hit V, he was VK'd from server.  Came in later, said he couldn't get account right. Attacked V again, told him to stop, nudged him away since I couldn't stay between him and V, and he says sorry, then continues to hit V.

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NA (Official) / TooExactForYou
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:56:29 pm »
Aimed and shot at me multiple times with no enemies around, and stabbed me straight out with no enemies around when I was standing on a rock waiting for the wave because I wouldn't let him on, due to previous TW.  Only SS the last few, check logs. All 4 of his reports are him hitting me, over about 2 rounds.

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Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: April 02, 2013, 07:47:45 pm »
I don't appreciate my words being twisted and used against a fellow admin.  You would do well to note that I added qualifiers like "usually" and "likely", but by no means should it be considered written in stone.  Context & judgment calls will obviously come into effect.

You will note I said "I think what mister Shine meant to say" which is not "Mister shine said" or "Mister shine implied" so, there's your qualifying word friend.

I understand that admins all read the same rules, and I understand that admins interpret those rules in their own manner, and carry out bans based on those interpretations.  Some admins would have banned Nemesis for 14 days, not 14 hours, but that is what it is.

My biggest question is this. Krynist, you end the ban request with "fair enough" but then come here to Muki's thread to complain.

Not once have I ever complained about myself being banned, sir.  Also, with a locked thread, this would be the place to continue a discussion regarding an admin's decisions, no?  So I'd thank you to move on, thanks.

2. The more likely scenario is that Cap utterly fails to miss what he did wrong (which is shown by his repeated posts on this thread as well as his repeated bans over the last few months), illustrating that he has clearly not learned anything from this recent ban.

Let's look at that statement.  If he utterly failed to miss what he did wrong, he would continue doing what he did to get banned, right?  He was banned for TKing people who would hit M when they receive little to no dmg from him, and he would TK archers for taking stupid, high risk low reward shots and killing him, and he was banned for poll abuse when he tried to kick desire for banning me for poll abuse.

This time he was banned for killing a person who killed the virgin, when there was no VK enabled and no admin present. Should he have? Due to your rules no, he should have let the guy kill V repeatedly.  Lesson learned, but get your facts straight.  Tking someone who killed the V is a bit different from running over and attacking a random teammate and hitting them 13 times to kill them with them not attacking back or blocking ever.  Just saying.

On a side note, ProjectNemesis was banned w/ an essay requirement for a malicious verbal assault on another player, not for TKing or TWing. They may have received a lighter ban because:

a) The circumstances are slightly ambiguous
b) They are not repeating what they were permabanned for (I am sure that, if he were to verbally assault you guys there would have been much stricter consequences).
c) He has been relatively good recently.

A) You're right.  The SS of him TWing me 8 times (that I captured) and me not doing a thing back and him killing me, then admitting to TKing me in chat, that's pretty ambiguous.
B) Kinda the same point brought up with Cap.  If it's fair for Nemesis to not receive a long ban based on his ban history being for different things, why would it not be fair for Cap? Also, the verbal assault in the ban thread, yea that happened dude.  Totally not called for.
C) Has he now?  Has he really?  He charges me in DTV out of no where, takes forever to kill me (IE if it was a rage attack, after the 5th / 6th hit landed, most people back off, but he was intent on killing me) and to top it off, after killing me, he says How do I take a SS? I want to ban these two.  THEN he goes onto the forums and proceeds to attack Cap's character and sense of who he is, and slander his name, calling for a ban for ... what? Muki doesn't even know.  He had stated, I don't even know what he's talking about.

This is annoying and going on and on but getting no where.  Bottom line?  You admins are OK with interpreting the rule book however you see fit, and doing whatever you feel like with little to no recourse.  We the people would appreciate more of a sense of structure, a sense of fairness.  We understand ban's can't be concrete and set in stone, where X ban = Y punishment, obviously.  But the ban happy, kiss my ring style we have going on now seems strange to me.  I realize I'm just one person and by no means speak for anyone else, but I'm pretty sure people would agree that we could use less bans, more judgement calls, and more of a sense of fairness.  You say you are a part of the community too?  Act like it.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: April 01, 2013, 06:36:28 pm »
Thanks for taking the time to write an honest essay Ryden, I'm lifting the ban.  Hopefully you can enjoy c-RPG while following the rules from here on out!  I think you understand but I'll say it anyways; unban essays are usually a "last resort" of sorts when it comes to bans, so any further bans will likely either be long or permanent, and from that point you'd need to start from scratch with a new account if you wanted to continue to play c-RPG.

Welcome back!

Just wanting to highlight this.  ProjectNemesis obviously doesn't understand this, nor does Muki apparently.  I think what Mister Shine meant to say, is that coming back from an unban essay, if you do exactly what you were banned for initially, you'll just get a warning at first, then a 14 hour ban when the admin catches himself, and that's all.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: April 01, 2013, 05:39:06 pm »
There are multiple reasons why you are banned, Dueling teammates on DTV( LEECHING), Poll abuse( Kicking people for hitting M on you) No Malicious griefing of teammates (kicking people, Swinging in spawn- people get annoyed by that crap.) No intentional teamkilling/teamwounding during a round (Hitting people for hitting M on you, Killing people for Hitting M on you.) 

Desire, no one is disputing that Cap was banned for team killing someone who was killing the V.  Yes, it is against the rules for him to defend the virgin from a teammate killing her, that is understood.  He should have allowed it to happen since no admin was present and no Vk was enabled, that is also understood.

The only thing he is bringing up, I'm pretty sure, is that he was banned for 3 days, due to his "ban history", because he killed a teammate killing the V.  Projectnemesis, someone with a FAR worse ban history, was banned for 14 hours, for running up and teamkilling me intentionally.  Not for "defending himself" as ANYONE on the server can, and have attested to.  For intentionally teamkilling someone, without reason, just after he was perma banned for the same thing.  There is little logic in this ruling.

Admins keep jumping in, disputing other points.  That is the point, friends.  Not that he shouldn't have been banned, as you guys love banning people all over the place for minor discretions, that's fine that you banned him.  And I'm not calling for a longer ban on Nemesis, as I don't agree with bans.  Just asking for a clarification (Which you were kind enough to give me in the past, about poll abuse) on this issue.

Also, you're asking for a longer ban, because he is discussing the ban?  Really?  You know what that reminds me of?

"Hey this guy's right, and speaking the truth.  He's a witch!  Burn him!"

Where does it list in the rules that if you discuss things on the forum in a civil manner, you are banned for questioning authority?  Seems dictator like to me, no?

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: March 31, 2013, 05:25:53 am »
noir has went back into his major teamwounding/teamkilling ways;
So his minor teamwounding/teamkilling ways, like running up to me and TKing me intentionally, get him a 14h ban with his past history, but Cap's 3 day ban for Defending the V in DTV mode is ok? Yes I realize he should not have Tk'd him, he should have allowed Jerry to kill the V repeatedly until an admin arrived, I understand that.  The math here doesn't compute.
You may say I'm being lenient with him, but an unban from a eassy ban is to give the player a second chance to show the community they changed.
Ok, so he's deserving of a chance to show he's changed (which he hasn't, considering his killing of me for no reason) I understand the chance being offered.  Where's Cap's chance?  You banned him in the past due to Tking after someone would wound him, or report him for a non dmg hit.  He stopped doing that, IE learned his lesson.  Now he defends the virgin, you act like he's a griefing troll. Why all the hate

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