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Messages - Quallen

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Is this balanced?
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:42:08 pm »
Video please.

You might want to take a trip over to the game mechanic mega thread and educate yourself on the animation ranges (melee reach section.) As for a video hows WaltF4's video of a 117 length practice sword outranging a 182 length scythe on the stab? Of course the stab is the extreme case but its still important to learn that if you have a 2h sword that uses the 2h stab animation you get to alpha strike.

As for backpedaling away from people that's a problem with the current metagame. No balanced build is backpedaling away from any other balanced build.

As others noted first make sure that you're holding your mouse straight. Just out of curiosity what mouse do you use?

As you noted battles are chaotic. Duels are simpler but when your opponent is immensely better than you, you are still left trying to do everything as fast as possible just to keep up. What I've done with a few guild mates is go to duel and have them just practice blocking with an extreme focus on correctness. Have a friend start nice and slow and then slowly ramp up towards normal combat speed.  The goal is to commit the block directions to muscle memory. At the very least after you sleep on it you'll see some improvement.

Sans footwork advice is sound. If you can get your sparring partner to recreate the situations you're having trouble with (getting circled) you can probably work out how you need to fix your reaction. Its alot easier learning in a controlled environment than it is trying to learn on the fly in battle. When learning siege can be great as it gives you the chaos of a battle but gets you more fights faster.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Internal poleaxe balance
« on: April 03, 2012, 09:29:40 pm »
Its true that were aren't talking about terribly overused weapons here. source.

Percentage of polearm damage done for each

Poleaxe - 1.89%  
German Poleaxe -1.78%  
Elegant Poleaxe -1.54%  

Elegant Poleaxe - 2.53%  
Poleaxe -1.92%  
German Poleaxe  - 1.30% 

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Internal poleaxe balance
« on: April 03, 2012, 09:13:42 pm »

this is not about making elegant better then poelaxe, its more about getting the elegant out of it's clear inferiority. it has superior pricing and is top polearm but it inferior to other poelarm, is that so hard to understand?

You can fidget with the price all you want but if you're a min maxer who "needs" their weapon to be the best at something you're still going to be unhappy. You think shaving 1.2k off of a 15.6k weapon(making it poleaxe price) or swapping their prices or making them all 15k is going to "fix" it for you? They all just fall under the category of expensive in my mind. If the extra 1.2k is making or breaking a loadout for you i don't know what to tell you.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Internal poleaxe balance
« on: April 03, 2012, 08:40:56 pm »
Loads of people are terrible. Should we balanced based on that? I make every weapon i use (war spear, poleaxe, glaive, bec) look good. That doesn't change the fact that I'm often left saying "my life is shit right now" whenever I have to fight a skilled heavy bastard sword with my poleaxe. I would be less disadvantaged in that situation if I was using an elegant. If I want to be in the best shape to fight off a fast swords men then I'd use my war spear but then I'd do a less damage (than an elegant) and not be able to break shields. You say the 89 speed of the poleaxe is enough but thats an over simplification. Its enough if the relative difference between it and your opponents weapon is small. Fighting a 3 speed faster danish is no big deal. Fighting a 98 speed HBS that hilt slashs and double swings like it is its job is a massive pain in the ass with a weapon that's 9 speed slower.

I feel ya when you say the elegant feels like it needs a change. But if you give it more damage I swap my poleaxe for an elegant immediately. If you give it more speed I swap my poleaxe for it immediately. That should tell you something about the balance. A range buff seems to be the only thing I can think of that wouldn't make it overpowered.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Internal poleaxe balance
« on: April 03, 2012, 07:56:14 pm »
Its true that part of the allure of polearms is you usually get to pick a weapon thats the best at what it does. It may have shortcomings but what it does it does well.

The bec is the best can opener but has low range and since the nerfs really doesn't put out top tier damage against low armored opponents.

The long spear lets you support teammates at extreme melee range but you can only stab.

The awlpike does the best stab damage but only has 2 attacks.

The glaive gives you the longest range side swings but has a mediocre pierce and the speed (much like the GLB, poleaxe, or german) means if you have to fight a good heavy bastard or longswords men your gonna have a bad time. At least on NA I think the complaints against it have more to do with balanced builds dancing in and out of the range of all the strength retards than anything to do with the weapon itself.

And of course you get to choose from a range of balanced shieldbreakers. Its true that elegant doesn't fit the mold of best at something while having shortcomings but thats because it doesn't have glaring shortcomings.  I agree with you that it can be a mental hurdle to use a polearm that doesn't fit the mold but of the shield breakers its the best for dueling.  I suppose you could argue that being a polearm its 132 range is actually a shortcoming so maybe the devs could look at tweaking its range a little. I can see 138 or 139 making sense (enough to make me seriously consider switching to it but not so much that everyone switches outright.)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Internal poleaxe balance
« on: April 03, 2012, 06:46:49 pm »
the german greatsword would also lose range if you give if polearm animation

Yep, polearm animations are more distinct (easier to differentiate) and less range which is a big minus but on the other hand shield breaking is a big plus against anyone who doesn't fall for stutter swing. If you turned the pike of tears into the elegant poleaxe, animations and all, are you sure you'd think it needs a buff? (The flamberge has mostly polearm animations already so there is a precedent for it.) I know its a silly thought experiment as all 2h shield breakers are unbalanced but its not like it would be game breaking to increase the cost of one of the 2h shieldbreakers and make it balanced.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Internal poleaxe balance
« on: April 02, 2012, 06:12:10 pm »
Your data is outdated,25086.msg362541.html#msg362541

I of course appreciate the testers efforts but at the very least some of those results are demonstrably false.  Polearm stab is not polearms shortest attack as shown by waltF4s 2nd video. Based on that glaring mistake I'll stick with the old established numbers as they jive pretty well with my in game experience (6 gens of 2h followed by 7 of polearms)[but really I'd love nothing more than one of the devs to pop in here and correct me with their numbers.]

As for actual poleaxe balance, it feels pretty good.

-The poleaxe gives you devastating pierce damage and the range lets you footwork an extra hit now and then vs shielders. If you have to duel a competent longswordsmen you're gonna have a bad time. Still its excellent at its job and feels good to use.

-The german gives you the best cut and even though its less pierce than the poleaxe its still amazing pierce damage. Yeah you've got less range so you probably aren't getting any free hits in but that also means your weapon doesn't get stuck on as much shit. When I had it I was perfectly happy with it and if the poleaxe takes any nerfs i'll gladly go back to it.

-The elegant is in a wierd spot but seemingly balanced. The other members of your family are better at bursting shields than you. You don't do as much damage as your relatives but its still decent damage (stab is the same as bec stab and really you've never once had a bec user spin stab you in the face and thought, yeah that seems underpowered.) Its speed puts you in a pretty good position vs most everything so when you don't have any support it seems like a reasonable choice (of course its a tough repair bill to swallow if your team is getting crushed.) I can never bring myself around to owning one but whenever I pick one up i'm happy with it. I want to do something to increase its usage but I just can't figure it out. Basically if you took a German Greatsword and gave it polearm animations but on the plus side gave it the ability to break shields it would be called the elegant poleaxe so when you look at it like that I don't know how you could adjust it without making it overpowered.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Internal poleaxe balance
« on: April 01, 2012, 10:04:55 pm »

He said that he gets outranged by 2handers all the time and I was wondering if that also applies to the shorter 2handers such as katana longsword bastard sword etc...

Did we travel through a time warp back to some time where no one(smoothrich, blackmilk) knows the animation ranges? Yes, every 2h sword that uses the 2h stab animation outranges all of the poleaxes by a silly margin (source.) When compared to swords of the same price range (german, danish) the german and the elegant are outranged on each attack directions. The Poleaxe R to L is the only one to have a range advantage (a whopping 3 range.)

German Greatsword -
Overhead:123 + 15 = 138
L to R: 123 + 17 = 140
R to L: 123 + 13 = 136
stab: 123 + 80? = pike of tears

Poleaxe -
Overhead: 141 - 15 = 126
L to R: 141 - 7 = 134
R to L: 141 - 2 = 139
stab: 141 + 15 = 156

Elegant poleaxe -
Overhead: 132 - 15 = 117
L to R: 132 - 7 = 125
R to L: 132 - 2 = 130
stab: 132 + 15 = 147

***the polearm stab was believed to be +19 but from walts test it must either be +15 or the 2h stab is more than +80. I assumed its +15***

The NA community is on average a pile of troll shit so badmins are just par for the course.

General Discussion / Re: Has anyone brought up
« on: March 24, 2012, 08:35:29 pm »
I'll say this, its a hard class to track with damage stats since most of their damage is emotional =/

Since all the damage bonus mechanics are covered pretty well I'll just leave this here.

A strength retard (shielder) is upset he isn't one shooting all the things? What a bundle of sticks

Technically if you convert the points, you can make a panzer at level 22 with 18 STR 15 AGI 5 riding 6 PS and lol around in black plate and a huge horse...
Regardless, I don't have a problem with those builds as they are worthless in strategus battles (of which a lot of this game is balanced for), and are not that durable even with black plate. Most people are even doing it wrong and respecing the instant they hit level 25 not 26 (which is when upkeep hits in).

"lvl 24 panzers" was just a generalization but yeah its definitely not a surprise that these brilliant players aren't even doing it "right." Its true with the new strat gold system exploiting clans riding a 5x doesn't really make a difference in strat gold income anymore but I don't think that's cause to totally ignore it.  Even if the game is mainly balanced around strategus upkeep is an example of a balancing mechanic for just c-rpg so its not like it has to be strat to matter to the devs. I like upkeep I just don't see the point in having upkeep while at the same time keeping a mechanic around that lets you sidestep it.

Oh well at least I when I get tired of panzers I can play siege now (a.k.a. people finally realized they can play on the official one and not the laggy ATS box.) Oh speaking of siege and brilliant players I'm glad the devs fixed being able to respond to leecher nominations after death.  I'd say gg no re but I'm sure R_Kelly will just find another way to be a pain in the ass once he realizes that isn't working. =/

Cav is op, blah blah blah... anyway now that i've successfully snuck into this thread lets bring more attention to something actually worth discussing

I'm fine with the plated chargers, as long as people are paying the upkeep on them. These <lvl 25 guys with free plated chargers/milanese need to go though. The spirit of that change was to encourage new players to get into CRPG, not so veterans could steamroll people without paying upkeep.

Also NA server is getting ridiculous with amount of people playing with plated charges and heavy horses whitout paying maintance.. 1 generation under 25 level should not be except of paying maintance, I played my first generation paying maintance and didnt give up  cRPG.. at least they should be paying 50% of normal maintenance..   1 generation would be not a excuse to play 24/7 with plate and heavy horse!.

Glad I'm not the only one that's fed up with lvl 24 panzers driving around.  Autobalance is enough of a struggle bear already without throwing these clowns into the mix. Props to clans like chaos who don't abuse the mechanic. I think if they limited this mechanic to mains it would still help new players as intended and it would really cut down on the abuse.

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