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Messages - Takoul

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Siege exploit needs fixing
« on: February 15, 2011, 08:27:42 pm »
check your msgs :)

General Discussion / Siege exploit needs fixing
« on: February 15, 2011, 08:12:36 pm »
Ok now we got whole clans doing it, sharing the knowledge of how to use this exploit over their ts servers.

Some players can guarantee being on the attack on a siege map EVERY time, bypassing autobalance, in case you hadn't already seen this.
This means they keep their x5 multiplier ALL day. Hello heirlooms, hello game unbalanced, hello why do we normal mortals bother.....
It just brings a character wipe closer if servers are dominated by exploiting clans, pushing out those of first gen or second who cant compete against agi builds with multiple heirloomed weapons only gained by exploiting.


General Discussion / Re: My Archer Problem Masterwork Bow + 9 Pierce Arrows
« on: February 11, 2011, 08:03:29 pm »
Run away with Bogi than 6 races useless ^ ^

thats my favourite line
so profound, its a metaphor for life!

Suggestions Corner / Re: 'Helms Deep' Castle on siege. No can do
« on: February 09, 2011, 03:42:31 pm »
This map channels all attackers into one spot. Thats auto map teamwork enabled and still it don't work, because most of the time are randoms. Never seen a whole side from one clan yet.

Thinking about it again, one change could make this map workable and fun.
Remove the unbreakable portcullis from the inner gate. There looks to be a breakable door behind it. Its another defendable chokepoint so it wouldn't unbalance it. Plus, with attacking through doors it would still be hard to take down. That inner gate just looks 'wrong' somehow if you take a close look between respawns.

Suggestions Corner / 'Helms Deep' Castle on siege. No can do
« on: February 09, 2011, 03:01:30 pm »
First of all nice castle! Looks fantastic
Second, get rid of it or change it:

  There's only one point of entry to the inner keep. This makes it impossible to take. Take a look at the wooden pallisade castle where even with the fighting generally ending up at the flag INSIDE the castle its no guarantee of winning as an attacker.
But with this 'Helms Deep' type castle there is no way you are going to take the inner courtyard if scaling the walls is  impossible. There aren't any ladders to put up to the inner wall and no spot to do this from.

The inner gatehouse, hmmm. I saw that the winch mechanism is in between two gates, stuck on the floor level. Very very odd and surely not intentional? Take a look if you get time. Because even if you get a ladder from the outer wall across to the inner gatehouse spanning that wide chasm like courtyard, once across, you cannot even raise the gate from the gatehouse!
So all the fighting is concentrated in one doorway. And as a defender if you know no one is coming over the walls its just too easy to defend.

I'v got to x5 from defending this keep. Great. Not really, because the other 50% of the time attacking there's just no point really apart from a pew pew fest outside that inner door.

PLEASE PLEASE change this castle :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: [cRPG] Search and Destroy mode
« on: February 07, 2011, 04:52:23 pm »
link that post for us, there's a helpful chap  :P

chadz has eyes everywhere, everywhere I tell you!

General Discussion / Re: Fix List v210
« on: January 12, 2011, 12:10:40 am »
Oh yes, that reminds me.

If javelins/jarids/etc. are going to keep their piercing damage then they should lose the bonus to shields. (Either that or do something stupid and make regular spears have a bonus against shields as well. If a thrown spear can do it why can't one that is thrusted?) The shield breaking should be left to the axe-type weapons.

The reason the bonus against shield applys with throwing weapons is that, as well as being sharp and pointy, they are heavy when stuck in a shield. This dragged the shieldbearers arm down and sapped their stamina during fights. So that's why you ain't going to get a bonus with just a thrusting spear over a thrown spear 

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Post Your Character Builds
« on: January 08, 2011, 10:37:10 pm »


Age 39 [24]
Experience 1404162
Level up at 1584752
Kills 0
Death 0
Gold 11261
Generation 2
Attribute Points 0
Skill Points 0
Weapon Proficiency Points 1

Strength 21 
Agility 9 

One Handed 91 [4 WPF cost]
Two Handed 1 [1 WPF cost]   
Polearm 1 [1 WPF cost]   
Archery 1 [1 WPF cost]   
Crossbow 1 [1 WPF cost]   
Throwing 91 [4 WPF cost]

Ironflesh 0 
Power Strike 7 
Shield 3 
Athletics 3 
Riding 0 
Horse Archery 0 
Power Draw 0 
Power Throw 7 
Weapon master * 3 

Agility all the way now.
Can't sacrifice skill points for attribute points like my pure polearmer. Too many skills need some love with a hybrid.

mix of medium and hvy armour. Only have heirloomed Hvy Jarids.

Hybrid thrower/turtler 1H+shield
When run outof jarids and faced with a faster swinging Agi build enemy, gets immense satisfaction from turning an enemy and seeing a team mate running up behind enemy I am turtling against and braining them. After all, kills aren't everything, teamwork is!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Refunding heirlooms
« on: January 06, 2011, 02:26:10 pm »
Agreed. No need to fix. Just let it break.
Maybe make breakages to heirloomed equipment less severe. A broken heirloomed sword would still hit harder and faster than a broken non heirloomed sword.
Everything is supposed to be more costly to repair and upkeep now, so i think this will remain a feature. With heirloomed equipment you are supposed to be able to kill more people-win more often-get more cash. And you don't have to use it all the time. I think too many people are reliant on the fact that they have heirloomed equipment to win battles (ducks for cover from flame).

General Discussion / Re: Patch Fix On The Way Today! (Changelog Included)
« on: January 06, 2011, 02:16:34 pm »
  Agreed that if you introduce breakages to the attackers you need to reduce the overall repair costs. Because if you spend half your time defending and half your time attacking, repairs would be needed twice as often than before.

It would be nice to have breakages ONLY for the losers. But as it stands, the requirements for the attackers to win a game on siege are just too easy. Its not a 50/50 chance of either side winning atm.

Less gp and less exp and more repairs will still be the money sink that was needed for the longevity of this excellent mod. Just worried a little that the less exp will make it less enjoyable to those starting for the first time.

Blue fog. I actually enjoyed it. Suited my playstyle as a hybrid thrower/1HD well admittedly. Hurts the archers who have already just been nerfed. But it adds to the atmosphere. Seeing a plated rhino come at you of the fog, or a tincan with what you know is going to be a very sharp sword is a) frikkin scary and b) FRIKKIN SCARY  :P
So yeah, add fog to the random weather elements. Fog and snow could be a good way to reduce the dominance of archers/xbow without a harsh equipment nerf.  Random weather elements will make the rounds less alike. Can only be good.

When you do get a round with clear weather sure you'll get shot more, but hey c'est la vie. Play smart, weave around more, hug scenery, employ the human shield tactic and wait til the next foggy or snowy map to terrorize the shooters some.

General Discussion / Re: Seige Mode: How is it better?
« on: January 06, 2011, 01:38:07 pm »
Well i played siege last night on EU 6 for about 8 hours and managed to gain some good insights into how the patch affected things.
Unfortunately, due to my alcohol intake over said period, it all became a bit hazy. A bit like there was a blue fog in my brain as well as on the map :p

I was surprised how quickly my money went up over the whole session compared to pre patch. Ok I wasn't wearing the best gear (having recently retired plus the character rollback, I had to level a bit)
But you know, with just a padded jack, nasal helm, leather boots, mail gauntlets, sarranid guard sword and 12 franciscas I STILL had fun.
Less archers meant less 1-hit-1-kills on me. And with the fog I was able to get to the action a whole lot more easily.
I just don't subscribe to 'if it ain't plate it ain't worth it'. I had to develop my personal combat skills on the battlefield more. Even not having a shield didn't ruin my fun. I just made myself a harder target (weaving like a drunken thing, that may have been the wine though). And now my blocking skills have improved enough to make people think twice after i block a couple of their swings. They saw i was a hard target to kill and decided to go after someone else. Very noticeable that.

Like i mentioned in game, spend  few sessions in light armour, hoard your cash, then next few sessions don your better gear and raise hell amongst the enemy. OR have two sets of armour, and switch in game to minimise repair costs.
A worn francisca axe in the face looked to hurt as much as as one that was repaired.

The only thing that in my opinion that needs fixing in siege is the multiplier. PLEASE tie it in to the timer:
The attackers should start with a x5 and defenders x1. halfway through the 12mins both teams should be on x3. And at the end, if the defenders have done well (2mins left on clock) the multiplier should be x1 for attackers and x5 for defenders.
This brings back the incentive to cap/defend the flag. As it is we had attackers standing near the flag waiting for the timer to go down before capping, and the battles lost their siege-like nature.

SO if the defenders hold out a long time, they would get more gp to repair with.
AND i think if the attackers cap quickly (meaning the defenders only get a x1 exp/gp tick) there should be a reduced chance of items breaking. Otherwise, several quick caps would mean, as a defender, hideous repair costs, and people drifitng away from siege servers.

It wasn't disastrous that there was a quick cap though. Quick caps just meant the next round came quicker, the exp and gps ticks came around again quicker. The only downside was if you had a x5 mltiplier and your team capped in the 1st minute.

Overall I seemed to have enough time on the attacking team after auto 'balance', to gather some gold to offset repairs.
Some good ideas in this patch, justs needs a bit of tweaking.

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