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Messages - Spartan793

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Attention Everybody
« on: August 11, 2011, 12:26:59 am »
Im sure your the guy earlier who said racism was fine? Yet raging is not? :L

General Discussion / Re: Racism
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:56:27 pm »
If they are players who are just there to troll/insult people, yes.

If someone is being racist against someone else, just to show their opinion, that's different.

A example is: "Archers are my old friends/easy to play/unskilled"

That's their opinion, that's what they think. You can argue about it, they didn't say that to hurt you.

Thats not racism, an archer is not a race

General Discussion / Re: Racism
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:45:26 pm »
If people are offending you on a game, you shouldn't be hurt by it. They are just saying it to hurt you, MOST OF THE TIME.

Its not as simple as that though for some people

And i like how all the anti-racism comments are getting -1's...
Theres clearly some massive hidden racists in this community.... and im white and it still bothers me

Edit: Scrath that, it seems its just CountBerenger... racist fuck

General Discussion / Re: Racism
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:19:22 pm »
you are being incredible insensitive towards my insensitivity. I can't help how i am, i was born that way.


General Discussion / Re: Racism
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:12:30 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Racism
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:08:57 pm »
Well since this is the SUGGESTIONS CORNER, i say this game could use some more racism.  People who get offended are as much to blame as offenders.  Words have no power when we refuse to give them power over us.

You fucking serious?
Ive never agreed with much you've said but this is a downright stupid remark, you can't condone racism and blame the offendee for getting bothered by these remarks.
Its not fair that you say he just learn to live with it

Suggestions Corner / Re: Split the servers.
« on: August 09, 2011, 10:32:40 pm »
Signed. But i cant see anything happening until 'new' strat

And guys lets not turn this whole thing into another flame war, this problem affects everyone and its in the interests of everyone that it be sorted


Hope now all thats done the whole bug exploiting thing will stop.

If not, it'l be a shame to see the community stoop so low

no offense nocti, but saying theres no need for a flame war in the same post where you are calling us childish... practice what you preach my friend.

Saying theres no need for a flame war is not flaming itself, its trying to bring it to an end, just leave it there

This whole thing is just some way of trying to grief at Mercs

Why else would we be sent that much shitty equip from someone we were about to attack? It very blatantly a bug that they knew about and were exploiting. I find it staggering that nothing is being done about them and they can get away with this scott free.

Hell, if we'd done the same to them we'd have been kicked outta stratejus straight away -_-

Damn, best avoid not being a biased tw*t in future

General Discussion / Re: C-RPG Comics.
« on: August 06, 2011, 12:25:01 am »

-mercs abuse the strat battle system literally every time they've attacked
-post threads whining about people transfering them equipment

basically merc clan you guys seem really awful and i hope you lose all of your territory


Yeah, because it was an obvious attempt to grief and were going to take losses because of it, you'd be just as mad if it happened to you

In what way do we abuse strat battle system?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestion: Machine Crossbow (Please Consider)
« on: August 02, 2011, 11:02:16 am »
Most people don't realize that the more fun we put into cRPG, the better it gets.

Fun is good?! OMFG, mindblown!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Upkeep Solution - Hear me out
« on: August 02, 2011, 10:58:36 am »
It would be a problem because tin cans would go full-plate mode in battle/siege until they are nearly broke, then go to the DTV server and grind their fortune back up again.
Your not really going to earn enough in a whole day to support a tin can suit for more than half an hour, it would be a waste of time

This way people can still have fun, eanr a little bit of money and XP so at least it feels rewarding and they can wear whatever the hell they like

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