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Messages - H3ADSH0T

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Sidearms
« on: May 13, 2012, 10:10:09 am »
They would be viable if the game wasn't based off of statistics. If your wooden practice sword had 50 cut you'd still be using it. Its all pretty arbitrary and nothing escapes to add variety outside of speed, damage, and length.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Braceable pikes
« on: May 13, 2012, 10:07:10 am »
I like this for realism.
I like this for common sense
I like this because we need to be rid of pike martial art plate ninjas and the ridiculous things they could never even begin to do if there was a drop of realism

Game Balance Discussion / Re: archery..
« on: May 11, 2012, 02:14:29 am »
Archery is treated too numerically in my eyes. An arrow fired from any bow is going to FUCKING KILL YOU. All too often I hit a guy for the 3rd time and he's still rampaging. inb4 crpg hero simulator.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Armor
« on: May 11, 2012, 01:59:12 am »
My idea has always been that armour material should make a difference instead of being JUSt and arbitrary number. This means that we'd now have plate, chain, scale, hide, etc as types which would react to pierce, cut, and blunt. Wouldn't it be nice if your plate armor had a realistic use? As a plated knight, unless you can pin me (realistically) to stab me through a joint or land a lucky hit your cutting weapons are going to "glance" right off of me. Mail is even more interesting. Blunt weapons are especially effective because mail doesn't stop the impact. But it -does- stop cutting weapons and depending on the size it is very effective at repelling piercing attacks.

This might not be entirely related but the combat speed of C-RPG is a joke.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 1h stab
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:22:35 pm »
Who said anything about being up close? I know I didn't. I've spent 7 of my 9 gens as a 2h and spin-thrusts were only necessary at face-hug distances. Granted, I was using thrust-oriented swords such as the German Greatsword, but I honestly think it's more difficult to stab with my +3 Espada Eslanova than it was to thrust with my +3 German.

EDIT: Seriously, has the whole Pike-at-point-blank-distance thing honestly made people thing that stabs are SUPPOSED to be used up close? *headdesk*

For some weapons it definitely should. It would be nice if stabs for one hand weapons (particularly the knives & daggers) had a different animation to come from lower instead of this tae-bo looking shit. The game lacks the concept of leverage if anything as with a dagger I should be able to "grapple" with you and shank a bitch. Pikes on the other hand need their own game mechanic or something because they were not martial art spears. Have you ever seen a picture of a guy with a pike? They should just be staticly couching or something lol

Suggestions Corner / Re: Kneeling down
« on: May 06, 2012, 04:34:54 am »
This would also allow spear and shield users to form a 2nd rank for a very strong shieldwall. +1

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add some Gladiator armors
« on: May 04, 2012, 12:17:28 pm »
I don't think any argument beside ," It is entertaining" really matters. If the goal of CRPG is to strictly fit some kind of theme its already failed. It is basically arcade style win or lose (beside strategus) and we already have ridiculous armor mixes in the first place. Not to mention weapons that are ludicrous. Spamberge, really? The reason you're saying no is because of what? They look really freaking gay! Yes because you must really like anything without a warrior flair. Like padded vests! FUCKING BEAST.

Also on a side note. There is little to no simulation whatsoever when it comes to this mod. If there was we'd be dying to arrow fire and people would be sensible enough to use shields most of the time, working together. The 2 hand hero bullshit is honestly one of the least feasible aspects of the game. (And if anything is more supported by the hollywood hype of fans of shows LIKE spartacus)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add some Gladiator armors
« on: May 02, 2012, 08:40:25 am »
No, because no.

Necro. Why not? The mod should appeal like most games with rpg elements do and let you dress your character as you like. I'd like to see greek/roman armours, including these. New content is great

A bump for a worthy idea, I think.

I noticed also that the Ashwood pike looks basically just like a spartan dory (with the sharp point on the butt).

If its possible to make items recoverable after you've killed a target, make it a % chance. That should douse any fears people have of infinite ammo. I think that your comment on not being able to have multiple 1h thowables would be debatable, but I'm sure balance could be made so that people aren't banking on throwing 3 broad war axes. As for the spears, these are mostly 2 slot already.

Can we get the stuff that is off topic to stop? I'd prefer the idea doesn't entirely die out. Are there differing opinions or ideas for this idea?

Yes and I'm sure we'd love flamberges whirling end over end into our foes as well but I will settle for spears. Anyone have some more helpful input?

I thought that might be the case, I've been hit by things I just assumed were throwing lances because they seemed pretty long but I doubt everyone is throwing lances at me

I'd really like to hear a devs opinion on this

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