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Messages - Trael

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I see no reason why xbow's should receive any buff at all. Certainly I don't see why a 1-shot kill should be sped up to where it can't be dodged by an aware opponent over range.

If xbows are the red-headed stepchild to throwing, then NERF throwing. Xbows need 0 buff in any way. That slow draw speed and flight speed BALANCE that huge PIERCE damage type that 1-shots most people on the battlefield.

Sniper + steel rarely oneshot anyone wearing any clothing in crpg these days, even nonclothet enemies are no longer sure kills...

see "Dedicated Crossbowmen - where have they gone?",1357.0.html

also fact that sniper crossbow is least accurate of crossbows.
and also fact that wpf over 135 or so seems to mostly effect just reloads, instead of reload and accuracy, based on charts seen.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Dedicated Crossbowmen - where have they gone?
« on: February 16, 2011, 04:30:43 am »
I actually tested and can confirm your suspicion.

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(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

Thank you, thats awesome.
+ awesome points to you (since you seemed to have them on positive side, and they are named that way these days...)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Make it so people can not multibox
« on: February 13, 2011, 08:21:25 pm »
Miley for exemple, does a suicide rush with his one hit crush through barmace, then reconnect once dead to do it again on the now thinned out enemy numbers.

Have i kind of missed something, becouse atleast on european servers autobalance works so that its COMPLETELY RANDOM to what team you end after joining, no matter what you choose. (well not completely completely random, but frow view of player totally random "got insta autoplaced on team with 10 players more that other team...")

And what comes to delay... yeah 15seconds... and i cant play ever on first round & some of maps end up being completely unplayable. When round starts i have terrible lags for about 30 seconds, causing game to be completely unplayable, so in smaller maps i have to wait in inventory selection screen for that 30 seconds before spawning or else someone has killed me BEFORE game even tells me THAT ROUND STARTED and lets me move.

So really, if someone is doing that they are gaining one uneffective (becouse it has to be so fast) suidice run with big effort every round and while doing it they randomize their team (to most likely loosing team if autobalance is working at all...) so its not like they are getting any real benefit or so compared to need to time things and click menus. (random team and constant rejoining causes their multipliers to stay at 1x, so no expensive armors forever or so)

Atleast not enough to cause need for change that would mess up quite completely change of playing from multiple proper players not using that thing.

so as someone who does not care to buy new computer just becouse i get some lagginess in start of rounds, i would say thank you for shutting up about this and just banning or something of those players if nessessary.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Dedicated Crossbowmen - where have they gone?
« on: February 09, 2011, 12:05:35 am »
The top weapon in each category *should be* so expensive that you can't have it all the time. That is proper balance with current upkeep.
not true, all my other chars can use best weapon or multiple near best weapons all the time, with other items.
crossbower can use only 0 upkeep, cheap 2h and sniper + steel, and does rarely do damage or hit becouse damage and firerate.

btw... do i just feel like it or is accuracy somewhat reversed on crossbows?
i mean lately on one of my other chars i have been using light crossbow with horse with _0 ha_ & _0 wpf_ and i seem to get quite decently small crosshair. Also seems that my crossbow char (some mid level or so) with 124 or so wpf gets smaller crosshair with lighter crossbow, even when stats show sniper having more accuracy... do i just feel like this or...

have been quite horrible lag spikes... im kind of guessing part of them are really lag spikes and part could be caused by my computer running to side of virtual memory.

stuff like my attacks just freezing... as in i tap my mouse button to attack, my char raises hand then nothing for second or so while i look at enemy starting his/her attack and goes tru with it, without my attack ever even really starting.

Events & Tournaments / Re: MELEE MONDAY!
« on: January 26, 2011, 11:10:51 am »
as on what server... all of them? if so are we going to get crossbow saturdays?

General Discussion / Re: What do you think about autobalance by banner?
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:53:38 am »
I (and our squad) rarely anymore use any servers without banner balance..
That stuff is gooood. Thank you

General Discussion / Re: Lance hitbox is way off.
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:46:23 am »
yeah it started with .200 patch i often see my arrow go throught some1 like if there was nothing and also
sometime the video clearly show that the pike went way offside from you and still hit you and i have 30-40 ping

hitbox may be fucked but there is a strange server lag since .200
Dont know did it start at any point or anything (havent been playing long) but crossbows seem to have quite ammount of their bolts going directly through enemy models (no shields or anything, sometimes completely stationary targets not moving before, during or after attack) without hitting them. Gets remembered when it happens with crossbow, as reload time is quite long after "I did hit him but...". Also so horrible (fortunately not too common) when horse charges to pike and totally ignores it...

Game Balance Discussion / Re: One-handers became too fast => Overpowered.
« on: January 26, 2011, 12:58:41 am »
"If you cant feel 3 additional base damage then meh."

Well let me retort!

"If you can't feel 8 more thrust damage then meh."

Come with some arguments Urlukur.

So lets lower stats of katana and be done with it. Good that you got these excellent points up about how wrongly statted katana is. And im not even much trolling here.

I mostly find out that most 2h spammers hit second or third attack after my block faster that i can with my 1h... could be slow computer and lag as some tell that there is no way no matter what wpf they have... (also i use 99 or so speed 1h weapons)

hmm looked at weights, cant say that katana would be heavy enough to cause stunblock i keep hearing so much (more so when its normally used with agi heavy builds..)

General Discussion / Re: Ironflesh? o.0 [Need Explanation Please]
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:24:45 am »
So, is that new? If it is new, then why wasn't that the case in pre-patch?
i guess answer your asking there is: becouse with upkeep heavy armor is rarer.

leads to people running with lower armor --> if not being as usefull as before (for reasons told by all other posters.

Anyway a dedicated melee can easily onehit a naked with his flamberge, thats the price class we are talking about...

does not even need to be dedicated melee or flamberg, my 20 lvl melee with some cheap 3k 1h sword can oneshot naked people most of time... and if it wont oneshot next swing comes in <2s.

but really... if sidearm crossbows were/are so big problem... why not just make crossbows be totally completely unusable unaccurate and slow to reload when used without any profiency?... aka lower their default stats and give big boost to profiency... that way dedicated crossbowers can have them without all nernerfs they have been laterly having and they are dead cost to sidearmers. currently its in middle of 1) not really changing anything 2) making them obsolite.

Closed Requests / Re: [Unban] Domusperkele_II
« on: January 22, 2011, 11:51:56 pm »
lilith if thats case, who admins that server? so we can ask them to fix their servers timeout timers.

that one wasnt afk leeching. only moments domus has been stationary and not killing enemies were couple of times when his computer crashed.

we have been having squad afternoon today.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Highlander Armour
« on: January 22, 2011, 03:41:49 pm »
those look nice

we ended up doing some testing at duel server with rumaahinen just moments ago.

my crossbow char + sniper + steel
we tested different hit locations from different ranges [6k armor + same protection helmet + shoes & near top of line armor]

target:  lvl 27, str 21, powerstrike 7, ironflesh 3, agi 15, ath 5, weapon master 5

1) unarmored target needs 2 hits from sniper + steel to die
2) 6k body armor (mail with surcoat), short distance: 2-3 hits to torso, mid distance: 3-4 hits to torso, long distance no hits
3) 23k body armor (churburg cuirass), short distance: 4-5 hits to torso, mid distance: 5-6 hits to torso, no point in long distance test at this point.
4) 57 armor point helmet, target survives point blank range headshot [personal note: fine with me, if someone really takes top of the line one of most expensive helmets, im fine with them being able to survive one hit to head with massive damage but not going down.]
5) in test with hunting crossbow + steel: target in 23k body armor takes around 2-3% of damage with every hit, so killing with only crossbow becomes practicly impossible without headshots, even from point blank range, based on test headshot, target could take over 3-6 headshots without going down.

target suspects based on his own experience that he would take around 15 hits from some crap bow to go down with better armor and around 5-6 with 6k armor.

gear of tester costs [without _any_ other gear] min. 19 613 gold (just sniper + steel) and with mid tier melee weapon 24k [aka +-0 gold level, without multiplier aka in normal play]
(yes last week or so, i have 3 times seen 3x or higher, glorious autobalance and have went -1k gold balance while using 23-25k gear)

i still like playing my crossbow char, but yeah, these days it seems to be naked person shooter, instead of serious armor penetrator.
and i can get decent k/d from those naked peoples, if im defending in siege, elsewhere it seems to be mostly just anti cavalry (where i like it, always nice to see how those cav lancers come "hahaa im going to penetrate that crossbow char" just to get bolt in middle of their horses face at last moment, ending up rolling in middle of some pile of my teammates).

target's opinion:
as 2h spammer he now thinks crossbows as joke and does not see that there would be any danger to him from them anymore.

6k armor results were ones that really supprised me, after all we are talking about 20k weapon here.

I do have deidecated crossbower with this name...
lvl 24
sure i do have long sword and 86 in 2h prof, but i also have 121 crossbow prof and im most likely going to be raising only crossbows prof from now on.

Problem just is that long sword + sniper crossbow + steel bolts combinet are already at 25k gear point that equals pretty close to +- 0 gold with how autobalance has been handling me for last couple of weeks.

So i end up being delicate flower without armor, dying to basicly anything even with my iron flesh 5. Problem just seems to be that these days even mid to low armor targets wont seem to much care about getting hit by bolts. Have to admit that last patch that returned some of crossbows damage did good, after it i was able to get some frags in siege defense (but pretty much not anywhere else...).

i could use my other crossbow (hunters i got first), it reloads like magic compared to snipers crossbow, but then again i think only thing i have been able to frag with it has been one archer with incredibly lucky headshot from ½ map away (quite ballistic fire pretty much hitting target to head from up), but really if my sniper crossbow does not allways kill targets without armor (!) (yes i have seen this too..) then im not expecting all that much better from hunters crossbow in damage...

back when i started playing and grinded gold to get that already expensive sniper crossbow slowly on old system, even mightiest tincans seemed to pay attention to it and try to avoid getting hit, becouse dedicated crossbower was quite serious damage dealer to them, these days every punk lowarmor ninja seems to just rush at me saying "well i can take one or two hits if they dont get me in head, and your reload is so slow that you wont be able to deliver but maybe one to me before i nodachi/katana spam you..."

i liked times when with sniper crossbow there was matter of choosing your targets "that one is peasant, not worth it becouse that heavily armored 2h spammer knight should come around that corner just soon trying to slash tru my team... and if i can put bolt in that ill end up saving quite many of my teammates from that flamepatterned blade.."

these days it seems to be "oh anything i can see if i just would end up damaging or maybe fraggins something"

it was still fun to play crossbower, but well i guess part of it is becouse i already have sniper crossbow & steel bolts and with their current prices cant dont really need any extra gold... as i cant support any other gear to spawn, recently been looking at buying cheaper 2h to be used instead of longsword for most of time...

oh dear being sick and sleeping at home causes me to have these spontaneous rushes of half-readable text, when i havent really talked to anyone for couple of days (makes throat hurt...) or really written anything... "something that even kind of could seeeemmm like sssooooooccciiiiaaalll interractiiioooonnnn..."

sry for this... ;)

edit: funny thing is my other chars are: pure polearms char (uses selection of GOOD polearms, gear cost something like < 15-22k) and quite effective, 1h+shield (havent yet seen where gear and effectivity sets..), now for lols 3agility thrower (most likely wont have interrest to heirloom stones enough to have them as proper option to keep that interresting...)

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