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Messages - DKriza

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General Discussion / Re: tactics at the beginning of a battle.
« on: September 28, 2011, 05:02:03 pm »

The one class i haven't mentioned is cav. I've come to believe that letting the cav charge forward and hunt stragglers and afkers is a big waste. Too many cav gets lost to enemy ranged fire whilst chasing low value kills. Instead, i believe that cav is a support class.
Instead of charging ahead, the best cav can do is stick with the melee group and use their horse to block enemy cavalry or threaten enemy melee when they engage your infantry. That way, you prevent your cav from getting isolated and mobbed away from the main fight. Cav needs to be there at the 'big clash' to bump enemies and put pressure on their rear, forcing the enemy to face multiple directions and breaking their charge.

i couldn't stop laughing  at this, i wish i could see only one of them doing this
cav players are the most immature players in this mod, and they are thinking only about them selves, and their hunger for easy kills

Closed Requests / Re: Fake and gay
« on: September 22, 2011, 09:23:57 pm »

Quote from: cmpxchg8b
Re: Ban Pennywise, Prpavi and MJ
« Reply #6 on: Today at 18:06:48 »
Carter banned 2 days for teamkilling.
MJ (Panos) banned 2 days for being a retard.
Prpavi banned 4 days for teamkilling and being a retard

only real retard here is cmpx, because he was insulted in forums, and was only waiting for a chance to ban prpavi in game
things like that are happening every day in game, but people get through unpunished or with minor penalties, except when they get on admins hit list

Interesting points. Most I agree with. Except the afk at spawn one. There is no real excuse for being afk at spawn. If you clicked spawn then realised you needed the loo or got a phone call or something, then chances are they will just end up delaying the round at the end anyway. And even if they do come back half way through, if it helps the team, I'll do it. There's no real excuse in my opinion for being afk at spawn.

For some of us it does, i am spawning 10-15 sec latter then my teammates, its closer to 20 without low texture mod.
This is problem with my pc, or connection, or something else, but im still spawning very close to the couched lance.  :shock:
And after that first lag i don't have any problems with game performance, so it can ruin my game.

General Discussion / Re: How about those fixed overheads on Polearms?
« on: September 15, 2011, 04:48:45 pm »
if your a pikemen your anti cav thats it

pikeman can stop moving cavalry, that didnt change, but when they stop and raise shield its over
if you hit low, spear hits ground, and if its higher, shields "force field" protects the horse
through the ground was the only way to hit them

Lol have you been playing crpg long?

Thats the saddest thing with this mode, you cant ask for help from people (devs) that should help you or inform you.
Even if they respond to question, its 50 % chance that they are trolling and lying.

Another buff for shield cavalry,  if you aim low with pike you hit the ground, and if its high than "forcefield" protects the horse.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: connection to the server impossible
« on: September 13, 2011, 04:27:56 pm »

General Discussion / Re: What to do about TKers?
« on: September 07, 2011, 03:54:55 pm »
I cant understand this polls options (unless it was trolling  :oops:), or people that would only kick or warn the attacker.
Attacking someone at spawn means that that action is deliberate and there cant be confusion about banner bug or missing textures.  :?:
I have voted for a week ban, but it was close to permanent.

Faction Halls / Re: (Warg_) Ex Bandits, new clan
« on: September 02, 2011, 10:19:53 pm »
So many dicks, maybe we need to change our name back  :mrgreen:

Diplomacy / Re: THC
« on: August 30, 2011, 10:54:35 pm »
Nice one  :oops:

General Discussion / Re: About forum structure
« on: August 12, 2011, 08:40:17 pm »
Game Issues and Problems

There is no place in this forums to post about hardware or software problems, and ask for help from people more experienced in this area.
And im not talking about bugs, but troubleshooting.

Spam / Re: Abusing is tolerated ?
« on: July 30, 2011, 05:51:27 pm »
I am worried that this topic might be serious.

If so: I do that with everyone. I don't even check the name. You don't move while fighting is going on, i nominate you. As I said, just press M, problem solved. Or did I miss some psychological damage I inflicted?

Fight was over, with one enemy being chased by 20 teammates on the other side of the map, why should i start to run there.
And since i still have my 10-15 seconds lag on start of the every round, it could get me kicked, and my multi is gone.Because of the lag(loss of time) and while i was taking screenshot, it did got me killed.

"Psychological damage" comes with a feeling that i can be nominated any time, and with no penalty to the abuser.
Its just wrong to reward someone for things like this.

Spam / Re: Abusing is tolerated ?
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:47:20 pm »
If chadz is abusing this option then everyone can, and it wont be nice.

I got killed because of this option few times in middle of the fight, this was different(end of the round), but it still got me killed while i was taking a screenshot at spawn, thanks to leed and his desire for free kills.

Yes, we probably cant ban him, but an essay would be nice, or even removal of the possibility to this kind of things in game.

Closed Requests / [Ban request] VRN_chadz
« on: July 30, 2011, 01:12:00 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Uploaded with

Abuse at its best from the almighty creator of the mod.
It didnt get me killed that round, because it was last seconds, but it did killed me the following round while i was taking a screenshot.

So i think an essay about  "why is abuze damaging crpg community" would be a proper punishment

General Discussion / Re: Lag on start of the round
« on: July 12, 2011, 10:56:43 pm »
It worked  :D .
I have installed low res texture pack and Optimization, and my spawn time is normal again.
For anyone that like to try, thats the link for all mods, i have only used the last pack with low res and optimization.
For now its working.,6183.0.html

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