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Messages - Osakasa

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General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 15, 2015, 09:46:52 pm »
I'm not either but I can understand why russians take issue with the expansion of NATO.

I too can understand why Russians take issue with NATOs expansion, but that doesnt make me less objective. Obviously when one side pushes..

Lol, Nato isn't expanding on its own neither pushes toward Russian :D It's simply the otherway round, neighbour countries of Russian have invited Nato. More precisely, all Nato countries have requested membership, Nato simply doesn't expand inside other countries borders, like some-dudes-with-weapons-and-all-kind-of-supplyline near Ukraine border. Please, notice the difference. And why Nato is "expading" toward Russian, yeah, there might be reasons, somewhere at political leader(s). ahaha, I don't even myself believe there is use for "s" :)

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 15, 2015, 06:11:17 am »
Casimir, your wrote well last few posts and I agreed with you but please...

As I see it NATO's primary purpose is and always has been the projection of US led power across the globe in the service of 'western interests'.

Don't make yourself Tovi, soon you will find doing Slav Squat if you "see" or "believe" these kind of things  :wink:. Nato is a defence alliance, it is not used to get political power via military operations. Current The Secretary General of Nato is a norwegian, and actually never been US citizen [1].


My honour is saved from the endless shame. Mr. Meowzart is man of action gave my reward from the all hard work! My Thanks to you!

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Long story short. Eques tried to make a fief transfer and Rider was protecting the city. Eques made a poll and Rider created a 84th ban thread for it. Eques got banned and case closed. That's fine.

I wanted to play a strategus battle, applied it and got accepted. First there were me and Hectorian dude. I was totally excited, listened Rocky Training Montage with left headset, right one is broken. Life is full of Eye of the Tiger, takkata takkata takkata takkata pam - pampampam - pampampam - pampampaaaaaaaam.. I got good peasant gear, making decision between pickaxe and practice longsword (2H for nobles!). I chose practice longsword because good reach. First spawn, Hectorian dude is right by my side. I knew i would get a good sidekick, a guy who will look after my back.

Attacker spawned a little later, totally naked dude, no ladders to get on the wall and capture the city. I was bold, doing awesome viewing on the wall, feeling brave. What the damn, Hectorian dude was total panic, I tried to give my motivation speech "calm down, take a deep breath. Attacker is naked, he can't get on the wall, just stay calm and focused". Alas, Hectorian dude quited the server and my trusted sidekick left me. I was all alone, immeadiately a good song came up my mind (

This brave attacker, even without gear came toward city, asked if there was a gate. I said no. Then he asked if i could come down and fight at least, said "sure". I gave my sword and asked him to kill me, so I could spawn with another sword. We dueled a while and then a miracle happened. Hectorian dude and Danior came. I was saved by the last minute. They seemed to be under dark force because they were asking me to leave. I was doing my best and protected the city, with all my cost! No, they just kept telling me to leave. I knew they were under dark force by Hetman, so I kept protecting Greys' honour.  After a brief moment I faced the most blessed thing what can happen to cRPG players. An admin came!

Hetman is strong, really really strong. He got admin under his control just in few seconds after this admin joined the server. Admin was fast, efficient, aerodynamic and ruthless, after "sup" i was kicked from the server. Damn! The city is without any proctection, open for all attacks! I must fight for Greys' honour and  rejoin the server. I did something horrible and noobiesh mistake. Clicked wrong server to connect :DDD ahahaaha. damn, it takes too long, a second felt like a minute and my leather seat under my ass felt cold. Come on stupid game, faster faster. I finally joined the wrong server, quited and refreshed the server. Daaaaaaaamn, strategus battle was over. I checked the result and something more beautiful than mommy panda giving a kiss to puppies happened, "Your side has protected this town from being captured.". NP Hetman dude, I protected your and all Greys' honour with pleasure, I mere ask humble 20 000e please (

At this point I want to say. Rider was troll-defending against Eques and for result of all this, Eques players got banned. I was doing troll-defence, and I was kicked out of the server. wtf, keep some line at least how these fief/castle transfers are handeled... You know, there is even an option to give fief owner to someone without battle. And result for all of this, i want no one to be banned because i'm not as pathetic as Rider. Thanks!!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=4348
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- Osa|Kasa|la

General Discussion / Re: DTV
« on: May 28, 2015, 04:30:43 pm »
Fix EU1 teambalance first. Damn 20vs35 rounds without any point of playing. Moreover there is more teamwork in EU7 than EU1 where players start to run around whole map three laps first before fighting (mostly because bad map profiles). EU2, "chat" bug, please fix it.

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus for dummies
« on: May 27, 2015, 08:43:03 pm »
Ok, thanks, that basically answered alot of my questions. But does anybody else have that browser issue? If not, what browser do you use? because its abviously broken on chrome.  :(
Firefox, Waterfox, Opera. Depens on what day is it :P I dont use chrome, so can't say about it
However, still a question or two:

1. Not in town (I don't think?) and I'm camping...
Then i don't know what is wrong. Find Suno on the map, (ctrl+f), click the name above castle figure and then you will have two options on left top corner: attack (what we usually do) and enter (you can go inside and buy stuff there then)
2. So is there even a difference between troops and ticks?
hmm... tickets might mean how long you will get troops... not 100% sure of this
3. So if silver can only be made by selling stuff, why is my silver going up like 20 every hour?
You get automatically silver as long as your troop limit low enough. You have to pay for troop upkeep. Upkeep is higher when you have more troops.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus for dummies
« on: May 27, 2015, 08:01:37 pm »
I don't get strategus.

1. Are troops bots or just human respawns?
Troops are tickets -> how many times players can spawn. For example if you have 50 tickets, 1 player can spawn 50 times. 50 players can spawn once. As long as at least one flag is up
2. What is equpment for and why is every party "unarmed" status?
You can buy weapons, armors, horses etc from fiefs and castles. you need strategus silver for it. you get silver if you buy goods from a fief X, move a long distance to fief Y, and sell them there (just a small and quick example)
3.  Why does it say I'm camping when I just clicked to move somewhere?
If you are in a fief/castle, which is under besiege, you can't move out or you are attacked.
4.  How do you enter towns? I click enter town and nothing happens.
This should work, unless town is under besiege
5. What are ticks?
Look 1.
1.2 In a large battle, if "troops" are really just player respawns, than can other players use my troops to respawn or just me?
You, all players who are in your roster. You hire players in 24 hours when you attack someone, or being attacked. You can hire players in "Battles" tab (this also requires there are players, who have applied for your battle)
1.3 Does equipment have to do with troops? For instance if I have 5 heraldic mails and I die 5 times with heraldic mail, than I have to buy more?
6. Just about every strategus window in is like... off mybrowser window. So I basically can only see the left side of the map, left side of strategus shop, etc. How to fix this? I really want to buy one handed weapons but the 1h icon in shop isliterally off the browser screen.
Blame devs

Strategus Issues / Re: Strategus makes no sense
« on: May 27, 2015, 06:50:28 pm »
Here, please
You can join #mount&blade-crpg ( if you need help and want fast answers.

General Off Topic / Re: upvoting foundation
« on: May 27, 2015, 03:00:59 pm »
50 000e for '+', ahahahhahaa you jewish turk :DDDDD aaaahahaha

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] Feedback on 2h stab.
« on: May 27, 2015, 06:09:51 am »
I think 98% of people who voted 'keep it' are polearm users.

No, still 2h and i have stabbed many many many many many times

General Discussion / Re: cRPG 2hers IRL
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:56:26 am »
2Hs are nobles of cRPG

General Discussion / Re: Does Ironflesh effect WPF in some way now?
« on: May 13, 2015, 05:42:40 pm »
thanks. and if i wear no armour then i should also go for 0IF to maximise on WPF?

like IF lowers WPF if you have no armour i mean? struggling to understand what it says there (:

no, IF only decreases the wpf penalty while you wear heavy armor. There is no downside to invest IF if you think about wpf.

This is updated, you can test yourself

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: May 13, 2015, 05:18:29 pm »
But who helped him to become so? USA

If you really try to simplify Iraq-Iran war saying "because USA", you are making a huge error. This war is extremely complex and for sure there is no good vs evil in this. Iraq used chemical weapons, Iran used kid soldiers. This really isn't a war made by USA. And nice little fact about this war:
"Iraq's three main suppliers of weaponry during the war were the Soviet Union followed by China and then France. It also acquired substantial arms from Portugal." [1]
You see, Soviet Union and USA supplied same country (Iraq)


General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:47:43 pm »
EU has good developed production, so to grow economy up they need new markets and of course they need to protect their markets, because of that USA and EU controlls import to protect selfproduction. It is so easy to understand. And small country like yours will gain if EU will make business in your country.

I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say here. Yes, to increace economy, new market areas are usually searched, this mostly mean countries which are "stable". Good juridict system, transparency government and all in all no corruptions. These are very important parameters for economy and economic grow up. These are also the reasons why USA and EU are so dissapointed about Russia. Russia looked very promissing market area ~2000 - 2005 and new investors tried to do business in Russian and also offer better life for russians. Sadly, there was a military conflict 2008 with Georgia which caused some "alarms" for investors. Current conflict with Ukraine really vanished all investors from Russia. Sadly so, because there was a good start but nationalism won in Russia.

And about USA and EU control imports. Yes, there are tariffs for countries outside USA and EU area. But there are _also_ tariffs at Russian borders. That is the very reason why EU market area is so flexible, because the free trade. And this is the reason why so many ex-russian satelite countries' economy keep growing up in EU free market area. Those ex-satelite countries are great example how to offer better life for people and even some politics in Ukraine noticed this. They tried move toward west and EU and ofcourse, this isn't the diplomacy Russian leaders are looking for, right?

They will invest in your country money, make new places for workers. Export their products to yours.

Who are you referring with "they"? EU itself doesn't invest money if this will cause distortion in market. EU can invest money for new techology such as how to clean pollution or less energy consume engines and such. You see why this desires companies to invest EU and drag new brainstorm? This creates new jobs for workers but also helps companies to find cheaper (read: correct market value) employees. For example, there are huge number of Estonian workers in Finland. Finnish companies can offer they server cheaper, offer also jobs for finnish people because they can compete on price, it's a win-win-situation for people and country (tax money).

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: May 07, 2015, 08:08:22 am »
I'm not really good in biology but how's it possible to have three grandpas?

DaveUKR never wrote three grandfathers. One of them died in action, one of them got wounded (=makes 2). Dave's mom's father and father's father == 2.

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