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Topics - GK_Leonidas

Pages: [1]
The launcher has never worked for me.

Does Strength have anything to do with Damage dealt When you couch with a lance.?

General Discussion / Something with .252 Please help
« on: December 01, 2011, 03:48:38 pm »
When ever I try to install .252 It stops towards the end, there is something in there that keeps coming up as a virus to Macfree anti Virus. I was able to play other versions of crpg. There is something in this version that  my anti-virus does not like. There are other people with this problem. Whatever is in the new patch that is setting this off, can it please be removed. So some of us who still haven't played yet can get back on the servers.Here is the million dollar question that you devs are answering. What is in this version of Crpg that makes some anti-viruses act up, that was not in the other version.

Took a bit of a hiatus from crpg, because the The tournament was in Native on the speed fastest.
Crpg and Native are too different animals, couldn't adequately prepare playing crpg.

Got to finals against Bks_Rhade, things didn't go my way, won't get into it, 5 - 7 Rhade, good fights.

Took 2nd Place.

Will be back on NA Servers by Friday.

General Discussion / Going away for a bit.
« on: July 07, 2011, 01:51:15 pm »
Well this quite frankly is the best mod ever. And I have been having  a lot of fun. Unfortunately I have to go away and prepare for  the end of this Koa Dueling tournament which will probably be played on the fastest speed. Unfortunately Crpg doesn't help me in this regard cause its on medium.  On top of this it is in Native.

I have had a lot of fun, and I will be back at the conclusion of this tournament. See you all soon.

Shout outs to all my dueling buddies and Rivals

Dan, Cyranule, Galgorath, Tydeus, Miley, Occitan Shinock and Goretooth if he actually came to duel server although always a good fight in battle, sorry if I forgot someone.

I want to skip the grind and go to level 30, however I don't remember the different characters I made, and they all need to be deleted before I can skip my character. Can some one please tell me how many Characters are registered with my CD key or Forum Name GK_Leonidas

Closed Requests / A case for proper Siege Tower Usage.
« on: May 06, 2011, 04:39:14 pm »
I can understand the reason why catapults are not allowed to be used, as they bug the maps. But I am requesting, the use of siege towers on the outside of maps. I think it ads great depth and additional strategy to the game. Obviously building one on the flag should be a instant ban. Yesterday before I read the forums, about the exclusion of siege towers, I was building them on the outside of walls. They added great fun. Both offense and defense had a great time. You really can't build them in every map, so there use is still limited. I spoke with certain admins and they were not aware they were banned either, and they allowed me to use them. It didn't unbalance the game at all. I am asking for the powers that be to reconsider. Allow siege towers on the outsides of walls please. Allow them but just stipulate what can and can't be done. In the same way as you did with ladders to the heavens. I have not been banned, cause i stopped using them, but I wanted to get to a place where the admins read.

General Discussion / A case for proper Siege Tower Usage.
« on: May 06, 2011, 02:32:24 pm »
I can understand the reason why catapults are not allowed to be used, as they bug the maps. But I am requesting, the use of siege towers on the outside of maps. I think it ads great depth and additional strategy to the game. Obviously building one on the flag should be a instant ban. Yesterday before I read the forums, about the exclusion of siege towers, I was building them on the outside of walls. They added great fun. Both offense and defense had a great time. You really can't build them in every map, so there use is still limited. I spoke with certain admins and they were not aware they were banned either, and they allowed me to use them. It didn't unbalance the game at all. I am asking for the powers that be to reconsider. Allow siege towers on the outsides of walls please. Allow them but just stipulate what can and can't be done. In the same way as you did with ladders to the heavens.

Closed Requests / NightWind aka GK_Leonidas Banned by Echo ATS
« on: April 14, 2011, 05:42:13 pm »
Tadesh kept breaking my Barricades, I told him to stop he didn't so I attacked him and killed him. He kept doing it round after round. So eventually I killed him agian. Echo_Ats Didn't even give me a warning but he just banned me. I was a ninja with no sheild, I put my barricades up with Strategy. He kept knocking them down. I noticed eventually that he was following me around to knock down my cades. I asked for an admin to step in the first time. I was ignored and then banned.. I am surprised at such bad moderating by echo. I have been playing for quite some time. I am a community member in good standing.

Closed Requests / NightWind aka GK_Leonidas Banned by Echo ATS
« on: April 14, 2011, 05:37:47 pm »
Greetings I am requesting for my ban to be lifted. Tadesh kept breaking my barricades. When I defended myself and killed him, Echo Ats banned me. He didn't even warn me. So unfair, what kind of server is this.

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