Dear donkey crew,
In case you make your 130k kickstarter goal but not enough to eat 'more than ramen', I will gladly help you to find the best meals for an affordable price. I am a university student and even though my parents aren't too poor, I try to spend as little as possible on food while bulking at 3000+ kcals per day.
I think it's obvious why I'm the best person fit for this task of meal planning:)
p.s.: I hope you like milk ;)
bulking at 3000 kcals per day.
u fat yo10% bf yo
give me all your advices.
are you a petite lady or somethinThat's probably because you are a lanklet
i had to hit like 3800/day for gains that weren't big enough to even call "bulking"
(I didn't do it for long, eating that much feels disgusting)
That's probably because you are a lanklet
That's probably because you are a lanklet
10% bf yo
are you a petite lady or somethin
i had to hit like 3800/day for gains that weren't big enough to even call "bulking"
(I didn't do it for long, eating that much feels disgusting)
I find it hard too believe that there are good cRPG players who are also big bodybuilders with little fat.
Actually I don't think there are many bodybuilders that are among the top players in any game...
If you are not either skinny or fat you are not a gamer. Period.
Post pictures with your cRPG name or I don't believe it.
I'm also a "bodybuilder" but I have very little muscles and quite a lot of fat...
I find it hard too believe that there are good cRPG players who are also big bodybuilders with little fat.
Actually I don't think there are many bodybuilders that are among the top players in any game...
If you are not either skinny or fat you are not a gamer. Period.
Post pictures with your cRPG name or I don't believe it.
I'm also a "bodybuilder" but I have very little muscles and quite a lot of fat...
You won't win Mr. Olympia from doing a bit of strength training tho :p
Actually I don't think there are many bodybuilders that are among the top players in any game...
Only zyzz bundle of sticks fuckbois lift for 'aesthetics', alpha males lift for strength!Outside the gym, no1 gives a chit about numbers brah
Only zyzz bundle of sticks fuckbois lift for 'aesthetics', alpha males lift for strength!
Most people lift for aesthetics not to enter competitions
Outside the gym, no1 gives a chit about numbers brah
So you care only about aesthetics huh?not sure if srs
Makes sense you play as an archer then...(click to show/hide)
not sure if srs
p.s keep downvoting me if hurts mi feelins
sloots gunna sloot
retards gunna downvote - it's all the same
Only zyzz bundle of sticks fuckbois lift for 'aesthetics', alpha males lift for strength!
It's funny how you bring downvoting up since you were the one downvoting me first on the first page. Now it's gone.wats my class got to do with lifting
- No honour (check)
- Only cares about looks like some sissy and not strength like a real man (check)
Makes sense you play archer.
thread about helping devs get good food for little money turns into vain muscletalk.
What we should really be talking about is getting the devs a gym membership so they can join in on vain muscletalk.
edit: if all the devs got into a fight who would win? Who is stronkest
btw if in a hurry, i usually throw a raw egg into thy ramen, makes it a lot better : )
also its weird, everytime i read ramen, i think "hymen"
wtf -.-
My wife does that a lot. It just makes a texture that I can't handle. If instead of stirring it in and just letting it poach instead I might be willing to do that.
Also, if shit goes south, I second the airdropping food for the devs. Send em' lentils and shit and get a digital house in return *cough*
also its weird, everytime i read ramen, i think "hymen"
wtf -.-
My wife does that a lot.
I find it hard too believe that there are good cRPG players who are also big bodybuilders with little fat.
Actually I don't think there are many bodybuilders that are among the top players in any game...
If you are not either skinny or fat you are not a gamer. Period.
Post pictures with your cRPG name or I don't believe it.
I'm also a "bodybuilder" but I have very little muscles and quite a lot of fat...
depends what you mean by bodybuilder (: .. working out, putting on muscle, isn't really hard when you know the basics .. lift up heavy thing, put down, lift different heavy thing, put down, eat some food, eat lots of food, repeat .. it's just about your capacity for boredom aka "motivation" / genetics
.. i imagine there are a lot of people who work out who play crpg. (probably lots of fatties and skinnies as well though)
more importantly, why does anyone care if someone you play games with on the internet has muscles :P .. ? is it important :D
Motivation = Genetics? Dafuq
Motivation = Genetics? Dafuq
All this stuff about vain as hell body building shit, do what I do, as our ancestors did just get out the door and Run!I tip my fedora to you good sir :^)
I can run 15 miles in a morning (2 hours) no sweat, its not hard just get out there you lazy bums, also don't join in with the herd going to the gym, this whole gym concept only took off with the masses less than 10 years ago. You are better than that, be the independent strong willed person you know you are :)
edit: don't forget to do some strength and conditioning body weight exercies to complement, ya need strong arms and a very strong core. (I need to work on this one)
more importantly, why does anyone care if someone you play games with on the internet has muscles :P .. ? is it important :D
If you got a nice looking body, why spend so much time on a computer game? No one can see the body. It's a waste.
The whole point of having a strong sexy body is to show it off somehow or make use of it to your advantage, whatever it might be.
You don't get any advantages in a computer game, I'm just saying.
Us skinnes/fatties will always have the upperhand. Atleast that's what I thought until now.
Fuck it, I cannot be a worse player than a gymmy old friend.
I challenge the first muscle man to post an authentic picture of himself to duels with big bets.
- Best of 1 duel
- Melee only, no shield
I'm willing to bet up to 20 +3 items.
i mean i guess it depends what you mean by bodybuilders and stuff .. do you mean someone who goes to the gym just to look good or someone who works a manual labour job and is strong because of that as well as going to the gym?
the thing i really don't get is that most girls don't like guys who are over-hench .. it's like .. why go to all the effort/expense (and it is expensive) .. lol :D
Gonna totally redirect saxon here just so he can have your stuff riddaren (he also loves posting pictures of himself on the nordboard).
Plus most of them are just waiting for back problems given their inability to work their body evenly just overmuscling the top half so they look "cool" on the beach.
It's back day tomorrow, fuck yeah, I love back day more than chest day ! (my gym buddy thinks I am weird :P )
"back day", "chest day", "leg day"...
You guys probably think it's normal that you have DOMS all the time while making no strength gains.
"back day", "chest day", "leg day"...
You guys probably think it's normal that you have DOMS all the time while making no strength gains.
Gonna totally redirect saxon here just so he can have your stuff riddaren (he also loves posting pictures of himself on the nordboard).
(click to show/hide)
I expected to see a muscular guy but instead I see this :shock:
For being a girl she is fit enough.
But is it Saxon? No.
"Angella Sangra a young girl from Colombia..."
right arm day every day
Sorry, but your statement doesn't make sense at all. Please elaborate.
I can lift 100kg, but I've never worked out. Maybe you should try actually working. :PThere is a difference between 'lifting' something and squatting ATG ;)
I might not be huge as fuck like some IFBB Pro's but i'd say im quite aesthetic. also working as a personal trainer atm for nearly 1 year now. If we are being honest, I know my shit.
(click to show/hide)
People who complain about not being able to walk after 'leg day' are just training their legs only once per week. If you do full body workouts, you won't always have DOMS like it was your first time working out. Also, splits are horrible for beginners as beginners need their CNS to adapt by doing something over and over again. It's not because elite bodybuilders or powerlifters train with splits that you should do too, they need that much rest because they are lifting extremely heavy weights and their muscles can't adapt as fast as a beginner.
If you train 3 times per week and do something like SS or stronglifts 5x5 you should be able to put on extra weight on the bar every time. I'm squatting 100kg after two months, which is considered 'OK'. People who do bro splits don't even reach that weight after a year.
Well, yeah. But why do you assume me (and Torb) are beginners? :mrgreen:
Zyzz was a huge fucking bundle of sticks
I just know you've always done a brosplit :p
Zyzz was a huge fucking bundle of sticksU mirin his chin line brah?
There's a lot of people who seem to only do strength and there's also quite a lot of people only doing cardio. Got to get the balance right, it's nice to be good in everything!
true true... although the thing that really comes to mind these days is how training itself became a goal. we do the things that are meant to help you get better in actual sports as our main sport. kinda symptomatic for our generation
I expected to see a muscular guy but instead I see this :shock:
For being a girl she is fit enough.
But is it Saxon? No.
"Angella Sangra a young girl from Colombia..."
Unless you're implying I've been fapping to Keith Martin.
There's a lot of people who seem to only do strength and there's also quite a lot of people only doing cardio. Got to get the balance right, it's nice to be good in everything!
Son of Zeuz! Brother of Hercules. He might of died young but he lived like a fucking lion not a sheep.For like the last 3 years of his life lol, that's exactly when he turned into a full homo
ITT No Rules Just Play preaches to everyone about lifting while squatting 100 kg lmao. People have different goals and even if you're right about some stuff you just sound like an overzealous noob who started browsing /fit/ last month and just finished reading Starting Strength 3rd Edition™. I mean the OP is pretty much a not-that-subtle look at me guise i lift.Yeah I just started squatting and deadlifting but I've been doing (weighted) calisthenics for a year now, I was rather making a joke about milk though.
this is me irl so stronk (
i just can't stand gym rats. standing there for 30 minutes waiting to use a weight whilst some arsehole gym rat is looking at his triceps in the mirror more than actually using it
Training to be good at sport at all would really only be symptomatic of the last couple of generations.
What the fuck happened to this thread?
Eat like a human being, and get out of the chair. No need for science projects or fancy exercise equipment. We didn't evolve eating from test tubes.
Just eat and do stuff, I guarantee you'll be in better shape.
You are all beautiful people! Even those that dont go to the gym or only recently joined the gym, like some other poster in this thread.Awwww! Jambi, your posts always bring me warmth in different parts of my body!
Christina does not lie, she's super famous.
Fuck man, nothing worse than those stupid curlbros! I go to the gym for squats and deadlifts only and we just happen to have only one squat rack. It wouldn't be the first time that some retard was actually using to curl in it or something stupid. But I never say anything about it, not even when I see some guy using form that horrible that I can just see snap city written all over his back
Eat like a human being, and get out of the chair. No need for science projects or fancy exercise equipment. We didn't evolve eating from test tubes.
Gentlemen need not hoist.
Awwww! Jambi, your posts always bring me warmth in different parts of my body!
Eat like a human being, and get out of the chair. No need for science projects or fancy exercise equipment. We didn't evolve eating from test tubes.
Just eat and do stuff, I guarantee you'll be in better shape.