Hey i just started playing it as well seems pretty fun. Not what Vovka said -_- im suprised how this is NOT pay to win at all after just few purchases i have unstoppable power and can kill 3-4 guys in a row with much higher battle rank
It's pretty normal to kill 3-4 guys in a row when playing planetside 2. Many people value their life much less than in other FPS because there is less stress on k/d ratio. Also due to the extremely variable situations, you can have exceptional killstreaks sometimes, even as infantry (case in point I made a fresh Vanu character in another server and during my first life made 17 kills). But you should also be ready to die plenty of times in a row without a single kill if that is what it takes to help your team.
This is of course all irrelevant if you don't play engineer, lol. As long as you don't play a bundle of sticks sniper we can still be friends.
Are you just salty because the Vanu snipers (I play Vanu) are shit by default compare to the other two factions?
I played a few hours recently after not having done so for about a half year and the game seems a lot more refined now. Certs roll in a lot faster if you play for free and I don't feel as cheated when someone three times my level kills me because the weapons feel a bit better balanced. The majority of it still seems like either camping the enemy spawn or being spawn camped for capturing a lot of the bases.
I would usually spawn a default Scythe as a light assault and fly to the most contested area and fight until it's about to explode and jumping out when it's close to exploding. I like the class because it lets me hit and run from some awkward points and quickly duck behind cover that others can't easily reach.
Some of the new cosmetic skins throw me off though as I've ended up shooting teammates because they're not all just a flat purple anymore.
No, I have a character in each Faction, I wouldn't say Vanu snipers are bad either, I just personally hate snipers in Planetside 2 and infact also some other games. Very few snipers are actually an asset to your side, most of them have no effect on the actual battle lines regardless of how many people they kill, because all they're worrying about is how many kills they're getting, not pushing the battle line and actively helping to take objectives. Once you lose an objective, how is a sniper sitting a mile away going to be an asset to retaking it? the majority of the defense will be inside, he's useless.
This problem occurs in many games and it was most horribly noticeable when I played BF Bad Company 2 ( especially on Xbox ), snipers just sniping and not actually having much effect at all on the outcome of the battle, well, especially if they were on the attacking team, too many on the defending team was also a disaster too. The best Infiltrators in PS2 are the SMG infils getting into the enemy base to make a difference, you only need a few snipers and you need a few good snipers, not the tens of hundreds baddie snipers sitting in hills a mile away picking off the odd wounded enemy and feeling like they're winning for their team just because they're on a 10 kill streak.
That's why snipers, well, most snipers, annoy the piss out of me. :lol:
It's curious, I really don't notice many snipers in PS2. In fact I see more infiltrators using SMGs or the occasional scout rifle. As I'm frequently a Liberator pilot, long range snipers also tend to show up as free xp for me.
I still think Vanu is the noob faction.
Note that Woodman is dominated by two Vanu clans, almost all alerts are won by Vanu. Any NC or TR will tell you ZOE needs to be destroyed and forgotten.
One server, there are other served where it's completely dominated by TR, and at times I've even seen NC dominate Woodman. That's just the amazing imbalance in player populations and/or skill imbalances between Factions. IMO if any of them were a noob Faction I'd say TR, their guns are the easiest to use in Close Quarter Combat, large clips and high ROF make spraying into enemies a lot more beneficial than either of the other two Factions, easy for a noob to rush in and spray. Not that I think any of the Factions really are a "Noob" faction, just that the TR guns are easier to use in street fights which is where a lot of the real fighting takes place.
But TBH having played all of the Factions, it seems to me that none of them are as difficult as people on the PS2 forums tried to make out they were, like tons of whiners claiming NC being underpowered, when I had the opposite experience in that I loved the damage their guns do. I think there were definitely less OP things on the NC faction and more so on the TR and VS faction, but time will nerf all. But yeah as I said before it's pretty obvious the imbalances in population and skill have more of an effect on who is dominating a server, than what weapons the Faction has.
For instance the TR striker was OP as fuck, because for a long time there was a bug where the Striker missiles could go through Terrain, now when you're playing a tank in either of the other Factions that gets really frustrating. Infact they're still pretty powerful for a lock on launcher, but at least not OP now. The ZOE will be nerfed, that's a fact, then TR will have no excuse when they get their get asses kicked by guys in Spandex. I think the issue with NC is that it seems to be the Faction that most 14 year olds would choose to main on, so many good players choose either of the other two. I guess they also have the lamest background story and quite possibly the ugliest uniform I've seen in a game, so that might put some people off.
Note that Woodman is dominated by two Vanu clans, almost all alerts are won by Vanu. Any NC or TR will tell you ZOE needs to be destroyed and forgotten.
I have no Idea what you just said there.
I just know I went NC. cause, rocknroll.
In all fairness, I wouldn't consider Vanu snipers to be bad. The good thing anyway, is that snipers are really marginal in this game.visitors can't see pics , please register or login
I think the issue with NC is that it seems to be the Faction that most 14 year olds would choose to main on, so many good players choose either of the other two. I guess they also have the lamest background story and quite possibly the ugliest uniform I've seen in a game, so that might put some people off.
Yeah, kind of.
The problem is that I really like their weapons. When I played a lot as a TR I could've killed for a Gauss LMG or Assault rifle.
NC weapons are superior both in handling and visuals, but the T32 Bull is an excellent TR assault rifle I think, almost no recoil, great accuracy, good damage on short and medium range and good for hip shooting when assaulting or defending bases. If you haven't give it a go with mods in VR.
The Bull is a LMG, not an AR. It's probably the best all-rounder TR HA gun.
Usually fps is not my thing but i like this one so far. Since i'm a newbie i have a few question. For now i'm playing as NC and mostly HA. And thoose are my questions.
1)Heavy assault certs; how does it work? I mean it's passive or i need to use them somewhere?
2)As a weapon i really like the starting weapon which is NC6 GAUSS SAW. Should i keep it or there are lots of better option?I didn't have much chance to try them just tried GD-22S but didn't like it.
3)This one is about vehicles. Most of the time tanks are used by engineers so they can repair easily but they cant repair on midair. I'm stuck between Hawk GD-68 and NS Decimator.
4)Any server(EU) suggestion? I would like to play on most crowded server.
Sorry for my engrish.
So I trialed the AV MANA Turret just to check it out..
Holy mother of mercy, this thing is OP. I managed to put one down inside a spawn room in Sandstone Gulch Mining where I got a somewhat clear sight on the enemy, managed to kill at least 20 enemies with it while I wasn't risking my life at all.
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Aim for person on rooftop/running around, then lead to target using mouse.
NC? Screw you, loyalty until death!
I couldn't deny this :mrgreen:
I'm gonna try more weapons like ''Anchor / EM-1 / Warden'' any toughts?
Well better get used to the most annoying announcer out of the three, I swear that woman is irritating.
The music is so out of place that it got on my nerves, and you look like clowns.
Also NC is where most teen 'rebels' go, So don't expect much cohesion on servers from them all the time, ESPECIALLY on Cobalt.
My VS alt is on Cobalt and Cobalt NC has the worst reputation of communities in the game, regardless of faction lol. They are cannon fodder.
To be honest I find their MAX and the Vanguard tank insanely overpowered. (hue hue immortality shield, 1 hit ko weapons.)
NC are a bunch of spoiled brats when it comes to faction balance, imo. They QQ when they got the best stuff in a lot of areas.
They whine because AFR19-Mercenary sucks, but I would kill for a gun like that on TR side. VS got a similar weapon though.
Also they got the best starter pistol, starter Bolt action rifle (other factions need 100 certs for that and u get one for free)
And it goes on and on..
I tried to play all 3 when I got back, Got a TR soldier who is BR23, and a VS who is 22. Couldn't get into playing NC at all..
(Funny because if you read the big PS2 thread I started out as one on the now merged Mallory server back then, but moved to TR because of cRPG people and to try things out)
Oh and the other two factions got better trailers than the payback one. 8-)
Dat video :lol:
did you actually watch it before linking ?
Btw I still still NC is the hardest faction. Or at least the one with the highest skill cap.
I haven't played since... well, a few months after release, i guess. Are people still playing this? Is the game objectively better now, both gameplay and performance wise?
I haven't played since... well, a few months after release, i guess. Are people still playing this? Is the game objectively better now, both gameplay and performance wise?it is constantly geting better
That means it's OP.
Played through an alert yesterday and I'm not far off getting me some c4 for my LA. Praise the smurfs for charging repeatedly at the same base for nearly 1 hour.
To christo : you can see that weapons with high prices got better improvements like upgraded laser, and got for a good majority better stats than weapons at 250 certs... It's my opinion, and may be wrong, but from what I saw, having BR100 is good since you can basically afford a good weapon plus all improvements, and hunter/tank/MAX with every improvement...
I was playing on Miller as you suggested. But i'm thinking about creating chars as NC and Vanu for changing style. I know i said i don't like Vanu but lasers can be fun sometimes. Pew pew pew...
To Tyr : double C4 is like 750 certs ... :mrgreen:
(I prefer to take 3 medical kits to survive better since it costs like half of the double C4)
To christo : you can see that weapons with high prices got better improvements like upgraded laser, and got for a good majority better stats than weapons at 250 certs...
We need to bring the CRPG outfit back!
I switched accounts to my SOE one that was in the beta (screw pro7), and migrated to miller, e.e
I earned 200 certs in an hour of game time, sheeeeeeeeeeeit
50% boost + double XP = 300xp for a kill + other bonuses like menace kill/etc
It's awesome 8-)
Doesn't equal the glory of 100% loyal soldier boost and double xp. Destroying a sunderer = alert victory without bonuses
I'm not really sure about C4. I mean does it worth it to change instead of Medkit?
I think I got bored of this game because as shown here it all ends up being about people grinding certs, as after playing so many of the same kinda battles the excitement of it wears off and I found myself just looking to get moar certs. Dont get me wrong its a decent game but for me I feel there's something missing and I cant really put my finger on it, could just be me thats the problem but hey ho. Usually load up and play for a few hours once in a while but not much beyond that.
Yeah I know you prefer to trick them into a collision. 8-)
I did that a lot back when we were too stupid to use the belly gun for AA.
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It is now the NC is FOTM and a nerf deserves! :mrgreen:
I'd still kill for a Scythe
Actually I looked a bit more closely and it looks like the new noseguns are universally bad
They are.
Look up the new Infiltrator weapons, NC will get a sniper rifle that will have an alternative shotgun mode..
What the fuck SOE seriously? Did they forget why shotguns were removed from infiltrators at the first place?
I also can't see cloakers on low settings.. the fuck man.
There's a specific setting that makes them hard to see but above that they are very obvious at all detail levels. Much too obvious in my opinion. I just unlocked the AMR-66 for the lulz and my god this thing is enjoyable to use, much better than any long range TR LMG that's for sure.
The eidolon has no bullet drop though. ezmode gun compared to AMR-66
btw what setting is that? I don't give a crap about fancy settings but that would be really nice. Lightning maybe?
TBH infiltrators really don't seem that much of a problem to me. Can always see them when their moving and with a bit of situational awareness this doesn't seem to be a problem.
Oh well I made a bit of a compromise, put my GFX quality on medium but I have to live with degraded FPS in a huge firefight, and 75% render.
Infiltrators are a complete joke on this setting. It's just weird, like a "KILL ME I RUN HERE" sign is above them or something.
Hope they come up with a solution for infiltrator update, so SMG infils can't farm people with bad computers
I still find myself mostly wanting Vanu stuff when it comes to small arms, because I feel I can use better accuracy and lower recoil much more effectively than bigger bullets.
Anyway, TR small arms suck, that's for sure. Unless someone actually cares about magazine size. I don't. Want proof ? The only decent LMG we have is inferior to the VS starter LMG.
About other ES stuff, it's kind of a mixed bag. It really depends on what you are going to use and that kind of things gets higby'd every month or so. Take the new ES snipers. I really like the one we got as TR, even though the guys that actually play the infil as a sniper hate it, because it's not bolt action yada yada.
But lately it seems TR stuff got nerfed, VS stuff got nerfed a little bit and NC stuff was basically left untouched. Both lockdown abilities are retarded, nobody uses lockdown on a max. Nobody uses an ES secondary on the prowler, because the Vulcan has been nerfed to shit, and the marauder is basically useless. The mosquito got hit harder by the nerf bat for literally no reason, nobody uses the rotary. All that while I never ever see a vanguard without its OP thing on top, or a magrider without Saron. ZOE got nerfed down to mostly unused, which comically makes the NC shield the most used ES max ability. The Striker was stupidly overpowered before, now it's unusable. I see the the beam thing of the VS used like once a week, yet I constantly see the NC TV guided bullshit.
MAX lockdown is great for point defence, especially with the extended magazine guns.
MAX lockdown is great for point defence, especially with the extended magazine guns.
Probably i'm the only one who doesn't like MAX class :lol: I want to be agile all the time. Almost got my first Auraxium Medal with Armistice. Thanks to SOE gave everyone free shotgun its really painfull for a smg infiltrator :(
I use a long range weapon -> Longshot EM4, and got the Rebel LA8 as pistol, it's quite fine though, even with a bullet drop with the silencer.
In a theoretical situation in which you defend something and you can't get a rocket to the face, yes. The problem is that such a situation doesn't exist.
I do use lockdown, but only for AA.
And that's why you use it in a support role. Engineers supporting you, you supporting the rest of the infantry. Get explosive resistance armor and draw the fire for the rest of your squad.
Or just use pro-class Engineer and be a real alpha male, shooting shit, setting explosives, fixing cars n shit bitches, setting up and using a manly as fuck turret, watching the chat rage when the same guys keep walking on your mines, getting shot to pieces by your carbine and getting blown up from 20 metres away by your anti-veichle turret.
Well, I guess that's my way of saying Engineer is the dogs bollocks.
Of course I'm not on Woodman, My main TR soldier is on Miller.
KOTV is just disgusting, but if you look at pop in general NC saw the highest rise lately.
Woodman is just dominated by that zergfit hivemind called KOTV, it's unfortunate.
On what is OP? well maybe it's just a personal thing but their guns work with me the best.
I love the AF19-Mercenary.
Anyway to answer it, that max can instant kill and has lol shield, Vanguard tank is OP and has I-win jesus shield. Those are what I'd call OP.
The AF19 is powerful, but is really slow, and lacks of accuracy.
You should try out the battle rifle and shotguns, the latter work wonders when assisting maxes and the former is the shiz when shooting at anything past 20 meters.
Logged in with NChristo for a bit, jumped into random phalanx turret while people were trying to attack a base.
Perfect bgm
Nailed 14 people without even trying, headshotted a moving Vanu guy from 150 meters, and killed a guy that tried to AV Mana turret kill me about 3 times. :mrgreen: And they didn't focus the phalanx at all!
Also that moment when you turn the turret around and find a random hill camping sniper just standing there, and light him up.
So much fun :mrgreen:
Most of the time you will use hipfire. So if you trust your aim go for high damage less ammo if not more ammo less damage. Other then that, you may end up in a 2vs1 situation, more ammo can save you. For example i'm using extended magazine on my ''SMG-46 Armistice'' instead of laser sight.